/** * @jest-environment jsdom */ import fetchMock from "jest-fetch-mock" import { JSDOM } from "jsdom" import { getNlsConfiguration, nlsConfigElementId, getConfigurationForLoader, setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor, _createScriptURL, main, createBundlePath, } from "../../../../src/browser/pages/vscode" describe("vscode", () => { describe("getNlsConfiguration", () => { let _document: Document beforeEach(() => { // We use underscores to not confuse with global values const { window: _window } = new JSDOM() _document = _window.document fetchMock.enableMocks() }) afterEach(() => { fetchMock.resetMocks() }) it("should throw an error if no nlsConfigElement", () => { const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]" const errorMessage = `${errorMsgPrefix} Could not parse NLS configuration. Could not find nlsConfigElement with id: ${nlsConfigElementId}` expect(() => { getNlsConfiguration(_document, "") }).toThrowError(errorMessage) }) it("should throw an error if no nlsConfig", () => { const mockElement = _document.createElement("div") mockElement.setAttribute("id", nlsConfigElementId) _document.body.appendChild(mockElement) const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]" const errorMessage = `${errorMsgPrefix} Could not parse NLS configuration. Found nlsConfigElement but missing data-settings attribute.` expect(() => { getNlsConfiguration(_document, "") }).toThrowError(errorMessage) _document.body.removeChild(mockElement) }) it("should return the correct configuration", () => { const mockElement = _document.createElement("div") const dataSettings = { first: "Jane", last: "Doe", } mockElement.setAttribute("id", nlsConfigElementId) mockElement.setAttribute("data-settings", JSON.stringify(dataSettings)) _document.body.appendChild(mockElement) const actual = getNlsConfiguration(_document, "") expect(actual).toStrictEqual(dataSettings) _document.body.removeChild(mockElement) }) it("should return and have a loadBundle property if _resolvedLangaugePackCoreLocation", async () => { const mockElement = _document.createElement("div") const dataSettings = { locale: "en", availableLanguages: ["en", "de"], _resolvedLanguagePackCoreLocation: "./", } mockElement.setAttribute("id", nlsConfigElementId) mockElement.setAttribute("data-settings", JSON.stringify(dataSettings)) _document.body.appendChild(mockElement) const nlsConfig = getNlsConfiguration(_document, "") expect(nlsConfig._resolvedLanguagePackCoreLocation).not.toBe(undefined) expect(nlsConfig.loadBundle).not.toBe(undefined) const mockCallbackFn = jest.fn((_, bundle) => { return bundle }) fetchMock.mockOnce(JSON.stringify({ key: "hello world" })) // Ensure that load bundle works as expected // by mocking the fetch response and checking that the callback // had the expected value await nlsConfig.loadBundle("hello", "en", mockCallbackFn) expect(mockCallbackFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockCallbackFn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, { key: "hello world" }) // Call it again to ensure it loads from the cache // it should return the same value await nlsConfig.loadBundle("hello", "en", mockCallbackFn) expect(mockCallbackFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) expect(mockCallbackFn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, { key: "hello world" }) fetchMock.mockReject(new Error("fake error message")) const mockCallbackFn2 = jest.fn((error) => error) // Call it for a different bundle and mock a failed fetch call // to ensure we get the expected error const error = await nlsConfig.loadBundle("goodbye", "es", mockCallbackFn2) expect(error.message).toEqual("fake error message") // Clean up _document.body.removeChild(mockElement) }) }) describe("createBundlePath", () => { it("should return the correct path", () => { const _resolvedLangaugePackCoreLocation = "./languages" const bundle = "/bundle.js" const expected = "./languages/!bundle.js.nls.json" const actual = createBundlePath(_resolvedLangaugePackCoreLocation, bundle) expect(actual).toBe(expected) }) it("should return the correct path (even if _resolvedLangaugePackCoreLocation is undefined)", () => { const _resolvedLangaugePackCoreLocation = undefined const bundle = "/bundle.js" const expected = "/!bundle.js.nls.json" const actual = createBundlePath(_resolvedLangaugePackCoreLocation, bundle) expect(actual).toBe(expected) }) }) describe("setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor", () => { let _document: Document let _localStorage: Storage beforeEach(() => { // We need to set the url in the JSDOM constructor // to prevent this error "SecurityError: localStorage is not available for opaque origins" // See: https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/2304#issuecomment-622314949 const { window: _window } = new JSDOM("", { url: "http://localhost" }) _document = _window.document _localStorage = _window.localStorage }) it("should return null", () => { const test = { colorMap: { [`editor.background`]: "#ff3270", }, } _localStorage.setItem("colorThemeData", JSON.stringify(test)) expect(setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor(_document, _localStorage)).toBeNull() _localStorage.removeItem("colorThemeData") }) it("should throw an error if it can't find colorThemeData in localStorage", () => { const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]" const errorMessage = `${errorMsgPrefix} Could not set body background to theme background color. Could not find colorThemeData in localStorage.` expect(() => { setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor(_document, _localStorage) }).toThrowError(errorMessage) }) it("should throw an error if there is an error parsing colorThemeData from localStorage", () => { const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]" const errorMessage = `${errorMsgPrefix} Could not set body background to theme background color. Could not parse colorThemeData from localStorage.` _localStorage.setItem( "colorThemeData", '{"id":"vs-dark max-SS-Cyberpunk-themes-cyberpunk-umbra-color-theme-json","label":"Activate UMBRA protocol","settingsId":"Activate "errorForeground":"#ff3270","foreground":"#ffffff","sideBarTitle.foreground":"#bbbbbb"},"watch\\":::false}', ) expect(() => { setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor(_document, _localStorage) }).toThrowError(errorMessage) localStorage.removeItem("colorThemeData") }) it("should throw an error if there is no colorMap property", () => { const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]" const errorMessage = `${errorMsgPrefix} Could not set body background to theme background color. colorThemeData is missing colorMap.` const test = { id: "hey-joe", } _localStorage.setItem("colorThemeData", JSON.stringify(test)) expect(() => { setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor(_document, _localStorage) }).toThrowError(errorMessage) _localStorage.removeItem("colorThemeData") }) it("should throw an error if there is no editor.background color", () => { const errorMsgPrefix = "[vscode]" const errorMessage = `${errorMsgPrefix} Could not set body background to theme background color. colorThemeData.colorMap["editor.background"] is undefined.` const test = { id: "hey-joe", colorMap: { editor: "#fff", }, } _localStorage.setItem("colorThemeData", JSON.stringify(test)) expect(() => { setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor(_document, _localStorage) }).toThrowError(errorMessage) _localStorage.removeItem("colorThemeData") }) it("should set the body background to the editor background color", () => { const test = { colorMap: { [`editor.background`]: "#ff3270", }, } _localStorage.setItem("colorThemeData", JSON.stringify(test)) setBodyBackgroundToThemeBackgroundColor(_document, _localStorage) // When the body.style.backgroundColor is set using hex // it is converted to rgb // which is why we use that in the assertion expect(_document.body.style.backgroundColor).toBe("rgb(255, 50, 112)") _localStorage.removeItem("colorThemeData") }) }) describe("getConfigurationForLoader", () => { let _window: Window beforeEach(() => { const { window: __window } = new JSDOM() // @ts-expect-error the Window from JSDOM is not exactly the same as Window // so we expect an error here _window = __window }) it("should return a loader object (with undefined trustedTypesPolicy)", () => { const options = { base: ".", csStaticBase: "/", logLevel: 1, } const nlsConfig = { first: "Jane", last: "Doe", locale: "en", availableLanguages: {}, } const