#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # This is due to an upstream issue with RHEL7/CentOS 7 comptability with node-argon2 # See: https://github.com/cdr/code-server/pull/3422#pullrequestreview-677765057 export npm_config_build_from_source=true main() { cd "$(dirname "${0}")/../.." source ./ci/lib.sh rsync "$RELEASE_PATH/" "$RELEASE_PATH-standalone" RELEASE_PATH+=-standalone # We cannot find the path to node from $PATH because yarn shims a script to ensure # we use the same version it's using so we instead run a script with yarn that # will print the path to node. local node_path node_path="$(yarn -s node <<< 'console.info(process.execPath)')" mkdir -p "$RELEASE_PATH/bin" rsync ./ci/build/code-server.sh "$RELEASE_PATH/bin/code-server" rsync "$node_path" "$RELEASE_PATH/lib/node" ln -s "./bin/code-server" "$RELEASE_PATH/code-server" ln -s "./lib/node" "$RELEASE_PATH/node" cd "$RELEASE_PATH" yarn --production --frozen-lockfile # HACK: the version of Typescript vscode 1.57 uses in extensions/ # leaves a few stray symlinks. Clean them up so nfpm does not fail. # Remove this line when its no longer needed. rm -fr "$RELEASE_PATH/vendor/modules/code-oss-dev/extensions/node_modules/.bin" } main "$@"