/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as pLimit from 'p-limit'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { Disposable } from './dispose'; export namespace Testing { export const abcEditorContentChangeCommand = '_abcEditor.contentChange'; export const abcEditorTypeCommand = '_abcEditor.type'; export interface CustomEditorContentChangeEvent { readonly content: string; readonly source: vscode.Uri; } } export class AbcTextEditorProvider implements vscode.CustomTextEditorProvider { public static readonly viewType = 'testWebviewEditor.abc'; private activeEditor?: AbcEditor; public constructor( private readonly context: vscode.ExtensionContext, ) { } public register(): vscode.Disposable { const provider = vscode.window.registerCustomEditorProvider(AbcTextEditorProvider.viewType, this); const commands: vscode.Disposable[] = []; commands.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand(Testing.abcEditorTypeCommand, (content: string) => { this.activeEditor?.testing_fakeInput(content); })); return vscode.Disposable.from(provider, ...commands); } public async resolveCustomTextEditor(document: vscode.TextDocument, panel: vscode.WebviewPanel) { const editor = new AbcEditor(document, this.context.extensionPath, panel); this.activeEditor = editor; panel.onDidChangeViewState(({ webviewPanel }) => { if (this.activeEditor === editor && !webviewPanel.active) { this.activeEditor = undefined; } if (webviewPanel.active) { this.activeEditor = editor; } }); } } class AbcEditor extends Disposable { public readonly _onDispose = this._register(new vscode.EventEmitter()); public readonly onDispose = this._onDispose.event; private readonly limit = pLimit(1); private syncedVersion: number = -1; private currentWorkspaceEdit?: Thenable; constructor( private readonly document: vscode.TextDocument, private readonly _extensionPath: string, private readonly panel: vscode.WebviewPanel, ) { super(); panel.webview.options = { enableScripts: true, }; panel.webview.html = this.html; this._register(vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(e => { if (e.document === this.document) { this.update(); } })); this._register(panel.webview.onDidReceiveMessage(message => { switch (message.type) { case 'edit': this.doEdit(message.value); break; case 'didChangeContent': vscode.commands.executeCommand(Testing.abcEditorContentChangeCommand, { content: message.value, source: document.uri, } as Testing.CustomEditorContentChangeEvent); break; } })); this._register(panel.onDidDispose(() => { this.dispose(); })); this.update(); } public testing_fakeInput(value: string) { this.panel.webview.postMessage({ type: 'fakeInput', value: value, }); } private async doEdit(value: string) { const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit(); edit.replace(this.document.uri, this.document.validateRange(new vscode.Range(new vscode.Position(0, 0), new vscode.Position(999999, 999999))), value); this.limit(() => { this.currentWorkspaceEdit = vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit).then(() => { this.syncedVersion = this.document.version; this.currentWorkspaceEdit = undefined; }); return this.currentWorkspaceEdit; }); } public override dispose() { if (this.isDisposed) { return; } this._onDispose.fire(); super.dispose(); } private get html() { const contentRoot = path.join(this._extensionPath, 'customEditorMedia'); const scriptUri = vscode.Uri.file(path.join(contentRoot, 'textEditor.js')); const nonce = Date.now() + ''; return /* html */` Document `; } public async update() { await this.currentWorkspaceEdit; if (this.isDisposed || this.syncedVersion >= this.document.version) { return; } this.panel.webview.postMessage({ type: 'setValue', value: this.document.getText(), }); this.syncedVersion = this.document.version; } }