Implement a new error handling library based on pkg/errors. It provides stack saving on wrapping and exports some function to add stack saving also to external errors. It also implements custom zerolog error formatting without adding too much verbosity by just printing the chain error file:line without a full stack trace of every error. * Add a --detailed-errors options to print error with they full chain * Wrap all error returns. Use errors.WithStack to wrap without adding a new messsage and error.Wrap[f] to add a message. * Add golangci-lint wrapcheck to check that external packages errors are wrapped. This won't check that internal packages error are wrapped. But we want also to ensure this case so we'll have to find something else to check also these.
537 lines
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537 lines
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// Copyright 2019 Sorint.lab
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package store
import (
etcdclientv3 ""
const (
MaxChangegroupNameLength = 256
func OSTUpdateRunCounterAction(ctx context.Context, c uint64, group string) (*datamanager.Action, error) {
// use the first group dir after the root
pl := util.PathList(group)
if len(pl) < 2 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot determine group counter name, wrong group path %q", group)
cj, err := json.Marshal(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
action := &datamanager.Action{
ActionType: datamanager.ActionTypePut,
DataType: string(common.DataTypeRunCounter),
ID: pl[1],
Data: cj,
return action, nil
func OSTRunTaskLogsBaseDir(rtID string) string {
return path.Join("logs", rtID)
func OSTRunTaskLogsDataDir(rtID string) string {
return path.Join(OSTRunTaskLogsBaseDir(rtID), "data")
func OSTRunTaskLogsRunsDir(rtID string) string {
return path.Join(OSTRunTaskLogsBaseDir(rtID), "runs")
func OSTRunTaskSetupLogPath(rtID string) string {
return path.Join(OSTRunTaskLogsDataDir(rtID), "setup.log")
func OSTRunTaskStepLogPath(rtID string, step int) string {
return path.Join(OSTRunTaskLogsDataDir(rtID), "steps", fmt.Sprintf("%d.log", step))
func OSTRunTaskLogsRunPath(rtID, runID string) string {
return path.Join(OSTRunTaskLogsRunsDir(rtID), runID)
func OSTArchivesBaseDir() string {
return "workspacearchives"
func OSTRunTaskArchivesBaseDir(rtID string) string {
return path.Join(OSTArchivesBaseDir(), rtID)
func OSTRunTaskArchivesDataDir(rtID string) string {
return path.Join(OSTRunTaskArchivesBaseDir(rtID), "data")
func OSTRunTaskArchivesRunsDir(rtID string) string {
return path.Join(OSTRunTaskArchivesBaseDir(rtID), "runs")
func OSTRunTaskArchivePath(rtID string, step int) string {
return path.Join(OSTRunTaskArchivesDataDir(rtID), fmt.Sprintf("%d.tar", step))
func OSTRunTaskArchivesRunPath(rtID, runID string) string {
return path.Join(OSTRunTaskArchivesRunsDir(rtID), runID)
func OSTRunTaskIDFromPath(archivePath string) (string, error) {
pl := util.PathList(archivePath)
if len(pl) < 2 {
return "", errors.Errorf("wrong archive path %q", archivePath)
fmt.Printf("pl: %q\n", pl)
if pl[0] != "workspacearchives" {
return "", errors.Errorf("wrong archive path %q", archivePath)
return pl[1], nil
func OSTCacheDir() string {
return "caches"
func OSTCachePath(key string) string {
return path.Join(OSTCacheDir(), fmt.Sprintf("%s.tar", key))
func OSTCacheKey(p string) string {
base := path.Base(p)
return strings.TrimSuffix(base, path.Ext(base))
func OSTGetRunConfig(dm *datamanager.DataManager, runConfigID string) (*types.RunConfig, error) {
rcf, _, err := dm.ReadObject(string(common.DataTypeRunConfig), runConfigID, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
defer rcf.Close()
d := json.NewDecoder(rcf)
var rc *types.RunConfig
if err := d.Decode(&rc); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
return rc, nil
func OSTSaveRunConfigAction(rc *types.RunConfig) (*datamanager.Action, error) {
rcj, err := json.Marshal(rc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
action := &datamanager.Action{
ActionType: datamanager.ActionTypePut,
DataType: string(common.DataTypeRunConfig),
ID: rc.ID,
Data: rcj,
return action, nil
func OSTGetRun(dm *datamanager.DataManager, runID string) (*types.Run, error) {
rf, _, err := dm.ReadObject(string(common.DataTypeRun), runID, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
defer rf.Close()
d := json.NewDecoder(rf)
var r *types.Run
if err := d.Decode(&r); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
return r, nil
func OSTSaveRunAction(r *types.Run) (*datamanager.Action, error) {
rj, err := json.Marshal(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
action := &datamanager.Action{
ActionType: datamanager.ActionTypePut,
DataType: string(common.DataTypeRun),
ID: r.ID,
Data: rj,
return action, nil
