package dnsforward import ( "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/rand" "crypto/rsa" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "crypto/x509/pkix" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/big" "net" "os" "sort" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { aghtest.DiscardLogOutput(m) } const ( tlsServerName = "" testMessagesCount = 10 ) func startDeferStop(t *testing.T, s *Server) { t.Helper() err := s.Start() require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed to start server: %s", err) t.Cleanup(func() { serr := s.Stop() require.NoErrorf(t, serr, "dns server failed to stop: %s", serr) }) } func createTestServer(t *testing.T, filterConf *dnsfilter.Config, forwardConf ServerConfig) *Server { t.Helper() rules := `|| ||^ @@||^ ||` filters := []dnsfilter.Filter{{ ID: 0, Data: []byte(rules), }} f := dnsfilter.New(filterConf, filters) snd, err := aghnet.NewSubnetDetector() require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, snd) var s *Server s, err = NewServer(DNSCreateParams{ DNSFilter: f, SubnetDetector: snd, LocalResolvers: &aghtest.Exchanger{}, }) require.NoError(t, err) s.conf = forwardConf err = s.Prepare(nil) require.NoError(t, err) return s } func createServerTLSConfig(t *testing.T) (*tls.Config, []byte, []byte) { t.Helper() privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "cannot generate RSA key: %s", err) serialNumberLimit := new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(1), 128) serialNumber, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, serialNumberLimit) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed to generate serial number: %s", err) notBefore := time.Now() notAfter := notBefore.Add(5 * 365 * time.Hour * 24) template := x509.Certificate{ SerialNumber: serialNumber, Subject: pkix.Name{ Organization: []string{"AdGuard Tests"}, }, NotBefore: notBefore, NotAfter: notAfter, KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment | x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature | x509.KeyUsageCertSign, ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth}, BasicConstraintsValid: true, IsCA: true, } template.DNSNames = append(template.DNSNames, tlsServerName) derBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &template, &template, publicKey(privateKey), privateKey) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed to create certificate: %s", err) certPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: derBytes}) keyPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(privateKey)}) cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certPem, keyPem) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed to create certificate: %s", err) return &tls.Config{ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}, ServerName: tlsServerName, MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12, }, certPem, keyPem } func createTestTLS(t *testing.T, tlsConf TLSConfig) (s *Server, certPem []byte) { t.Helper() var keyPem []byte _, certPem, keyPem = createServerTLSConfig(t) s = createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, }) tlsConf.CertificateChainData, tlsConf.PrivateKeyData = certPem, keyPem s.conf.TLSConfig = tlsConf err := s.Prepare(nil) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed to prepare server: %s", err) return s, certPem } func createGoogleATestMessage() *dns.Msg { return createTestMessage("") } func createTestMessage(host string) *dns.Msg { return &dns.Msg{ MsgHdr: dns.MsgHdr{ Id: dns.Id(), RecursionDesired: true, }, Question: []dns.Question{{ Name: host, Qtype: dns.TypeA, Qclass: dns.ClassINET, }}, } } func createTestMessageWithType(host string, qtype uint16) *dns.Msg { req := createTestMessage(host) req.Question[0].Qtype = qtype return req } func assertGoogleAResponse(t *testing.T, reply *dns.Msg) { assertResponse(t, reply, net.IP{8, 8, 8, 8}) } func assertResponse(t *testing.T, reply *dns.Msg, ip net.IP) { t.Helper() require.Lenf(t, reply.Answer, 1, "dns server returned reply with wrong number of answers - %d", len(reply.Answer)) a, ok := reply.Answer[0].