# FAQ ## What's the deal with extensions? Unfortunately, the Microsoft VS Code Marketplace is ## How is this different from VS Code Online? VS Code Online is a closed source managed service by Microsoft and only runs on Azure. code-server is open source and can be freely ran on any machine. ## How should I expose code-server to the internet? By far the most secure method of using code-server is via [sshcode](https://github.com/codercom/sshcode) as it runs code-server and then forwards its port over SSH and requires no setup on your part other than having a working SSH server. If you cannot use sshcode, then you will need to ensure there is some sort of authorization in front of code-server and that you are using HTTPS to secure all connections. By default when listening externally, code-server enables password authentication using a randomly generated password so you can use that. You can set the `PASSWORD` environment variable to use your own instead. If you want to handle authentication yourself, use `--auth none` to disable password authentication. For HTTPS, you can use a self signed certificate by passing in just `--cert` or pass in an existing certificate by providing the path to `--cert` and the path to its key with `--cert-key`. If `code-server` has been passed a certificate it will also respond to HTTPS requests and will redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. Otherwise it will respond only to HTTP requests. You can use [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) to get an SSL certificate for free. ## Why are there x86 releases? 32 bit releases have been ## Multi Tenancy If you want to run multiple code-server's on shared infrastructure, we recommend using something like kubernetes and the code-server docker image. ## How can I disable telemetry? Use the `--disable-telemetry` flag to completely disable telemetry. We use the data collected only to improve code-server.