local go_runtime(version, arch) = { type: 'pod', arch: arch, containers: [ { image: 'golang:' + version + '-buster', }, ], }; local dind_runtime(arch) = { type: 'pod', arch: arch, containers: [ { image: 'docker:stable-dind', privileged: true, entrypoint: 'dockerd --bip', }, ], }; local task_build_go(version, arch) = { name: 'build go ' + version + ' ' + arch, runtime: go_runtime(version, arch), environment: { GO111MODULE: 'on', }, steps: [ { type: 'clone' }, { type: 'restore_cache', keys: ['cache-sum-{{ md5sum "go.sum" }}', 'cache-date-'], dest_dir: '/go/pkg/mod/cache' }, { type: 'run', command: 'make' }, { type: 'save_cache', key: 'cache-sum-{{ md5sum "go.sum" }}', contents: [{ source_dir: '/go/pkg/mod/cache' }] }, { type: 'save_cache', key: 'cache-date-{{ year }}-{{ month }}-{{ day }}', contents: [{ source_dir: '/go/pkg/mod/cache' }] }, { type: 'run', name: 'install golangci-lint', command: 'curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.23.6' }, { type: 'run', command: 'golangci-lint run --deadline 5m' }, { type: 'run', name: 'build docker/k8s drivers tests binary', command: 'CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -c ./internal/services/executor/driver -o ./bin/docker-tests' }, { type: 'run', name: 'build integration tests binary', command: 'go test -tags "sqlite_unlock_notify" -c ./tests -o ./bin/integration-tests' }, { type: 'run', name: 'run tests', command: 'SKIP_DOCKER_TESTS=1 SKIP_K8S_TESTS=1 go test -v -count 1 $(go list ./... | grep -v /tests)' }, { type: 'run', name: 'fetch gitea binary for integration tests', command: 'curl -L https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/releases/download/v1.8.3/gitea-1.8.3-linux-amd64 -o ./bin/gitea && chmod +x ./bin/gitea' }, { type: 'save_to_workspace', contents: [{ source_dir: './bin', dest_dir: '/bin/', paths: ['*'] }] }, ], }; local task_build_docker_tests(version, arch) = { name: 'build docker tests go ' + version + ' ' + arch, runtime: go_runtime(version, arch), environment: { GO111MODULE: 'on', }, steps: [ { type: 'clone' }, { type: 'restore_cache', keys: ['cache-sum-{{ md5sum "go.sum" }}', 'cache-date-'], dest_dir: '/go/pkg/mod/cache' }, ], }; local task_build_push_images(name, target, push) = /* * Currently, kaniko, has some issues with multi stage builds where it removes * all the files in the container after every stage (excluding /kaniko) causing * file not found errors when doing COPY commands. * Workaround this buy putting all files inside /kaniko */ local options = if !push then '--no-push' else '--destination sorintlab/%s:$AGOLA_GIT_TAG' % [target]; { name: name, runtime: { arch: 'amd64', containers: [ { image: 'gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:debug-v0.11.0', }, ], }, environment: { DOCKERAUTH: { from_variable: 'dockerauth' }, }, shell: '/busybox/sh', working_dir: '/kaniko', steps: [ { type: 'restore_workspace', dest_dir: '/kaniko/agola' }, ] + std.prune([ if push then { type: 'run', name: 'generate docker auth', command: ||| cat << EOF > /kaniko/.docker/config.json { "auths": { "https://index.docker.io/v1/": { "auth" : "$DOCKERAUTH" } } } EOF |||, }, ]) + [ { type: 'run', command: '/kaniko/executor --context=dir:///kaniko/agola --build-arg AGOLAWEB_IMAGE=sorintlab/agola-web:v0.6.0 --target %s %s' % [target, options] }, ], depends: ['checkout code and save to workspace', 'integration tests', 'test docker driver'], }; { runs: [ { name: 'agola build/test', tasks: std.flattenArrays([ [ task_build_go(version, arch), ] for version in ['1.15', '1.16'] for arch in ['amd64' /*, 'arm64' */] ]) + [ { name: 'test docker driver', runtime: dind_runtime('amd64'), steps: [ { type: 'restore_workspace', dest_dir: '.' }, { type: 'run', command: 'SKIP_K8S_TESTS=1 AGOLA_TOOLBOX_PATH="./bin" ./bin/docker-tests -test.parallel 1 -test.v' }, ], depends: [ 'build go 1.16 amd64', ], }, { name: 'integration tests', runtime: dind_runtime('amd64'), steps: [ { type: 'run', command: 'apk update && apk add bash git openssh-keygen' }, { type: 'run', name: 'install alpine glibc package', command: ||| apk --no-cache add ca-certificates wget wget -q -O /etc/apk/keys/sgerrand.rsa.pub https://alpine-pkgs.sgerrand.com/sgerrand.rsa.pub wget https://github.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/releases/download/2.29-r0/glibc-2.29-r0.apk apk add glibc-2.29-r0.apk |||, }, { type: 'restore_workspace', dest_dir: '.' }, { type: 'run', name: 'integration tests', command: 'AGOLA_BIN_DIR="./bin" GITEA_PATH=${PWD}/bin/gitea DOCKER_BRIDGE_ADDRESS="" ./bin/integration-tests -test.parallel 1 -test.v' }, ], depends: [ 'build go 1.16 amd64', ], }, { name: 'checkout code and save to workspace', runtime: { arch: 'amd64', containers: [ { image: 'alpine/git', }, ], }, steps: [ { type: 'clone' }, { type: 'save_to_workspace', contents: [{ source_dir: '.', dest_dir: '.', paths: ['**'] }] }, ], depends: [], }, task_build_push_images('test build docker "agola" image', 'agola', false) + { when: { branch: '#.*#', ref: '#refs/pull/\\d+/head#', }, }, task_build_push_images('test build docker "agolademo" image', 'agolademo', false) + { when: { branch: '#.*#', ref: '#refs/pull/\\d+/head#', }, }, task_build_push_images('build and push docker "agola" image', 'agola', true) + { when: { tag: '#v.*#', }, }, task_build_push_images('build and push docker "agolademo" image', 'agolademo', true) + { when: { tag: '#v.*#', }, }, ], }, ], }