Ildar Kamalov 5c814b29e1 Merge: + client: handle client block and unblock from the top clients table
Closes #896

Squashed commit of the following:

commit 776de2ae0a62823b8968cff79a9fa7ba350d7f1c
Author: Ildar Kamalov <>
Date:   Thu Jan 30 11:13:41 2020 +0300

    - client: fix normalizeTextarea and blocking button

commit 399e6bc3893093632b09247eaf6493521a668c84
Author: Ildar Kamalov <>
Date:   Wed Jan 29 17:19:50 2020 +0300

    + client: handle client block and unblock from the top clients table
2020-01-30 13:58:54 +03:00

55 lines
1.6 KiB

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