gateway: apiExposedURL: "" webExposedURL: "" runServiceURL: "http://localhost:4000" configStoreURL: "http://localhost:4002" gitServerURL: "" web: listenAddress: ":8000" tokenSigning: # hmac or rsa (it possible use rsa) method: hmac # key to use when signing with hmac key: supersecretsigningkey # paths to the private and public keys in pem encoding when using rsa signing #privateKeyPath: /path/to/privatekey.pem #publicKeyPath: /path/to/public.pem adminToken: "admintoken" scheduler: runServiceURL: "http://localhost:4000" configStore: dataDir: /tmp/agola/configstore etcd: endpoints: "http://localhost:2379" lts: type: posix path: /tmp/agola/configstore/lts web: listenAddress: ":4002" runServiceScheduler: #debug: true dataDir: /tmp/agola/runservice/scheduler lts: type: posix path: /tmp/agola/runservice/lts etcd: endpoints: "http://localhost:2379" web: listenAddress: ":4000" runServiceExecutor: dataDir: /tmp/agola/runservice/executor toolboxPath: ./bin/agola-toolbox runServiceURL: "http://localhost:4000" web: listenAddress: ":4001" gitServer: dataDir: /tmp/agola/gitserver githookPath: ./bin/agola-git-hook gatewayURL: "http://localhost:8000" web: listenAddress: ":4003"