/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { createServer, Server } from 'net'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import * as nls from 'vscode-nls'; const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle(); const TEXT_STATUSBAR_LABEL = { [State.Disabled]: localize('status.text.auto.attach.disabled', 'Auto Attach: Disabled'), [State.Always]: localize('status.text.auto.attach.always', 'Auto Attach: Always'), [State.Smart]: localize('status.text.auto.attach.smart', 'Auto Attach: Smart'), [State.OnlyWithFlag]: localize('status.text.auto.attach.withFlag', 'Auto Attach: With Flag'), }; const TEXT_STATE_LABEL = { [State.Disabled]: localize('debug.javascript.autoAttach.disabled.label', 'Disabled'), [State.Always]: localize('debug.javascript.autoAttach.always.label', 'Always'), [State.Smart]: localize('debug.javascript.autoAttach.smart.label', 'Smart'), [State.OnlyWithFlag]: localize( 'debug.javascript.autoAttach.onlyWithFlag.label', 'Only With Flag', ), }; const TEXT_STATE_DESCRIPTION = { [State.Disabled]: localize( 'debug.javascript.autoAttach.disabled.description', 'Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar', ), [State.Always]: localize( 'debug.javascript.autoAttach.always.description', 'Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal', ), [State.Smart]: localize( 'debug.javascript.autoAttach.smart.description', "Auto attach when running scripts that aren't in a node_modules folder", ), [State.OnlyWithFlag]: localize( 'debug.javascript.autoAttach.onlyWithFlag.description', 'Only auto attach when the `--inspect` flag is given', ), }; const TEXT_TOGGLE_WORKSPACE = localize('scope.workspace', 'Toggle auto attach in this workspace'); const TEXT_TOGGLE_GLOBAL = localize('scope.global', 'Toggle auto attach on this machine'); const TEXT_TEMP_DISABLE = localize('tempDisable.disable', 'Temporarily disable auto attach in this session'); const TEXT_TEMP_ENABLE = localize('tempDisable.enable', 'Re-enable auto attach'); const TEXT_TEMP_DISABLE_LABEL = localize('tempDisable.suffix', 'Auto Attach: Disabled'); const TOGGLE_COMMAND = 'extension.node-debug.toggleAutoAttach'; const STORAGE_IPC = 'jsDebugIpcState'; const SETTING_SECTION = 'debug.javascript'; const SETTING_STATE = 'autoAttachFilter'; /** * settings that, when changed, should cause us to refresh the state vars */ const SETTINGS_CAUSE_REFRESH = new Set( ['autoAttachSmartPattern', SETTING_STATE].map(s => `${SETTING_SECTION}.${s}`), ); const enum State { Disabled = 'disabled', OnlyWithFlag = 'onlyWithFlag', Smart = 'smart', Always = 'always', } let currentState: Promise<{ context: vscode.ExtensionContext; state: State | null }>; let statusItem: vscode.StatusBarItem | undefined; // and there is no status bar item let server: Promise<Server | undefined> | undefined; // auto attach server let isTemporarilyDisabled = false; // whether the auto attach server is disabled temporarily, reset whenever the state changes export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): void { currentState = Promise.resolve({ context, state: null }); context.subscriptions.push( vscode.commands.registerCommand(TOGGLE_COMMAND, toggleAutoAttachSetting.bind(null, context)), ); context.subscriptions.push( vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(e => { // Whenever a setting is changed, disable auto attach, and re-enable // it (if necessary) to refresh variables. if ( e.affectsConfiguration(`${SETTING_SECTION}.${SETTING_STATE}`) || [...SETTINGS_CAUSE_REFRESH].some(setting => e.affectsConfiguration(setting)) ) { updateAutoAttach(State.Disabled); updateAutoAttach(readCurrentState()); } }), ); updateAutoAttach(readCurrentState()); } export async function deactivate(): Promise<void> { await destroyAttachServer(); } function getDefaultScope(info: ReturnType<vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration['inspect']>) { if (!info) { return vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global; } else if (info.workspaceFolderValue) { return vscode.ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder; } else if (info.workspaceValue) { return vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Workspace; } else if (info.globalValue) { return vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global; } return vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global; } type PickResult = { state: State } | { setTempDisabled: boolean } | { scope: vscode.ConfigurationTarget } | undefined; type PickItem = vscode.QuickPickItem & ({ state: State } | { setTempDisabled: boolean }); async function toggleAutoAttachSetting(context: vscode.ExtensionContext, scope?: vscode.ConfigurationTarget): Promise<void> { const section = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(SETTING_SECTION); scope = scope || getDefaultScope(section.inspect(SETTING_STATE)); const isGlobalScope = scope === vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global; const quickPick = vscode.window.createQuickPick<PickItem>(); const current = readCurrentState(); const items: PickItem[] = [State.Always, State.Smart, State.OnlyWithFlag, State.Disabled].map(state => ({ state, label: TEXT_STATE_LABEL[state], description: TEXT_STATE_DESCRIPTION[state], alwaysShow: true, })); if (current !== State.Disabled) { items.unshift({ setTempDisabled: !isTemporarilyDisabled, label: isTemporarilyDisabled ? TEXT_TEMP_ENABLE : TEXT_TEMP_DISABLE, alwaysShow: true, }); } quickPick.items = items; quickPick.activeItems = isTemporarilyDisabled ? [items[0]] : quickPick.items.filter(i => 'state' in i && i.state === current); quickPick.title = isGlobalScope ? TEXT_TOGGLE_GLOBAL : TEXT_TOGGLE_WORKSPACE; quickPick.buttons = [ { iconPath: new vscode.ThemeIcon(isGlobalScope ? 'folder' : 'globe'), tooltip: isGlobalScope ? TEXT_TOGGLE_WORKSPACE : TEXT_TOGGLE_GLOBAL, }, ]; quickPick.show(); let result = await new Promise<PickResult>(resolve => { quickPick.onDidAccept(() => resolve(quickPick.selectedItems[0])); quickPick.onDidHide(() => resolve(undefined)); quickPick.onDidTriggerButton(() => { resolve({ scope: isGlobalScope ? vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Workspace : vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global, }); }); }); quickPick.dispose(); if (!result) { return; } if ('scope' in result) { return await toggleAutoAttachSetting(context, result.scope); } if ('state' in result) { if (result.state !== current) { section.update(SETTING_STATE, result.state, scope); } else if (isTemporarilyDisabled) { result = { setTempDisabled: false }; } } if ('setTempDisabled' in result) { updateStatusBar(context, current, true); isTemporarilyDisabled = result.setTempDisabled; if (result.setTempDisabled) { await destroyAttachServer(); } else { await createAttachServer(context); // unsets temp disabled var internally } updateStatusBar(context, current, false); } } function readCurrentState(): State { const section = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(SETTING_SECTION); return section.get<State>(SETTING_STATE) ?? State.Disabled; } async function clearJsDebugAttachState(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { await context.workspaceState.update(STORAGE_IPC, undefined); await vscode.commands.executeCommand('extension.js-debug.clearAutoAttachVariables'); await destroyAttachServer(); } /** * Turns auto attach on, and returns the server auto attach is listening on * if it's successful. */ async function createAttachServer(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { const ipcAddress = await getIpcAddress(context); if (!ipcAddress) { return undefined; } server = createServerInner(ipcAddress).catch(err => { console.error(err); return undefined; }); return await server; } const createServerInner = async (ipcAddress: string) => { try { return await createServerInstance(ipcAddress); } catch (e) { // On unix/linux, the file can 'leak' if the process exits unexpectedly. // If we see this, try to delete the file and then listen again. await fs.unlink(ipcAddress).catch(() => undefined); return await createServerInstance(ipcAddress); } }; const createServerInstance = (ipcAddress: string) => new Promise<Server>((resolve, reject) => { const s = createServer(socket => { let data: Buffer[] = []; socket.on('data', async chunk => { if (chunk[chunk.length - 1] !