# Agola [![Build Status](https://run.agola.io/api/v1alpha/badges/org%2Fagola%2Fagola?branch=master&)](https://run.agola.io/org/agola/projects/agola.proj) [![Discourse](https://img.shields.io/discourse/https/talk.agola.io/status.svg)](https://talk.agola.io) CI/CD redefined ## Try it See [the agolademo example](https://agola.io/tryit) ## Local development See [how to develop agola](doc/devel.md) ## Contributing to Agola Agola is an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license, and contributions are gladly welcomed! To submit your changes please open a pull request. ​ ## Contacts ​ * For bugs and feature requests file an [issue](https://github.com/agola-io/agola/issues/new) * For general discussion about using and developing Agola, join the [agola forum](https://talk.agola.io)