(*dns.A) require.Truef(t, ok, "dns server returned wrong answer type instead of A: %v", reply.Answer[0]) assert.Truef(t, a.A.Equal(ip), "dns server returned wrong answer instead of %s: %s", ip, a.A) } // sendTestMessagesAsync sends messages in parallel to check for race issues. // //lint:ignore U1000 it's called from the function which is skipped for now. func sendTestMessagesAsync(t *testing.T, conn *dns.Conn) { t.Helper() wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} for i := 0; i < testMessagesCount; i++ { msg := createGoogleATestMessage() wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() err := conn.WriteMsg(msg) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "cannot write message: %s", err) res, err := conn.ReadMsg() require.NoErrorf(t, err, "cannot read response to message: %s", err) assertGoogleAResponse(t, res) }() } wg.Wait() } func sendTestMessages(t *testing.T, conn *dns.Conn) { t.Helper() for i := 0; i < testMessagesCount; i++ { req := createGoogleATestMessage() err := conn.WriteMsg(req) assert.Nilf(t, err, "cannot write message #%d: %s", i, err) res, err := conn.ReadMsg() assert.Nilf(t, err, "cannot read response to message #%d: %s", i, err) assertGoogleAResponse(t, res) } } func TestServer(t *testing.T) { s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, }) s.conf.UpstreamConfig.Upstreams = []upstream.Upstream{ &aghtest.TestUpstream{ IPv4: map[string][]net.IP{ "": {{8, 8, 8, 8}}, }, }, } startDeferStop(t, s) testCases := []struct { name string proto string }{{ name: "message_over_udp", proto: proxy.ProtoUDP, }, { name: "message_over_tcp", proto: proxy.ProtoTCP, }} for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(tc.proto) client := dns.Client{Net: tc.proto} reply, _, err := client.Exchange(createGoogleATestMessage(), addr.String()) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "сouldn't talk to server %s: %s", addr, err) assertGoogleAResponse(t, reply) }) } } func TestServerWithProtectionDisabled(t *testing.T) { s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, }) s.conf.UpstreamConfig.Upstreams = []upstream.Upstream{ &aghtest.TestUpstream{ IPv4: map[string][]net.IP{ "": {{8, 8, 8, 8}}, }, }, } startDeferStop(t, s) // Message over UDP. req := createGoogleATestMessage() addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) client := dns.Client{Net: proxy.ProtoUDP} reply, _, err := client.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "сouldn't talk to server %s: %s", addr, err) assertGoogleAResponse(t, reply) } func TestDoTServer(t *testing.T) { s, certPem := createTestTLS(t, TLSConfig{ TLSListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, }) s.conf.UpstreamConfig.Upstreams = []upstream.Upstream{ &aghtest.TestUpstream{ IPv4: map[string][]net.IP{ "": {{8, 8, 8, 8}}, }, }, } startDeferStop(t, s) // Add our self-signed generated config to roots. roots := x509.NewCertPool() roots.AppendCertsFromPEM(certPem) tlsConfig := &tls.Config{ ServerName: tlsServerName, RootCAs: roots, MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12, } // Create a DNS-over-TLS client connection. addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoTLS) conn, err := dns.DialWithTLS("tcp-tls", addr.String(), tlsConfig) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "cannot connect to the proxy: %s", err) sendTestMessages(t, conn) } func TestDoQServer(t *testing.T) { s, _ := createTestTLS(t, TLSConfig{ QUICListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, }) s.conf.UpstreamConfig.Upstreams = []upstream.Upstream{ &aghtest.TestUpstream{ IPv4: map[string][]net.IP{ "": {{8, 8, 8, 8}}, }, }, } startDeferStop(t, s) // Create a DNS-over-QUIC upstream. addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoQUIC) opts := upstream.Options{InsecureSkipVerify: true} u, err := upstream.AddressToUpstream(fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", proxy.ProtoQUIC, addr), opts) require.NoError(t, err) // Send the test message. req := createGoogleATestMessage() res, err := u.Exchange(req) require.NoError(t, err) assertGoogleAResponse(t, res) } func TestServerRace(t *testing.T) { t.Skip("TODO(e.burkov): inspect the golibs/cache package for locks") filterConf := &dnsfilter.Config{ SafeBrowsingEnabled: true, SafeBrowsingCacheSize: 1000, SafeSearchEnabled: true, SafeSearchCacheSize: 1000, ParentalCacheSize: 1000, CacheTime: 30, } forwardConf := ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, UpstreamDNS: []string{"", ""}, }, ConfigModified: func() {}, } s := createTestServer(t, filterConf, forwardConf) s.conf.UpstreamConfig.Upstreams = []upstream.Upstream{ &aghtest.TestUpstream{ IPv4: map[string][]net.IP{ "": {{8, 8, 8, 8}}, }, }, } startDeferStop(t, s) // Message over UDP. addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) conn, err := dns.Dial(proxy.ProtoUDP, addr.String()) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "cannot connect to the proxy: %s", err) sendTestMessagesAsync(t, conn) } func TestSafeSearch(t *testing.T) { resolver := &aghtest.TestResolver{} filterConf := &dnsfilter.Config{ SafeSearchEnabled: true, SafeSearchCacheSize: 1000, CacheTime: 30, CustomResolver: resolver, } forwardConf := ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, }, } s := createTestServer(t, filterConf, forwardConf) startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP).String() client := dns.Client{Net: proxy.ProtoUDP} yandexIP := net.IP{213, 180, 193, 56} googleIP, _ := resolver.HostToIPs("") testCases := []struct { host string want net.IP }{{ host: "", want: yandexIP, }, { host: "", want: yandexIP, }, { host: "", want: yandexIP, }, { host: "", want: yandexIP, }, { host: "", want: googleIP, }, { host: "", want: googleIP, }, { host: "", want: googleIP, }, { host: "", want: googleIP, }} for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { req := createTestMessage( reply, _, err := client.Exchange(req, addr) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "couldn't talk to server %s: %s", addr, err) assertResponse(t, reply, tc.want) }) } } func TestInvalidRequest(t *testing.T) { s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, }) startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP).String() req := dns.Msg{ MsgHdr: dns.MsgHdr{ Id: dns.Id(), RecursionDesired: true, }, } // Send a DNS request without question. _, _, err := (&dns.Client{ Net: proxy.ProtoUDP, Timeout: 500 * time.Millisecond, }).Exchange(&req, addr) assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "got a response to an invalid query") } func TestBlockedRequest(t *testing.T) { forwardConf := ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, }, } s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, forwardConf) startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) // Default blocking. req := createTestMessage("") reply, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "couldn't talk to server %s: %s", addr, err) assert.Equal(t, dns.RcodeSuccess, reply.Rcode) require.Len(t, reply.Answer, 1) assert.True(t, reply.Answer[0].(*dns.A).A.IsUnspecified()) } func TestServerCustomClientUpstream(t *testing.T) { forwardConf := ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, }, } s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, forwardConf) s.conf.GetCustomUpstreamByClient = func(_ string) *proxy.UpstreamConfig { return &proxy.UpstreamConfig{ Upstreams: []upstream.Upstream{ &aghtest.TestUpstream{ IPv4: map[string][]net.IP{ "host.": {{192, 168, 0, 1}}, }, }, }, } } startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) // Send test request. req := createTestMessage("host.") reply, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, dns.RcodeSuccess, reply.Rcode) require.NotEmpty(t, reply.Answer) require.Len(t, reply.Answer, 1) assert.Equal(t, net.IP{192, 168, 0, 1}, reply.Answer[0].(*dns.A).A) } // testCNAMEs is a map of names and CNAMEs necessary for the TestUpstream work. var testCNAMEs = map[string]string{ "badhost.": "", "": "", } // testIPv4 is a map of names and IPv4s necessary for the TestUpstream work. var testIPv4 = map[string][]net.IP{ "": {{1, 2, 3, 4}}, "": {{127, 0, 0, 255}}, } func TestBlockCNAMEProtectionEnabled(t *testing.T) { s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, }) testUpstm := &aghtest.TestUpstream{ CName: testCNAMEs, IPv4: testIPv4, IPv6: nil, } s.conf.ProtectionEnabled = false s.dnsProxy.UpstreamConfig = &proxy.UpstreamConfig{ Upstreams: []upstream.Upstream{testUpstm}, } startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) // 'badhost' has a canonical name '' which should be // blocked by filters, but protection is disabled so it is not. req := createTestMessage("badhost.") reply, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, dns.RcodeSuccess, reply.Rcode) } func TestBlockCNAME(t *testing.T) { forwardConf := ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, }, } s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, forwardConf) s.conf.UpstreamConfig.Upstreams = []upstream.Upstream{ &aghtest.TestUpstream{ CName: testCNAMEs, IPv4: testIPv4, }, } startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP).String() testCases := []struct { host string want bool }{{ host: "badhost.", // 'badhost' has a canonical name '' which is // blocked by filters: response is blocked. want: true, }, { host: "", // '' has a canonical name // '' which is blocked by filters // but '' is in a whitelist: // response isn't blocked. want: false, }, { host: "", // '' has a canonical name 'cname1' with IP // which is blocked by filters: response is blocked. want: true, }} for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run("block_cname_", func(t *testing.T) { req := createTestMessage( reply, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, dns.RcodeSuccess, reply.Rcode) if tc.want { require.Len(t, reply.Answer, 1) a, ok := reply.Answer[0].(*dns.A) require.True(t, ok) assert.True(t, a.A.IsUnspecified()) } }) } } func TestClientRulesForCNAMEMatching(t *testing.T) { forwardConf := ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, FilterHandler: func(_ net.IP, _ string, settings *dnsfilter.FilteringSettings) { settings.FilteringEnabled = false }, }, } s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, forwardConf) s.conf.UpstreamConfig.Upstreams = []upstream.Upstream{ &aghtest.TestUpstream{ CName: testCNAMEs, IPv4: testIPv4, }, } startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) // 'badhost' has a canonical name '' which is blocked by // filters: response is blocked. req := dns.Msg{ MsgHdr: dns.MsgHdr{ Id: dns.Id(), }, Question: []dns.Question{{ Name: "badhost.", Qtype: dns.TypeA, Qclass: dns.ClassINET, }}, } // However, in our case it should not be blocked as filtering is // disabled on the client level. reply, err := dns.Exchange(&req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, dns.RcodeSuccess, reply.Rcode) } func TestNullBlockedRequest(t *testing.T) { forwardConf := ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, BlockingMode: "null_ip", }, } s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, forwardConf) startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) // Nil filter blocking. req := dns.Msg{ MsgHdr: dns.MsgHdr{ Id: dns.Id(), RecursionDesired: true, }, Question: []dns.Question{{ Name: "", Qtype: dns.TypeA, Qclass: dns.ClassINET, }}, } reply, err := dns.Exchange(&req, addr.String()) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "couldn't talk to server %s: %s", addr, err) require.Lenf(t, reply.Answer, 1, "dns server %s returned reply with wrong number of answers - %d", addr, len(reply.Answer)) a, ok := reply.Answer[0].(*dns.A) require.Truef(t, ok, "dns server %s returned wrong answer type instead of A: %v", addr, reply.Answer[0]) assert.Truef(t, a.A.IsUnspecified(), "dns server %s returned wrong answer instead of %v", addr, a.A) } func TestBlockedCustomIP(t *testing.T) { rules := "||^\n||^\n127.0.0.1\n@@||^\n||\n" filters := []dnsfilter.Filter{{ ID: 0, Data: []byte(rules), }} snd, err := aghnet.NewSubnetDetector() require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, snd) var s *Server s, err = NewServer(DNSCreateParams{ DNSFilter: dnsfilter.New(&dnsfilter.Config{}, filters), SubnetDetector: snd, LocalResolvers: &aghtest.Exchanger{}, }) require.NoError(t, err) conf := &ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, BlockingMode: "custom_ip", BlockingIPv4: nil, UpstreamDNS: []string{"", ""}, }, } // Invalid BlockingIPv4. err = s.Prepare(conf) assert.Error(t, err) conf.BlockingIPv4 = net.IP{0, 0, 0, 1} conf.BlockingIPv6 = net.ParseIP("::1") err = s.Prepare(conf) require.NoError(t, err) startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) req := createTestMessageWithType("", dns.TypeA) reply, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) require.Len(t, reply.Answer, 1) a, ok := reply.Answer[0].(*dns.A) require.True(t, ok) assert.True(t, net.IP{0, 0, 0, 1}.Equal(a.A)) req = createTestMessageWithType("", dns.TypeAAAA) reply, err = dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) require.Len(t, reply.Answer, 1) a6, ok := reply.Answer[0].(*dns.AAAA) require.