== 0) { // terminated with NUL byte data.push(chunk); return; } data.push(chunk.slice(0, -1)); try { await vscode.commands.executeCommand( 'extension.js-debug.autoAttachToProcess', JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(data).toString()), ); socket.write(Buffer.from([0])); } catch (err) { socket.write(Buffer.from([1])); console.error(err); } }); }) .on('error', reject) .listen(ipcAddress, () => resolve(s)); }); /** * Destroys the auto-attach server, if it's running. */ async function destroyAttachServer() { const instance = await server; if (instance) { await new Promise(r => instance.close(r)); } } interface CachedIpcState { ipcAddress: string; jsDebugPath: string; settingsValue: string; } /** * Map of logic that happens when auto attach states are entered and exited. * All state transitions are queued and run in order; promises are awaited. */ const transitions: { [S in State]: (context: vscode.ExtensionContext) => Promise<void> } = { async [State.Disabled](context) { await clearJsDebugAttachState(context); }, async [State.OnlyWithFlag](context) { await createAttachServer(context); }, async [State.Smart](context) { await createAttachServer(context); }, async [State.Always](context) { await createAttachServer(context); }, }; /** * Ensures the status bar text reflects the current state. */ function updateStatusBar(context: vscode.ExtensionContext, state: State, busy = false) { if (state === State.Disabled && !busy) { statusItem?.hide(); return; } if (!statusItem) { statusItem = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left); statusItem.command = TOGGLE_COMMAND; statusItem.tooltip = localize( 'status.tooltip.auto.attach', 'Automatically attach to node.js processes in debug mode', ); context.subscriptions.push(statusItem); } let text = busy ? '$(loading) ' : ''; text += isTemporarilyDisabled ? TEXT_TEMP_DISABLE_LABEL : TEXT_STATUSBAR_LABEL[state]; statusItem.text = text; statusItem.show(); } /** * Updates the auto attach feature based on the user or workspace setting */ function updateAutoAttach(newState: State) { currentState = currentState.then(async ({ context, state: oldState }) => { if (newState === oldState) { return { context, state: oldState }; } if (oldState !== null) { updateStatusBar(context, oldState, true); } await transitions[newState](context); isTemporarilyDisabled = false; updateStatusBar(context, newState, false); return { context, state: newState }; }); } /** * Gets the IPC address for the server to listen on for js-debug sessions. This * is cached such that we can reuse the address of previous activations. */ async function getIpcAddress(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { // Iff the `cachedData` is present, the js-debug registered environment // variables for this workspace--cachedData is set after successfully // invoking the attachment command. const cachedIpc = context.workspaceState.get<CachedIpcState>(STORAGE_IPC); // We invalidate the IPC data if the js-debug path changes, since that // indicates the extension was updated or reinstalled and the // environment variables will have been lost. // todo: make a way in the API to read environment data directly without activating js-debug? const jsDebugPath = vscode.extensions.getExtension('ms-vscode.js-debug-nightly')?.extensionPath || vscode.extensions.getExtension('ms-vscode.js-debug')?.extensionPath; const settingsValue = getJsDebugSettingKey(); if (cachedIpc?.jsDebugPath === jsDebugPath && cachedIpc?.settingsValue === settingsValue) { return cachedIpc.ipcAddress; } const result = await vscode.commands.executeCommand<{ ipcAddress: string }>( 'extension.js-debug.setAutoAttachVariables', cachedIpc?.ipcAddress, ); if (!result) { return; } const ipcAddress = result.ipcAddress; await context.workspaceState.update(STORAGE_IPC, { ipcAddress, jsDebugPath, settingsValue, } as CachedIpcState); return ipcAddress; } function getJsDebugSettingKey() { let o: { [key: string]: unknown } = {}; const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(SETTING_SECTION); for (const setting of SETTINGS_CAUSE_REFRESH) { o[setting] = config.get(setting); } return JSON.stringify(o); }