func GetExecutor(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, executorID string) (*types.Executor, error) {
resp, err := e.Get(ctx, common.EtcdExecutorKey(executorID), 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
var executor *types.Executor
kv := resp.Kvs[0]
if err := json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &executor); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
executor.Revision = kv.ModRevision
return executor, nil
func GetExecutors(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store) ([]*types.Executor, error) {
// TODO(sgotti) use paged List
resp, err := e.List(ctx, common.EtcdExecutorsDir, "", 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
executors := []*types.Executor{}
for _, kv := range resp.Kvs {
var executor *types.Executor
if err := json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &executor); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
executor.Revision = kv.ModRevision
executors = append(executors, executor)
return executors, nil
func PutExecutor(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, executor *types.Executor) (*types.Executor, error) {
executorj, err := json.Marshal(executor)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
resp, err := e.Put(ctx, common.EtcdExecutorKey(executor.ID), executorj, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
executor.Revision = resp.Header.Revision
return executor, nil
func DeleteExecutor(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, executorID string) error {
return errors.WithStack(e.Delete(ctx, common.EtcdExecutorKey(executorID)))
func GetExecutorTask(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, etID string) (*types.ExecutorTask, error) {
resp, err := e.Get(ctx, common.EtcdTaskKey(etID), 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
var et *types.ExecutorTask
kv := resp.Kvs[0]
if err := json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &et); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
et.Revision = kv.ModRevision
return et, nil
func AtomicPutExecutorTask(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, et *types.ExecutorTask) (*types.ExecutorTask, error) {
etj, err := json.Marshal(et)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
resp, err := e.AtomicPut(ctx, common.EtcdTaskKey(et.ID), etj, et.Revision, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
et.Revision = resp.Header.Revision
return et, nil
func UpdateExecutorTaskStatus(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, et *types.ExecutorTask) (*types.ExecutorTask, error) {
curEt, err := GetExecutorTask(ctx, e, et.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
//if curET.Revision >= et.Revision {
// return nil, errors.Errorf("concurrency exception")
curEt.Status = et.Status
return AtomicPutExecutorTask(ctx, e, curEt)
func DeleteExecutorTask(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, etID string) error {
return errors.WithStack(e.Delete(ctx, common.EtcdTaskKey(etID)))
func GetExecutorTasksCountByExecutor(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store) (map[string]int, error) {
// TODO(sgotti) use paged List
resp, err := e.List(ctx, common.EtcdTasksDir, "", 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
count := map[string]int{}
for _, kv := range resp.Kvs {
var et *types.ExecutorTask
if err := json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &et); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
count[et.Spec.ExecutorID] = count[et.Spec.ExecutorID] + 1
return count, nil
func GetExecutorTasksForExecutor(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, executorID string) ([]*types.ExecutorTask, error) {
// TODO(sgotti) use paged List
resp, err := e.List(ctx, common.EtcdTasksDir, "", 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
ets := []*types.ExecutorTask{}
for _, kv := range resp.Kvs {
var et *types.ExecutorTask
if err := json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &et); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
et.Revision = kv.ModRevision
if et.Spec.ExecutorID == executorID {
ets = append(ets, et)
return ets, nil
func GetExecutorTasksForRun(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, runID string) ([]*types.ExecutorTask, error) {
r, curRevision, err := GetRun(ctx, e, runID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
rtIDs := make([]string, len(r.Tasks))
for rtID := range r.Tasks {
rtIDs = append(rtIDs, rtID)
ets := []*types.ExecutorTask{}
// batch fetch in group of 10 tasks at the same revision
i := 0
for i < len(rtIDs) {
then := []etcdclientv3.Op{}
c := 0
for c < 10 && i < len(rtIDs) {
then = append(then, etcdclientv3.OpGet(common.EtcdTaskKey(rtIDs[i]), etcdclientv3.WithRev(curRevision)))
txn := e.Client().Txn(ctx).Then(then...)