loader = getConfigurationForLoader({ options, _window, nlsConfig: nlsConfig, }) expect(loader).toStrictEqual({ baseUrl: "http://localhost//vendor/modules/code-oss-dev/out", paths: { "iconv-lite-umd": "../node_modules/iconv-lite-umd/lib/iconv-lite-umd.js", jschardet: "../node_modules/jschardet/dist/jschardet.min.js", "tas-client-umd": "../node_modules/tas-client-umd/lib/tas-client-umd.js", "vscode-oniguruma": "../node_modules/vscode-oniguruma/release/main", "vscode-textmate": "../node_modules/vscode-textmate/release/main", xterm: "../node_modules/xterm/lib/xterm.js", "xterm-addon-search": "../node_modules/xterm-addon-search/lib/xterm-addon-search.js", "xterm-addon-unicode11": "../node_modules/xterm-addon-unicode11/lib/xterm-addon-unicode11.js", "xterm-addon-webgl": "../node_modules/xterm-addon-webgl/lib/xterm-addon-webgl.js", }, recordStats: true, trustedTypesPolicy: undefined, "vs/nls": { availableLanguages: {}, first: "Jane", last: "Doe", locale: "en", }, }) }) it("should return a loader object with trustedTypesPolicy", () => { interface PolicyOptions { createScriptUrl: (url: string) => string } function mockCreatePolicy(policyName: string, options: PolicyOptions) { return { name: policyName, ...options, } } const mockFn = jest.fn(mockCreatePolicy) // @ts-expect-error we are adding a custom property to window _window.trustedTypes = { createPolicy: mockFn, } const options = { base: "/", csStaticBase: "/", logLevel: 1, } const nlsConfig = { first: "Jane", last: "Doe", locale: "en", availableLanguages: {}, } const loader = getConfigurationForLoader({ options, _window, nlsConfig: nlsConfig, }) expect(loader.trustedTypesPolicy).not.toBe(undefined) expect(loader.trustedTypesPolicy.name).toBe("amdLoader") // Check that we can actually create a script URL // using the createScriptURL on the loader object const scriptUrl = loader.trustedTypesPolicy.createScriptURL("http://localhost/foo.js") expect(scriptUrl).toBe("http://localhost/foo.js") }) }) describe("_createScriptURL", () => { it("should return the correct url", () => { const url = _createScriptURL("localhost/foo/bar.js", "localhost") expect(url).toBe("localhost/foo/bar.js") }) it("should throw if the value doesn't start with the origin", () => { expect(() => { _createScriptURL("localhost/foo/bar.js", "coder.com") }).toThrow("Invalid script url: localhost/foo/bar.js") }) }) describe("main", () => { let _window: Window let _document: Document let _localStorage: Storage beforeEach(() => { // We need to set the url in the JSDOM constructor // to prevent this error "SecurityError: localStorage is not available for opaque origins" // See: https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/2304#issuecomment-62231494 const { window: __window } = new JSDOM("", { url: "http://localhost" }) // @ts-expect-error the Window from JSDOM is not exactly the same as Window // so we expect an error here _window = __window _document = __window.document _localStorage = __window.localStorage const mockElement = _document.createElement("div") const dataSettings = { first: "Jane", last: "Doe", } mockElement.setAttribute("id", nlsConfigElementId) mockElement.setAttribute("data-settings", JSON.stringify(dataSettings)) _document.body.appendChild(mockElement) const test = { colorMap: { [`editor.background`]: "#ff3270", }, } _localStorage.setItem("colorThemeData", JSON.stringify(test)) }) afterEach(() => { _localStorage.removeItem("colorThemeData") }) it("should throw if document is missing", () => { expect(() => { main(undefined, _window, _localStorage) }).toThrow("document is undefined.") }) it("should throw if window is missing", () => { expect(() => { main(_document, undefined, _localStorage) }).toThrow("window is undefined.") }) it("should throw if localStorage is missing", () => { expect(() => { main(_document, _window, undefined) }).toThrow("localStorage is undefined.") }) it("should add loader to self.require", () => { main(_document, _window, _localStorage) expect(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(self, "require")).toBe(true) }) it("should not throw in browser context", () => { // Assuming we call it in a normal browser context // where everything is defined expect(() => { main(_document, _window, _localStorage) }).not.toThrow() }) }) })