If you're just starting out, we recommend [installing code-server locally](../../self-hosted/index.md). It takes only a few minutes and lets you try out all of the features.
- Visit "VPC network" in the console and go to "Firewall rules". Create a new firewall rule called "http-8443". Under "Target tags" add "code-server", and under "Protocols and ports" tick "Specified protocols and ports" and "tcp". Beside "tcp", add "8443", then create the rule.
- Replace {version} in the following command with the version found on the releases page and run it (or just copy the download URL from the releases page):
- Open your browser and visit `https://$public_ip:8443/` (where `$public_ip` is your Compute Engine instance's public IP address). You will be greeted with a page similar to the following screenshot. Code-server is using a self-signed SSL certificate for easy setup. In Chrome/Chromium, click **"Advanced"** then click **"proceed anyway"**. In Firefox, click **Advanced**, then **Add Exception**, then finally **Confirm Security Exception**.<imgsrc ="../../assets/chrome_warning.png">
> For instructions on how to keep the server running after you end your SSH session please checkout [how to use systemd](https://www.linode.com/docs/quick-answers/linux/start-service-at-boot/) to start linux based services if they are killed
> NOTE: If you get stuck or need help, [file an issue](https://github.com/cdr/code-server/issues/new?&title=Improve+self-hosted+quickstart+guide), [tweet (@coderhq)](https://twitter.com/coderhq) or [email](mailto:support@coder.com?subject=Self-hosted%20quickstart%20guide).