package dnsforward

import (


type ipsetCtx struct {
	ipsetList   map[string][]string // domain -> []ipset_name
	ipsetCache  map[[4]byte]bool    // cache for IP[] to prevent duplicate calls to ipset program
	ipset6Cache map[[16]byte]bool   // cache for IP[] to prevent duplicate calls to ipset program

// Convert configuration settings to an internal map
func (c *ipsetCtx) init(ipsetConfig []string) {
	c.ipsetList = make(map[string][]string)
	c.ipsetCache = make(map[[4]byte]bool)
	c.ipset6Cache = make(map[[16]byte]bool)

	for _, it := range ipsetConfig {
		it = strings.TrimSpace(it)
		hostsAndNames := strings.Split(it, "/")
		if len(hostsAndNames) != 2 {
			log.Debug("IPSET: invalid value '%s'", it)

		ipsetNames := strings.Split(hostsAndNames[1], ",")
		if len(ipsetNames) == 0 {
			log.Debug("IPSET: invalid value '%s'", it)
		bad := false
		for i := range ipsetNames {
			ipsetNames[i] = strings.TrimSpace(ipsetNames[i])
			if len(ipsetNames[i]) == 0 {
				bad = true
		if bad {
			log.Debug("IPSET: invalid value '%s'", it)

		hosts := strings.Split(hostsAndNames[0], ",")
		for _, host := range hosts {
			host = strings.TrimSpace(host)
			host = strings.ToLower(host)
			if len(host) == 0 {
				log.Debug("IPSET: invalid value '%s'", it)
			c.ipsetList[host] = ipsetNames
	log.Debug("IPSET: added %d hosts", len(c.ipsetList))

func (c *ipsetCtx) getIP(rr dns.RR) net.IP {
	switch a := rr.(type) {
	case *dns.A:
		var ip4 [4]byte
		copy(ip4[:], a.A.To4())
		_, found := c.ipsetCache[ip4]
		if found {
			return nil // this IP was added before
		c.ipsetCache[ip4] = false
		return a.A

	case *dns.AAAA:
		var ip6 [16]byte
		copy(ip6[:], a.AAAA)
		_, found := c.ipset6Cache[ip6]
		if found {
			return nil // this IP was added before
		c.ipset6Cache[ip6] = false
		return a.AAAA

		return nil

// Add IP addresses of the specified in configuration domain names to an ipset list
func (c *ipsetCtx) process(ctx *dnsContext) int {
	req := ctx.proxyCtx.Req
	if !(req.Question[0].Qtype == dns.TypeA ||
		req.Question[0].Qtype == dns.TypeAAAA) ||
		!ctx.responseFromUpstream {
		return resultDone

	host := req.Question[0].Name
	host = strings.TrimSuffix(host, ".")
	host = strings.ToLower(host)
	ipsetNames, found := c.ipsetList[host]
	if !found {
		return resultDone

	log.Debug("IPSET: found ipsets %v for host %s", ipsetNames, host)

	for _, it := range ctx.proxyCtx.Res.Answer {
		ip := c.getIP(it)
		if ip == nil {

		ipStr := ip.String()
		for _, name := range ipsetNames {
			code, out, err := util.RunCommand("ipset", "add", name, ipStr)
			if err != nil {
				log.Info("IPSET: %s(%s) -> %s: %s", host, ipStr, name, err)
			if code != 0 {
				log.Info("IPSET: ipset add:  code:%d  output:'%s'", code, out)
			log.Debug("IPSET: added %s(%s) -> %s", host, ipStr, name)

	return resultDone