import * as crypto from "crypto"; import * as net from "net"; import { VSBuffer } from "vs/base/common/buffer"; import { NodeSocket, WebSocketNodeSocket } from "vs/base/parts/ipc/node/"; import { PersistentProtocol, ISocket } from "vs/base/parts/ipc/common/"; import { AuthRequest, ConnectionType, ConnectionTypeRequest, HandshakeMessage } from "vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAgentConnection"; import { ExtensionHostConnection, ManagementConnection, Server } from "vs/server/connection"; export interface SocketOptions { readonly reconnectionToken: string; readonly reconnection: boolean; readonly skipWebSocketFrames: boolean; } export class Socket { private nodeSocket: ISocket; public protocol: PersistentProtocol; public constructor(private readonly socket: net.Socket, private readonly options: SocketOptions) { socket.on("error", () => this.dispose()); this.nodeSocket = new NodeSocket(socket); if (!this.options.skipWebSocketFrames) { this.nodeSocket = new WebSocketNodeSocket(this.nodeSocket as NodeSocket); } this.protocol = new PersistentProtocol(this.nodeSocket); } /** * Upgrade the connection into a web socket. */ public upgrade(secWebsocketKey: string): void { // This magic value is specified by the websocket spec. const magic = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; const reply = crypto.createHash("sha1") .update(secWebsocketKey + magic) .digest("base64"); this.socket.write([ "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols", "Upgrade: websocket", "Connection: Upgrade", `Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ${reply}`, ].join("\r\n") + "\r\n\r\n"); } public dispose(): void { this.nodeSocket.dispose(); this.protocol.dispose(); this.nodeSocket = undefined!; this.protocol = undefined!; } public handshake(server: Server): void { const handler = this.protocol.onControlMessage((rawMessage) => { const message = JSON.parse(rawMessage.toString()); switch (message.type) { case "auth": return this.authenticate(message); case "connectionType": handler.dispose(); return this.connect(message, server); case "default": return this.dispose(); } }); } /** * TODO: This ignores the authentication process entirely for now. */ private authenticate(_message: AuthRequest): void { this.sendControl({ type: "sign", data: "", }); } private connect(message: ConnectionTypeRequest, server: Server): void { switch (message.desiredConnectionType) { case ConnectionType.ExtensionHost: case ConnectionType.Management: const debugPort = this.getDebugPort(); const ok = message.desiredConnectionType === ConnectionType.ExtensionHost ? (debugPort ? { debugPort } : {}) : { type: "ok" }; if (!server.connections.has(message.desiredConnectionType)) { server.connections.set(message.desiredConnectionType, new Map()); } const connections = server.connections.get(message.desiredConnectionType)!; if (this.options.reconnection && connections.has(this.options.reconnectionToken)) { this.sendControl(ok); const buffer = this.protocol.readEntireBuffer(); this.protocol.dispose(); return connections.get(this.options.reconnectionToken)! .reconnect(this.nodeSocket, buffer); } if (this.options.reconnection || connections.has(this.options.reconnectionToken)) { this.sendControl({ type: "error", reason: this.options.reconnection ? "Unrecognized reconnection token" : "Duplicate reconnection token", }); return this.dispose(); } this.sendControl(ok); const connection = message.desiredConnectionType === ConnectionType.Management ? new ManagementConnection(server, this.protocol) : new ExtensionHostConnection(server, this.protocol); connections.set(this.options.reconnectionToken, connection); connection.onClose(() => { connections.delete(this.options.reconnectionToken); }); break; case ConnectionType.Tunnel: return this.tunnel(); default: this.sendControl({ type: "error", reason: "Unrecognized connection type", }); return this.dispose(); } } /** * TODO: implement. */ private tunnel(): void { this.sendControl({ type: "error", reason: "Tunnel is not implemented yet", }); this.dispose(); } /** * TODO: implement. */ private getDebugPort(): number | undefined { return undefined; } /** * Send a handshake message. In the case of the extension host, it just sends * back a debug port. */ private sendControl(message: HandshakeMessage | { debugPort?: number } ): void { this.protocol.sendControl(VSBuffer.fromString(JSON.stringify(message))); } }