"dhcp_not_found":"It is safe to enable the built-in DHCP server - we didn't find any active DHCP servers on the network. However, we encourage you to re-check it manually as our automatic test currently doesn't give 100% guarantee.",
"dhcp_found":"An active DHCP server is found on the network. It is not safe to enable the built-in DHCP server.",
"dhcp_warning":"If you want to enable DHCP server anyway, make sure that there is no other active DHCP server in your network. Otherwise, it can break the Internet for connected devices!",
"dhcp_static_ip_error":"In order to use DHCP server a static IP address must be set. We failed to determine if this network interface is configured using static IP address. Please set a static IP address manually.",
"dhcp_dynamic_ip_found":"Your system uses dynamic IP address configuration for interface <0>{{interfaceName}}</0>. In order to use DHCP server a static IP address must be set. Your current IP address is <0>{{ipAddress}}</0>. We will automatically set this IP address as static if you press Enable DHCP button.",
"average_processing_time_hint":"Average time in milliseconds on processing a DNS request",
"block_domain_use_filters_and_hosts":"Block domains using filters and hosts files",
"filters_block_toggle_hint":"You can setup blocking rules in the <a href='#filters'>Filters<\/a> settings.",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec":"Use AdGuard browsing security web service",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec_hint":"AdGuard Home will check if domain is blacklisted by the browsing security web service. It will use privacy-friendly lookup API to perform the check: only a short prefix of the domain name SHA256 hash is sent to the server.",
"use_adguard_parental":"Use AdGuard parental control web service",
"use_adguard_parental_hint":"AdGuard Home will check if domain contains adult materials. It uses the same privacy-friendly API as the browsing security web service.",
"upstream_dns_hint":"If you keep this field empty, AdGuard Home will use <a href='https:\/\/\/' target='_blank'>Cloudflare DNS<\/a> as an upstream.",
"install_welcome_desc":"AdGuard Home is a network-wide ad-and-tracker blocking DNS server. Its purpose is to let you control your entire network and all your devices, and it does not require using a client-side program.",
"install_auth_desc":"It is highly recommended to configure password authentication to your AdGuard Home admin web interface. Even if it is accessible only in your local network, it is still important to have it protected from unrestricted access.",
"install_auth_confirm":"Confirm password",
"install_auth_username_enter":"Enter username",
"install_auth_password_enter":"Enter password",
"install_devices_title":"Configure your devices",
"install_devices_desc":"In order for AdGuard Home to start working, you need to configure your devices to use it.",
"install_submit_desc":"The setup procedure is finished and you are ready to start using AdGuard Home.",
"install_devices_router_desc":"This setup will automatically cover all the devices connected to your home router and you will not need to configure each of them manually.",
"install_devices_router_list_1":"Open the preferences for your router. Usually, you can access it from your browser via a URL (like http:\/\/\/ or http:\/\/\/). You may be asked to enter the password. If you don't remember it, you can often reset the password by pressing a button on the router itself. Some routers require a specific application, which in that case should be already installed on your computer\/phone.",
"install_devices_router_list_2":"Find the DHCP\/DNS settings. Look for the DNS letters next to a field which allows two or three sets of numbers, each broken into four groups of one to three digits.",
"install_devices_windows_list_6":"Choose Use the following DNS server addresses and enter your AdGuard Home server addresses.",
"install_devices_macos_list_1":"Click on Apple icon and go to System Preferences.",
"install_devices_macos_list_2":"Click on Network.",
"install_devices_macos_list_3":"Select the first connection in your list and click Advanced.",
"install_devices_macos_list_4":"Select the DNS tab and enter your AdGuard Home server addresses.",
"install_devices_android_list_1":"From the Android Menu home screen, tap Settings.",
"install_devices_android_list_2":"Tap Wi-Fi on the menu. The screen listing all of the available networks will be shown (it is impossible to set custom DNS for mobile connection).",
"install_devices_android_list_3":"Long press the network you're connected to, and tap Modify Network.",
"install_devices_android_list_4":"On some devices, you may need to check the box for Advanced to see further settings. To adjust your Android DNS settings, you will need to switch the IP settings from DHCP to Static.",
"install_devices_android_list_5":"Change set DNS 1 and DNS 2 values to your AdGuard Home server addresses.",
"install_devices_ios_list_1":"From the home screen, tap Settings.",
"install_devices_ios_list_2":"Choose Wi-Fi in the left menu (it is impossible to configure DNS for mobile networks).",
"install_devices_ios_list_3":"Tap on the name of the currently active network.",
"install_devices_ios_list_4":"In the DNS field enter your AdGuard Home server addresses.",
"encryption_https_desc":"If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '\/dns-query' location.",
"encryption_certificates_desc":"In order to use encryption, you need to provide a valid SSL certificates chain for your domain. You can get a free certificate on <0>{{link}}<\/0> or you can buy it from one of the trusted Certificate Authorities.",
"encryption_certificates_input":"Copy\/paste your PEM-encoded certificates here.",
"encryption_enable":"Enable Encryption (HTTPS, DNS-over-HTTPS, and DNS-over-TLS)",
"encryption_enable_desc":"If encryption is enabled, AdGuard Home admin interface will work over HTTPS, and the DNS server will listen for requests over DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS.",
"encryption_chain_valid":"Certificate chain is valid",
"encryption_chain_invalid":"Certificate chain is invalid",
"encryption_key_valid":"This is a valid {{type}} private key",
"encryption_key_invalid":"This is an invalid {{type}} private key",
"update_failed":"Auto-update failed. Please <a href='https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/wiki/Getting-Started#update'>follow the steps<\/a> to update manually.",
"processing_update":"Please wait, AdGuard Home is being updated",
"clients_desc":"Configure devices connected to AdGuard Home",
"add_client":"Add Client",
"client_new":"New Client",
"ip_address":"IP address",
"client_identifier_desc":"Clients can be identified by the IP address or MAC address. Please note, that using MAC as identifier is possible only if AdGuard Home is also a <0>DHCP server</0>",