import { join } from "path"; import * as editor from "vs/editor/browser/services/codeEditorServiceImpl"; import { IDecorationRenderOptions } from "vs/editor/common/editorCommon"; /** * This converts icon paths for decorations to the correct URL. */ abstract class CodeEditorServiceImpl extends editor.CodeEditorServiceImpl { public registerDecorationType(key: string, options: IDecorationRenderOptions, parentTypeKey?: string): void { super.registerDecorationType(key, options ? { ...options, gutterIconPath: options.gutterIconPath && options.gutterIconPath.scheme === "file" ? { ...options.gutterIconPath, scheme: location.protocol.replace(":", ""), authority:, path: join("/resource", options.gutterIconPath.path), } :options.gutterIconPath, } : {}, parentTypeKey); } } const target = editor as typeof editor; target.CodeEditorServiceImpl = CodeEditorServiceImpl;