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, "::1", a6.AAAA.String()) } func TestBlockedByHosts(t *testing.T) { forwardConf := ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, }, } s := createTestServer(t, &dnsfilter.Config{}, forwardConf) startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) // Hosts blocking. req := createTestMessage("") reply, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "couldn't talk to server %s: %s", addr, err) require.Lenf(t, reply.Answer, 1, "dns server %s returned reply with wrong number of answers - %d", addr, len(reply.Answer)) a, ok := reply.Answer[0].(*dns.A) require.Truef(t, ok, "dns server %s returned wrong answer type instead of A: %v", addr, reply.Answer[0]) assert.Equalf(t, net.IP{127, 0, 0, 1}, a.A, "dns server %s returned wrong answer instead of %v", addr, a.A) } func TestBlockedBySafeBrowsing(t *testing.T) { const hostname = "" sbUps := &aghtest.TestBlockUpstream{ Hostname: hostname, Block: true, } ans4, _ := (&aghtest.TestResolver{}).HostToIPs(hostname) filterConf := &dnsfilter.Config{ SafeBrowsingEnabled: true, } forwardConf := ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ SafeBrowsingBlockHost: ans4.String(), ProtectionEnabled: true, }, } s := createTestServer(t, filterConf, forwardConf) s.dnsFilter.SetSafeBrowsingUpstream(sbUps) startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) // SafeBrowsing blocking. req := createTestMessage(hostname + ".") reply, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "couldn't talk to server %s: %s", addr, err) require.Lenf(t, reply.Answer, 1, "dns server %s returned reply with wrong number of answers - %d", addr, len(reply.Answer)) a, ok := reply.Answer[0].(*dns.A) require.Truef(t, ok, "dns server %s returned wrong answer type instead of A: %v", addr, reply.Answer[0]) assert.Equal(t, ans4, a.A, "dns server %s returned wrong answer: %v", addr, a.A) } func TestRewrite(t *testing.T) { c := &dnsfilter.Config{ Rewrites: []dnsfilter.RewriteEntry{{ Domain: "", Answer: "", Type: dns.TypeA, }, { Domain: "", Answer: "", Type: dns.TypeCNAME, }, { Domain: "", Answer: "", Type: dns.TypeCNAME, }}, } f := dnsfilter.New(c, nil) snd, err := aghnet.NewSubnetDetector() require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, snd) var s *Server s, err = NewServer(DNSCreateParams{ DNSFilter: f, SubnetDetector: snd, LocalResolvers: &aghtest.Exchanger{}, }) require.NoError(t, err) assert.NoError(t, s.Prepare(&ServerConfig{ UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}}, TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}}, FilteringConfig: FilteringConfig{ ProtectionEnabled: true, UpstreamDNS: []string{""}, }, })) s.conf.UpstreamConfig.Upstreams = []upstream.Upstream{ &aghtest.TestUpstream{ CName: map[string]string{ "": "somename", }, IPv4: map[string][]net.IP{ "": {{4, 3, 2, 1}}, }, }, } startDeferStop(t, s) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) req := createTestMessageWithType("", dns.TypeA) reply, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) require.Len(t, reply.Answer, 1) a, ok := reply.Answer[0].(*dns.A) require.True(t, ok) assert.True(t, net.IP{1, 2, 3, 4}.Equal(a.A)) req = createTestMessageWithType("", dns.TypeAAAA) reply, err = dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) assert.Empty(t, reply.Answer) req = createTestMessageWithType("", dns.TypeA) reply, err = dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) require.Len(t, reply.Answer, 2) assert.Equal(t, "", reply.Answer[0].(*dns.CNAME).Target) assert.True(t, net.IP{1, 2, 3, 4}.Equal(reply.Answer[1].(*dns.A).A)) req = createTestMessageWithType("", dns.TypeA) reply, err = dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) // The original question is restored. require.Len(t, reply.Question, 1) assert.Equal(t, "", reply.Question[0].Name) require.Len(t, reply.Answer, 2) assert.Equal(t, "", reply.Answer[0].(*dns.CNAME).Target) assert.Equal(t, dns.TypeA, reply.Answer[1].Header().Rrtype) } func publicKey(priv interface{}) interface{} { switch k := priv.