<!--- Help us to avoid duplicate reports, make sure you have searched through existing issues before submitting a new one-->

<!--- If you are requesting a new feature, tell us how it should work in free form-->
<!--- If you are reporting a bug, submit the detailed description using the template below-->

### Steps to reproduce
<!--- Provide a link to a live example or a clear set of steps to reproduce the issue-->

### Expected behavior
<!--- Tell us what should happen -->

### Actual behavior
<!--- Tell us what happens instead -->


<!--- drag and drop, upload or paste your screenshot to this area-->


### Your environment
<!--- Please include all relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in -->

|   Description  |     Value    |
| -------------- | ------------ |
| Version of AdGuard DNS server:| (e.g. v1.0)
| How did you setup DNS configuration:| (System/Router/IoT)
| If it's a router or IoT, please write device model:| (e.g. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B)
| Operating system and version:| (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04.1)