package dnsfilter

import (


var setts RequestFilteringSettings



func purgeCaches() {
	if gctx.safebrowsingCache != nil {
	if gctx.parentalCache != nil {
	if gctx.safeSearchCache != nil {

func _Func() string {
	pc := make([]uintptr, 10) // at least 1 entry needed
	runtime.Callers(2, pc)
	f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc[0])
	return path.Base(f.Name())

func NewForTest(c *Config, filters map[int]string) *Dnsfilter {
	setts = RequestFilteringSettings{}
	setts.FilteringEnabled = true
	if c != nil {
		c.SafeBrowsingCacheSize = 1000
		c.SafeSearchCacheSize = 1000
		c.ParentalCacheSize = 1000
		c.CacheTime = 30
		setts.SafeSearchEnabled = c.SafeSearchEnabled
		setts.SafeBrowsingEnabled = c.SafeBrowsingEnabled
		setts.ParentalEnabled = c.ParentalEnabled
	d := New(c, filters)
	return d

func (d *Dnsfilter) checkMatch(t *testing.T, hostname string) {
	ret, err := d.CheckHost(hostname, dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error while matching host %s: %s", hostname, err)
	if !ret.IsFiltered {
		t.Errorf("Expected hostname %s to match", hostname)

func (d *Dnsfilter) checkMatchIP(t *testing.T, hostname string, ip string, qtype uint16) {
	ret, err := d.CheckHost(hostname, qtype, &setts)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error while matching host %s: %s", hostname, err)
	if !ret.IsFiltered {
		t.Errorf("Expected hostname %s to match", hostname)
	if ret.IP == nil || ret.IP.String() != ip {
		t.Errorf("Expected ip %s to match, actual: %v", ip, ret.IP)

func (d *Dnsfilter) checkMatchEmpty(t *testing.T, hostname string) {
	ret, err := d.CheckHost(hostname, dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error while matching host %s: %s", hostname, err)
	if ret.IsFiltered {
		t.Errorf("Expected hostname %s to not match", hostname)

func TestEtcHostsMatching(t *testing.T) {
	addr := ""
	addr6 := "::1"
	text := fmt.Sprintf("   %s   # enforce google's safesearch   \n%s\n0.0.0.0\n",
		addr, addr6)
	filters := make(map[int]string)
	filters[0] = text
	d := NewForTest(nil, filters)
	defer d.Close()

	d.checkMatchIP(t, "", addr, dns.TypeA)
	d.checkMatchIP(t, "", addr, dns.TypeA)
	d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")
	d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")

	// IPv6 address
	d.checkMatchIP(t, "", addr6, dns.TypeAAAA)

	// block both IPv4 and IPv6
	d.checkMatchIP(t, "", "", dns.TypeA)
	d.checkMatchIP(t, "", "::", dns.TypeAAAA)


func TestSafeBrowsing(t *testing.T) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{SafeBrowsingEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	gctx.stats.Safebrowsing.Requests = 0
	d.checkMatch(t, "")
	d.checkMatch(t, "")
	d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")
	d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")

	// test cached result
	d.safeBrowsingServer = ""
	d.checkMatch(t, "")
	d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")
	d.safeBrowsingServer = defaultSafebrowsingServer

func TestParallelSB(t *testing.T) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{SafeBrowsingEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	t.Run("group", func(t *testing.T) {
		for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
			t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("aaa%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
				d.checkMatch(t, "")
				d.checkMatch(t, "")
				d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")
				d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")


func TestSafeSearch(t *testing.T) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{SafeSearchEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	val, ok := d.SafeSearchDomain("")
	if !ok {
		t.Errorf("Expected safesearch to find result for")
	if val != "" {
		t.Errorf("Expected safesearch for to be")

func TestCheckHostSafeSearchYandex(t *testing.T) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{SafeSearchEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()

	// Slice of yandex domains
	yandex := []string{"", "YANdex.COM", "", "", "", ""}

	// Check host for each domain
	for _, host := range yandex {
		result, err := d.CheckHost(host, dns.TypeA, &setts)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("SafeSearch doesn't work for yandex domain `%s` cause %s", host, err)

		if result.IP.String() != "" {
			t.Errorf("SafeSearch doesn't work for yandex domain `%s`", host)

func TestCheckHostSafeSearchGoogle(t *testing.T) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{SafeSearchEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()