(type) { case *rsa.PrivateKey: return &k.PublicKey case *ecdsa.PrivateKey: return &k.PublicKey default: return nil } } func TestIPStringFromAddr(t *testing.T) { t.Run("not_nil", func(t *testing.T) { addr := net.UDPAddr{ IP: net.ParseIP("1:2:3::4"), Port: 12345, Zone: "eth0", } assert.Equal(t, IPStringFromAddr(&addr), addr.IP.String()) }) t.Run("nil", func(t *testing.T) { assert.Empty(t, IPStringFromAddr(nil)) }) } func TestMatchDNSName(t *testing.T) { dnsNames := []string{"host1", "*.host2", ""} sort.Strings(dnsNames) testCases := []struct { name string dnsName string want bool }{{ name: "match", dnsName: "host1", want: true, }, { name: "match", dnsName: "a.host2", want: true, }, { name: "match", dnsName: "b.a.host2", want: true, }, { name: "match", dnsName: "", want: true, }, { name: "mismatch", dnsName: "host2", want: false, }, { name: "mismatch", dnsName: "", want: false, }, { name: "mismatch", dnsName: "*.host2", want: false, }} for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { assert.Equal(t, tc.want, matchDNSName(dnsNames, tc.dnsName)) }) } } type testDHCP struct{} func (d *testDHCP) Leases(flags int) []dhcpd.Lease { l := dhcpd.Lease{ IP: net.IP{127, 0, 0, 1}, HWAddr: net.HardwareAddr{0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA}, Hostname: "localhost", } return []dhcpd.Lease{l} } func (d *testDHCP) SetOnLeaseChanged(onLeaseChanged dhcpd.OnLeaseChangedT) {} func TestPTRResponseFromDHCPLeases(t *testing.T) { snd, err := aghnet.NewSubnetDetector() require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, snd) var s *Server s, err = NewServer(DNSCreateParams{ DNSFilter: dnsfilter.New(&dnsfilter.Config{}, nil), DHCPServer: &testDHCP{}, SubnetDetector: snd, LocalResolvers: &aghtest.Exchanger{}, }) require.NoError(t, err) s.conf.UDPListenAddrs = []*net.UDPAddr{{}} s.conf.TCPListenAddrs = []*net.TCPAddr{{}} s.conf.UpstreamDNS = []string{""} s.conf.FilteringConfig.ProtectionEnabled = true err = s.Prepare(nil) require.NoError(t, err) err = s.Start() require.NoError(t, err) t.Cleanup(func() { s.Close() }) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) req := createTestMessageWithType("", dns.TypePTR) resp, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) require.Len(t, resp.Answer, 1) assert.Equal(t, dns.TypePTR, resp.Answer[0].Header().Rrtype) assert.Equal(t, "", resp.Answer[0].Header().Name) ptr, ok := resp.Answer[0].(*dns.PTR) require.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, "localhost.", ptr.Ptr) } func TestPTRResponseFromHosts(t *testing.T) { c := dnsfilter.Config{ AutoHosts: &util.AutoHosts{}, } // Prepare test hosts file. hf, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "") require.NoError(t, err) t.Cleanup(func() { assert.NoError(t, hf.Close()) assert.NoError(t, os.Remove(hf.Name())) }) _, _ = hf.WriteString(" host # comment \n") _, _ = hf.WriteString(" ::1 localhost#comment \n") // Init auto hosts. c.AutoHosts.Init(hf.Name()) t.Cleanup(c.AutoHosts.Close) var snd *aghnet.SubnetDetector snd, err = aghnet.NewSubnetDetector() require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, snd) var s *Server s, err = NewServer(DNSCreateParams{ DNSFilter: dnsfilter.New(&c, nil), SubnetDetector: snd, LocalResolvers: &aghtest.Exchanger{}, }) require.NoError(t, err) s.conf.UDPListenAddrs = []*net.UDPAddr{{}} s.conf.TCPListenAddrs = []*net.TCPAddr{{}} s.conf.UpstreamDNS = []string{""} s.conf.FilteringConfig.ProtectionEnabled = true err = s.Prepare(nil) require.NoError(t, err) err = s.Start() require.NoError(t, err) t.Cleanup(func() { s.Close() }) addr := s.dnsProxy.Addr(proxy.ProtoUDP) req := createTestMessageWithType("", dns.TypePTR) resp, err := dns.Exchange(req, addr.String()) require.NoError(t, err) require.Len(t, resp.Answer, 1) assert.Equal(t, dns.TypePTR, resp.Answer[0].Header().Rrtype) assert.Equal(t, "", resp.Answer[0].Header().Name) ptr, ok := resp.Answer[0].(*dns.PTR) require.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, "host.", ptr.Ptr) } func TestNewServer(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string in DNSCreateParams wantErrMsg string }{{ name: "success", in: DNSCreateParams{}, wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "success_autohost_tld", in: DNSCreateParams{ AutohostTLD: "mynet", }, wantErrMsg: "", }, { name: "bad_autohost_tld", in: DNSCreateParams{ AutohostTLD: "!!!", }, wantErrMsg: `autohost tld: invalid char '!' at index 0 in "!!!"`, }} for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { _, err := NewServer( if tc.wantErrMsg == "" { assert.NoError(t, err) } else { require.Error(t, err) assert.Equal(t, tc.wantErrMsg, err.Error()) } }) } }