tresp, err := txn.Commit()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(etcd.FromEtcdError(err))
for _, resp := range tresp.Responses {
if len(resp.GetResponseRange().Kvs) == 0 {
kv := resp.GetResponseRange().Kvs[0]
var et *types.ExecutorTask
if err := json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &et); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
et.Revision = kv.ModRevision
ets = append(ets, et)
return ets, nil
func GetRun(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, runID string) (*types.Run, int64, error) {
resp, err := e.Get(ctx, common.EtcdRunKey(runID), 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.WithStack(err)
var r *types.Run
kv := resp.Kvs[0]
if err := json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &r); err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.WithStack(err)
r.Revision = kv.ModRevision
return r, resp.Header.Revision, nil
func AtomicPutRun(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, r *types.Run, runEvent *types.RunEvent, cgt *types.ChangeGroupsUpdateToken) (*types.Run, error) {
// check changegroups name
if cgt != nil {
for cgName := range cgt.ChangeGroupsRevisions {
if strings.Contains(cgName, "/") {
return nil, errors.Errorf(`changegroup name %q must not contain "/"`, cgName)
if len(cgName) > MaxChangegroupNameLength {
return nil, errors.Errorf("changegroup name %q too long", cgName)
// insert only if the run as changed
curRun, _, err := GetRun(ctx, e, r.ID)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, etcd.ErrKeyNotFound) {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
if !errors.Is(err, etcd.ErrKeyNotFound) {
if curRun.Revision != r.Revision {
// fast fail path if the run was already updated
return nil, errors.Errorf("run modified")
if reflect.DeepEqual(curRun, r) {
return curRun, nil
rj, err := json.Marshal(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
hasOptimisticLocking := false
cmp := []etcdclientv3.Cmp{}
then := []etcdclientv3.Op{}
key := common.EtcdRunKey(r.ID)
if r.Revision > 0 {
cmp = append(cmp, etcdclientv3.Compare(etcdclientv3.ModRevision(key), "=", r.Revision))
} else {
cmp = append(cmp, etcdclientv3.Compare(etcdclientv3.CreateRevision(key), "=", 0))
then = append(then, etcdclientv3.OpPut(key, string(rj)))
if cgt != nil {
for cgName, cgRev := range cgt.ChangeGroupsRevisions {
hasOptimisticLocking = true
groupKey := path.Join(common.EtcdChangeGroupsDir, cgName)
if cgRev > 0 {
cmp = append(cmp, etcdclientv3.Compare(etcdclientv3.ModRevision(groupKey), "=", cgRev))
} else {
cmp = append(cmp, etcdclientv3.Compare(etcdclientv3.CreateRevision(groupKey), "=", 0))
then = append(then, etcdclientv3.OpPut(groupKey, ""))
if cgt.CurRevision > 0 {
hasOptimisticLocking = true
cmp = append(cmp, etcdclientv3.Compare(etcdclientv3.ModRevision(common.EtcdChangeGroupMinRevisionKey), "<", cgt.CurRevision+common.EtcdChangeGroupMinRevisionRange))
if runEvent != nil {
eventj, err := json.Marshal(runEvent)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
then = append(then, etcdclientv3.OpPut(common.EtcdRunEventKey, string(eventj)))
txn := e.Client().Txn(ctx).If(cmp...).Then(then...)
tresp, err := txn.Commit()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(etcd.FromEtcdError(err))
if !tresp.Succeeded {
if hasOptimisticLocking {
return nil, errors.Errorf("optimistic locking failed")
return nil, errors.Errorf("run modified")
r.Revision = tresp.Responses[0].GetResponsePut().Header.Revision
return r, nil
func DeleteRun(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, runID string) error {
return errors.WithStack(e.Delete(ctx, common.EtcdRunKey(runID)))
func GetRuns(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store) ([]*types.Run, error) {
// TODO(sgotti) use paged List
resp, err := e.List(ctx, common.EtcdRunsDir, "", 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
runs := []*types.Run{}
for _, kv := range resp.Kvs {
var r *types.Run
if err := json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &r); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
r.Revision = kv.ModRevision
runs = append(runs, r)
return runs, nil
func GetRunEtcdOrOST(ctx context.Context, e *etcd.Store, dm *datamanager.DataManager, runID string) (*types.Run, error) {
r, _, err := GetRun(ctx, e, runID)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, etcd.ErrKeyNotFound) {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
if r == nil {
r, err = OSTGetRun(dm, runID)
if err != nil && !objectstorage.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
return r, nil