#!/bin/sh set -eu # This script is intended to be bundled into the standalone releases. # Runs code-server with the bundled node binary. _realpath() { # See https://github.com/cdr/code-server/issues/1537 on why no realpath or readlink -f. script="$1" cd "$(dirname "$script")" while [ -L "$(basename "$script")" ]; do if [ -L "./node" ] && [ -L "./code-server" ] && [ -f "package.json" ] && cat package.json | grep -q '^ "name": "code-server",$'; then echo "***** Please use the script in bin/code-server instead!" >&2 echo "***** This script will soon be removed!" >&2 echo "***** See the release notes at https://github.com/cdr/code-server/releases/tag/v3.4.0" >&2 fi script="$(readlink "$(basename "$script")")" cd "$(dirname "$script")" done echo "$PWD/$(basename "$script")" } root() { script="$(_realpath "$0")" bin_dir="$(dirname "$script")" dirname "$bin_dir" } ROOT="$(root)" exec "$ROOT/lib/node" "$ROOT" "$@"