	// Slice of google domains
	googleDomains := []string{"", "", "", "", "", "", ""}

	// Check host for each domain
	for _, host := range googleDomains {
		result, err := d.CheckHost(host, dns.TypeA, &setts)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("SafeSearch doesn't work for %s cause %s", host, err)

		if result.IP == nil {
			t.Errorf("SafeSearch doesn't work for %s", host)

func TestSafeSearchCacheYandex(t *testing.T) {
	d := NewForTest(nil, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	domain := ""

	var result Result
	var err error

	// Check host with disabled safesearch
	result, err = d.CheckHost(domain, dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Cannot check host due to %s", err)
	if result.IP != nil {
		t.Fatalf("SafeSearch is not enabled but there is an answer for `%s` !", domain)

	d = NewForTest(&Config{SafeSearchEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()

	result, err = d.CheckHost(domain, dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("CheckHost for safesearh domain %s failed cause %s", domain, err)

	// Fir yandex we already know valid ip
	if result.IP.String() != "" {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong IP for %s safesearch: %s", domain, result.IP.String())

	// Check cache
	cachedValue, isFound := getCachedResult(gctx.safeSearchCache, domain)

	if !isFound {
		t.Fatalf("Safesearch cache doesn't work for %s!", domain)

	if cachedValue.IP.String() != "" {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong IP in cache for %s safesearch: %s", domain, cachedValue.IP.String())

func TestSafeSearchCacheGoogle(t *testing.T) {
	d := NewForTest(nil, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	domain := ""
	result, err := d.CheckHost(domain, dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Cannot check host due to %s", err)
	if result.IP != nil {
		t.Fatalf("SafeSearch is not enabled but there is an answer!")

	d = NewForTest(&Config{SafeSearchEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()

	// Let's lookup for safesearch domain
	safeDomain, ok := d.SafeSearchDomain(domain)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to get safesearch domain for %s", domain)

	ips, err := net.LookupIP(safeDomain)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to lookup for %s", safeDomain)

	t.Logf("IP addresses: %v", ips)
	ip := ips[0]
	for _, i := range ips {
		if i.To4() != nil {
			ip = i

	result, err = d.CheckHost(domain, dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("CheckHost for safesearh domain %s failed cause %s", domain, err)

	if result.IP.String() != ip.String() {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong IP for %s safesearch: %s.  Should be: %s",
			domain, result.IP.String(), ip)

	// Check cache
	cachedValue, isFound := getCachedResult(gctx.safeSearchCache, domain)

	if !isFound {
		t.Fatalf("Safesearch cache doesn't work for %s!", domain)

	if cachedValue.IP.String() != ip.String() {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong IP in cache for %s safesearch: %s", domain, cachedValue.IP.String())


func TestParentalControl(t *testing.T) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{ParentalEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	d.ParentalSensitivity = 3
	d.checkMatch(t, "")
	d.checkMatch(t, "")
	d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")
	d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")
	d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")

	// test cached result
	d.parentalServer = ""
	d.checkMatch(t, "")
	d.checkMatchEmpty(t, "")
	d.parentalServer = defaultParentalServer


var blockingRules = "||^\n"
var whitelistRules = "||^\n@@||\n"
var importantRules = "@@||^\n||^$important\n"
var regexRules = "/example\\.org/\n@@||^\n"
var maskRules = "test*^\nexam*.com\n"

var tests = []struct {
	testname   string
	rules      string
	hostname   string
	isFiltered bool
	reason     Reason
	{"sanity", "||^", "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"sanity", "||^", "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
	{"sanity", "||^", "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
	{"sanity", "||^", "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},

	{"blocking", blockingRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"blocking", blockingRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"blocking", blockingRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"blocking", blockingRules, "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
	{"blocking", blockingRules, "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},

	{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
	{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
	{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
	{"whitelist", whitelistRules, "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},

	{"important", importantRules, "", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
	{"important", importantRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"important", importantRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"important", importantRules, "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
	{"important", importantRules, "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},

	{"regex", regexRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"regex", regexRules, "", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
	{"regex", regexRules, "", false, NotFilteredWhiteList},
	{"regex", regexRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"regex", regexRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},

