const toCamel = (s: string) => { return s.replace(/([-_][a-z])/ig, ($1) => { return $1.toUpperCase() .replace('-', '') .replace('_', ''); }); }; const capitalize = (s: string) => { return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1); }; const uncapitalize = (s: string) => { return s[0].toLowerCase() + s.slice(1); }; const TYPES = { integer: 'number', float: 'number', number: 'number', string: 'string', boolean: 'boolean', }; /** * @param schemaProp: valueof[key] * @param openApi: openapi object * @returns [propType - basicType or import one, isArray, isClass, isImport] */ const schemaParamParser = (schemaProp: any, openApi: any): [string, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean] => { let type = ''; let isImport = false; let isClass = false; let isArray = false; let isAdditional = false; if (schemaProp.$ref || schemaProp.additionalProperties?.$ref) { const temp = (schemaProp.$ref || schemaProp.additionalProperties?.$ref).split('/'); if (schemaProp.additionalProperties) { isAdditional = true; } type = `${temp[temp.length - 1]}`; const cl = openApi ? openApi.components.schemas[type] : {}; if (cl.$ref) { const link = schemaParamParser(cl, openApi); link.shift(); return [type,] as any; } if (cl.type === 'string' && cl.enum) { isImport = true; } if (cl.type === 'object' && !cl.oneOf) { isClass = true; isImport = true; } else if (cl.type === 'array') { const temp: any = schemaParamParser(cl.items, openApi); type = `${temp[0]}`; isArray = true; isClass = isClass || temp[2]; isImport = isImport || temp[3]; } } else if (schemaProp.type === 'array') { const temp: any = schemaParamParser(schemaProp.items, openApi); type = `${temp[0]}`; isArray = true; isClass = isClass || temp[2]; isImport = isImport || temp[3]; } else { type = (TYPES as Record)[schemaProp.type]; } if (!type) { // TODO: Fix bug with Error fields. type = 'any'; // throw new Error('Failed to find entity type'); } return [type, isArray, isClass, isImport, isAdditional]; }; export { TYPES, toCamel, capitalize, uncapitalize, schemaParamParser };