const path = require("path"); const webpack = require("webpack"); const root = path.resolve(__dirname, "..", ".."); const fills = path.join(root, "packages", "ide", "src", "fill"); const vscodeFills = path.join(root, "packages", "vscode", "src", "fill"); const merge = require("webpack-merge"); module.exports = (env) => { const afterCompileCommand = env && env.afterCompileCommand; return merge(require(path.join(root, "scripts", "webpack.general.config.js"))({ typescriptCompilerOptions: { target: "es5", }, }), { entry: path.join(root, "lib/vscode/src/bootstrap-fork.js"), mode: "development", target: "node", externals: ["node-pty", "spdlog"], output: { chunkFilename: "[name].bundle.js", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "./bin"), publicPath: "/", filename: "bootstrap-fork.js", libraryTarget: "commonjs", globalObject: "this", }, module: { rules: [{ loader: "string-replace-loader", test: /\.(js|ts)$/, options: { multiple: [ { search: "require\\.toUrl\\(", replace: "requireToUrl(", flags: "g", }, { search: "require\\.__\\$__nodeRequire", replace: "require", flags: "g", }, ], }, }, { loader: "string-replace-loader", test: /vs\/loader\.js/, options: { multiple: [ { search: "var recorder = moduleManager.getRecorder\\(\\);", replace: ` var recorder = moduleManager.getRecorder(); const context = require.context("../", true, /.*/); if (scriptSrc.indexOf("file:///") !== -1) { const vsSrc = scriptSrc.split("file:///")[1].split(".js")[0]; if (vsSrc && vsSrc.startsWith("vs/")) { scriptSrc = \`node|./\${vsSrc}\`; } } `, flags: "g", }, { search: "nodeRequire\\(", replace: "require(", flags: "g", }, { search: "moduleExports_1 = require\\(", replace: "moduleExports_1 = context(", flags: "g", }, ], }, }, { test: /\.wasm$/, type: "javascript/auto", }, { // Ignore a bunch of file types we don't have loaders for. Also ignore // test directories, some files with invalid JSON, and files we don't // actually require but throw warnings or errors. This all seems to be a // case of dynamic loading including things we won't require. // This also results in the bundle being significantly smaller which // makes uglify much faster. test: /(\/vs\/code\/electron-main\/)|(\/test\/)|(OSSREADME\.json$)|(\.(test\.ts|test\.js|d\.ts|qwoff|node|html|txt|exe|wuff|md|sh|scpt|less)$)/, use: ["ignore-loader"] }], }, resolve: { alias: { "gc-signals": path.join(fills, "empty.ts"), "native-keymap": path.join(fills, "native-keymap.ts"), "windows-process-tree": path.resolve(fills, "empty.ts"), "electron": path.join(vscodeFills, "stdioElectron.ts"), "vs/platform/node/product": path.resolve(vscodeFills, "product.ts"), "vs/platform/node/package": path.resolve(vscodeFills, "package.ts"), "vs/base/node/paths": path.resolve(vscodeFills, "paths.ts"), "vs/base/common/amd": path.resolve(vscodeFills, "amd.ts"), "vs": path.resolve(root, "lib/vscode/src/vs"), }, }, resolveLoader: { alias: { "vs/css": path.resolve(vscodeFills, "css.js"), }, }, plugins: [ new webpack.ProgressPlugin((percentage, msg) => { if (percentage === 1) { if (afterCompileCommand) { require("child_process").execSync(afterCompileCommand, { stdio: "inherit" }); } } }), ], }); };