####### Build the backend

# Base build image
FROM golang:1.11 AS build_base

WORKDIR /agola

# use go modules

# Only copy go.mod and go.sum
COPY go.mod .
COPY go.sum .

RUN go mod download

# This image builds the weavaite server
FROM build_base AS server_builder

# Copy all the source
COPY . .

# Copy the agola-web dist
COPY --from=agola-web /agola-web/dist/ /agola-web/dist/

RUN make WEBBUNDLE=1 WEBDISTPATH=/agola-web/dist

####### Build the final image
FROM debian:stable


# Finally we copy the statically compiled Go binary.
COPY --from=server_builder /agola/bin/agola /agola/bin/agola-toolbox /bin/
COPY examples/config.yml .

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/agola"]