	{"mask", maskRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"mask", maskRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"mask", maskRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"mask", maskRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"mask", maskRules, "", true, FilteredBlackList},
	{"mask", maskRules, "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
	{"mask", maskRules, "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},
	{"mask", maskRules, "", false, NotFilteredNotFound},

func TestMatching(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range tests {
		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", test.testname, test.hostname), func(t *testing.T) {
			filters := make(map[int]string)
			filters[0] = test.rules
			d := NewForTest(nil, filters)
			defer d.Close()

			ret, err := d.CheckHost(test.hostname, dns.TypeA, &setts)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Error while matching host %s: %s", test.hostname, err)
			if ret.IsFiltered != test.isFiltered {
				t.Errorf("Hostname %s has wrong result (%v must be %v)", test.hostname, ret.IsFiltered, test.isFiltered)
			if ret.Reason != test.reason {
				t.Errorf("Hostname %s has wrong reason (%v must be %v)", test.hostname, ret.Reason.String(), test.reason.String())


func applyClientSettings(setts *RequestFilteringSettings) {
	setts.FilteringEnabled = false
	setts.ParentalEnabled = false
	setts.SafeBrowsingEnabled = true

	rule, _ := rules.NewNetworkRule("||^", 0)
	s := ServiceEntry{}
	s.Name = "facebook"
	s.Rules = []*rules.NetworkRule{rule}
	setts.ServicesRules = append(setts.ServicesRules, s)

// Check behaviour without any per-client settings,
//  then apply per-client settings and check behaviour once again
func TestClientSettings(t *testing.T) {
	var r Result
	filters := make(map[int]string)
	filters[0] = "||^\n"
	d := NewForTest(&Config{ParentalEnabled: true, SafeBrowsingEnabled: false}, filters)
	defer d.Close()
	d.ParentalSensitivity = 3

	// no client settings:

	// blocked by filters
	r, _ = d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if !r.IsFiltered || r.Reason != FilteredBlackList {
		t.Fatalf("CheckHost FilteredBlackList")

	// blocked by parental
	r, _ = d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if !r.IsFiltered || r.Reason != FilteredParental {
		t.Fatalf("CheckHost FilteredParental")

	// safesearch is disabled
	r, _ = d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if r.IsFiltered {
		t.Fatalf("CheckHost safesearch")

	// not blocked
	r, _ = d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeA, &setts)
	assert.True(t, !r.IsFiltered)

	// override client settings:

	// override filtering settings
	r, _ = d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if r.IsFiltered {

	// override parental settings (force disable parental)
	r, _ = d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if r.IsFiltered {

	// override safesearch settings (force enable safesearch)
	r, _ = d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeA, &setts)
	if !r.IsFiltered || r.Reason != FilteredSafeBrowsing {
		t.Fatalf("CheckHost FilteredSafeBrowsing")

	// blocked by additional rules
	r, _ = d.CheckHost("", dns.TypeA, &setts)
	assert.True(t, r.IsFiltered && r.Reason == FilteredBlockedService)


func BenchmarkSafeBrowsing(b *testing.B) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{SafeBrowsingEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
		hostname := ""
		ret, err := d.CheckHost(hostname, dns.TypeA, &setts)
		if err != nil {
			b.Errorf("Error while matching host %s: %s", hostname, err)
		if !ret.IsFiltered {
			b.Errorf("Expected hostname %s to match", hostname)

func BenchmarkSafeBrowsingParallel(b *testing.B) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{SafeBrowsingEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
		for pb.Next() {
			hostname := ""
			ret, err := d.CheckHost(hostname, dns.TypeA, &setts)
			if err != nil {
				b.Errorf("Error while matching host %s: %s", hostname, err)
			if !ret.IsFiltered {
				b.Errorf("Expected hostname %s to match", hostname)

func BenchmarkSafeSearch(b *testing.B) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{SafeSearchEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
		val, ok := d.SafeSearchDomain("")
		if !ok {
			b.Errorf("Expected safesearch to find result for")
		if val != "" {
			b.Errorf("Expected safesearch for to be")

func BenchmarkSafeSearchParallel(b *testing.B) {
	d := NewForTest(&Config{SafeSearchEnabled: true}, nil)
	defer d.Close()
	b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
		for pb.Next() {
			val, ok := d.SafeSearchDomain("")
			if !ok {
				b.Errorf("Expected safesearch to find result for")
			if val != "" {
				b.Errorf("Expected safesearch for to be")