#!/bin/sh # AdGuard Home Release Script # # The commentary in this file is written with the assumption that the # reader only has superficial knowledge of the POSIX shell language and # alike. Experienced readers may find it overly verbose. # The default verbosity level is 0. Show every command that is run if # the caller requested verbosity level greater than 0. Show the # environment if the callre requested verbosity level greater than 1. # Otherwise, print nothing. # # The level of verbosity for the build script is the same minus one # level. See below in build(). readonly verbose="${VERBOSE:-0}" if [ "$verbose" -gt '1' ] then env set -x elif [ "$verbose" -gt '0' ] then set -x fi # By default, sign the packages, but allow users to skip that step. readonly sign="${SIGN:-1}" # Exit the script if a pipeline fails (-e), prevent accidental filename # expansion (-f), and consider undefined variables as errors (-u). set -e -f -u # Function log is an echo wrapper that writes to stderr if the caller # requested verbosity level greater than 0. Otherwise, it does nothing. log() { if [ "$verbose" -gt '0' ] then # Don't use quotes to get word splitting. echo $@ 1>&2 fi } log 'starting to build AdGuard Home release' # Require the channel to be set. Additional validation is performed # later by go-build.sh. readonly channel="$CHANNEL" # Check VERSION against the default value from the Makefile. If it is # that, use the version calculation script. if [ "${VERSION:-}" = 'v0.0.0' -o "${VERSION:-}" = '' ] then readonly version="$(sh ./scripts/make/version.sh)" else readonly version="$VERSION" fi log "channel '$channel'" log "version '$version'" # Require the gpg key and passphrase to be set if the signing is # required. if [ "$sign" = '1' ] then readonly gpg_key_passphrase="$GPG_KEY_PASSPHRASE" readonly gpg_key="$GPG_KEY" fi # The default distribution files directory is dist. readonly dist="${DIST_DIR:-dist}" # Give users the ability to override the go command from environment. # For example, to build two releases with two different Go versions and # test the difference. readonly go="${GO:-go}" log "checking tools" # Make sure we fail gracefully if one of the tools we need is missing. for tool in gpg gzip sed sha256sum snapcraft tar zip do which "$tool" >/dev/null ||\ { log "pieces don't fit, '$tool' not found"; exit 1; } done # Data section. Arrange data into space-separated tables for read -r to # read. Use 0 for missing values. readonly arms='5 6 7' readonly mipses='softfloat' # TODO(a.garipov): Remove armv6, because it was always overwritten by # armv7. Rename armv7 to armhf. Rename the 386 snap to i386. # os arch arm mips snap readonly platforms="\ darwin 386 0 0 0 darwin amd64 0 0 0 freebsd 386 0 0 0 freebsd amd64 0 0 0 freebsd arm 5 0 0 freebsd arm 6 0 0 freebsd arm 7 0 0 freebsd arm64 0 0 0 linux 386 0 0 386 linux amd64 0 0 amd64 linux arm 5 0 0 linux arm 6 0 armv6 linux arm 7 0 armv7 linux arm64 0 0 arm64 linux mips 0 softfloat 0 linux mips64 0 softfloat 0 linux mips64le 0 softfloat 0 linux mipsle 0 softfloat 0 linux ppc64le 0 0 0 windows 386 0 0 0 windows amd64 0 0 0" # Function build builds the release for one platform. It builds # a binary, an archive and, if needed, a snap package. build() { # Get the arguments. Here and below, use the "build_" prefix # for all variables local to function build. build_dir="${dist}/${1}/AdGuardHome"\ build_ar="$2"\ build_os="$3"\ build_arch="$4"\ build_arm="$5"\ build_mips="$6"\ build_snap="$7"\ ; # Use the ".exe" filename extension if we build a Windows # release. if [ "$build_os" = 'windows' ] then build_output="./${build_dir}/AdGuardHome.exe" else build_output="./${build_dir}/AdGuardHome" fi mkdir -p "./${build_dir}" # Build the binary. # # Set GOARM and GOMIPS to an empty string if $build_arm and # $build_mips are zero by removing the zero as if it's a prefix. # # Don't use quotes with $build_par because we want an empty # space if parallelism wasn't set. env\ GOARCH="$build_arch"\ GOARM="${build_arm#0}"\ GOMIPS="${build_mips#0}"\ GOOS="$os"\ VERBOSE="$(( verbose - 1 ))"\ VERSION="$version"\ OUT="$build_output"\ sh ./scripts/make/go-build.sh\ ; log "$build_output" if [ "$sign" = '1' ] then gpg\ --default-key "$gpg_key"\ --detach-sig\ --passphrase "$gpg_key_passphrase"\ --pinentry-mode loopback\ -q\ "$build_output"\ ; fi # Prepare the build directory for archiving. cp ./CHANGELOG.md ./LICENSE.txt ./README.md "$build_dir" # Make archives. Windows and macOS prefer ZIP archives; the # rest, gzipped tarballs. case "$build_os" in ('darwin'|'windows') build_archive="./${dist}/${build_ar}.zip" zip -9 -q "$build_archive" "$build_dir" ;; (*) build_archive="./${dist}/${build_ar}.tar.gz" tar -C "./${dist}/${1}" -c -f - "./AdGuardHome"\ | gzip -9 - >"$build_archive" ;; esac log "$build_archive" if [ "$build_snap" = '0' ] then return fi # Prepare snap build. build_snap_output="./${dist}/AdGuardHome_${build_snap}.snap" build_snap_dir="${build_snap_output}.dir" # Create the meta subdirectory and copy files there. mkdir -p "${build_snap_dir}/meta" cp "$build_output"\ './scripts/snap/local/adguard-home-web.sh'\ "$build_snap_dir" cp -r './scripts/snap/gui'\ "${build_snap_dir}/meta/" # TODO(a.garipov): Remove this crutch later. case "$build_snap" in ('386') build_snap_arch="i386" ;; ('armv6'|'armv7') build_snap_arch="armhf" ;; (*) build_snap_arch="$build_snap" ;; esac # Create a snap.yaml file, setting the values. sed -e 's/%VERSION%/'"$version"'/'\ -e 's/%ARCH%/'"$build_snap_arch"'/'\ ./scripts/snap/snap.tmpl.yaml\ >"${build_snap_dir}/meta/snap.yaml" # TODO(a.garipov): The snapcraft tool will *always* write # everything, including errors, to stdout. And there doesn't # seem to be a way to change that. So, save the combined # output, but only show it when snapcraft actually fails. set +e build_snapcraft_output="$( snapcraft pack "$build_snap_dir"\ --output "$build_snap_output" 2>&1 )" build_snapcraft_exit_code="$?" set -e if [ "$build_snapcraft_exit_code" != '0' ] then log "$build_snapcraft_output" exit "$build_snapcraft_exit_code" fi log "$build_snap_output" } log "starting builds" # Go over all platforms defined in the space-separated table above, # tweak the values where necessary, and feed to build. echo "$platforms" | while read -r os arch arm mips snap do case "$arch" in (arm) dir="AdGuardHome_${os}_${arch}_${arm}" ar="AdGuardHome_${os}_${arch}v${arm}" ;; (mips*) dir="AdGuardHome_${os}_${arch}_${mips}" ar="$dir" ;; (*) dir="AdGuardHome_${os}_${arch}" ar="$dir" ;; esac build "$dir" "$ar" "$os" "$arch" "$arm" "$mips" "$snap" done log "calculating checksums" # Calculate the checksums of the files in a subshell with file expansion # enabled (+f) so that we don't need to use find or basename. ( set +f cd "./${dist}" # Don't use quotes to get word splitting. sha256sum $(ls -1 -A -q *.tar.gz *.zip) > ./checksums.txt ) log "writing versions" echo "$version" > "./${dist}/version.txt" # Create the verison.json file. # # TODO(a.garipov): Perhaps rewrite this as a go run program. Dealing # with structured documents is really not a Shell's job. readonly version_download_url="https://static.adguard.com/adguardhome/${channel}" readonly version_json="./${dist}/version.json" # Point users to the master branch if the channel is edge. if [ "$channel" = 'edge' ] then readonly version_history_url='https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/commits/master' else readonly version_history_url='https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/releases' fi rm -f "$version_json" echo "{ \"version\": \"${version}\", \"announcement\": \"AdGuard Home ${version} is now available!\", \"announcement_url\": \"${version_history_url}\", \"selfupdate_min_version\": \"0.0\", " >> "$version_json" ( # Use +f here so that ls works and we don't need to use find. set +f readonly ar_files="$(ls -1 -A -q "./${dist}/"*.tar.gz "./${dist}/"*.zip)" readonly ar_files_len="$(echo "$ar_files" | wc -l)" i='1' # Don't use quotes to get word splitting. for f in $ar_files do platform="$f" # Remove the prefix. platform="${platform#./${dist}/AdGuardHome_}" # Remove the filename extensions. platform="${platform%.zip}" platform="${platform%.tar.gz}" # Use the filename's base path. filename="${f#./${dist}/}" if [ "$i" = "$ar_files_len" ] then echo " \"download_${platform}\": \"${version_download_url}/${filename}\"" >> "$version_json" else echo " \"download_${platform}\": \"${version_download_url}/${filename}\"," >> "$version_json" fi i="$(( i + 1 ))" done ) echo '}' >> "$version_json" log "finished"