import * as fs from "fs"; import { Client, Emitter, getFactory, IPosition, IFileConflict, ConflictResolution, Event, IDisposable, IDocumentContentChangedEvent, IURI, IRange, escapePath, IOrphanedChangedEvent, } from 'coder/common'; import { Protocol } from 'vs/base/parts/ipc/node/'; import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService'; import { ICodeEditorService } from 'vs/editor/browser/services/codeEditorService'; import { ShutdownReason } from 'vs/platform/lifecycle/common/lifecycle'; import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { ITextModel, TrackedRangeStickiness, IModelDeltaDecoration } from 'vs/editor/common/model'; import { Position } from 'vs/editor/common/core/position'; import { Selection } from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection'; import { ICodeEditor } from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser'; import { registerContextMenuListener } from 'vs/base/parts/contextmenu/electron-main/contextmenu'; import { Workbench } from 'vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench'; import { StorageService } from 'coder/storageService'; import { IContentData, IFileService, FileOperationError, FileOperationResult, FileSystemProviderCapabilities, IStat, FileType } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { onInstantiation as onFileServiceInstantiation } from 'vs/workbench/services/files/electron-browser/fileService'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { Range } from 'vs/editor/common/core/range'; import product from 'vs/platform/node/product'; import { CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_SCHEME } from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/electron-browser/saveErrorHandler'; import { ITextFileService, ModelState } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textfiles'; import { field, logger } from 'coder/logger'; import { events } from 'coder/analytics'; import { IDecorationsService } from 'vs/workbench/services/decorations/browser/decorations'; import { registerCollaboratorDecorations } from 'coder/collaborators'; import { IInitData as ISharedProcessInitData } from 'vs/code/electron-browser/sharedProcess/sharedProcessClient'; import { LogLevel } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log'; import { INotificationService, Severity } from 'vs/platform/notification/common/notification'; import { toLocalISOString } from 'vs/base/common/date'; import { RawContextKey, IContextKeyService } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey'; let protoResolve: (protocol: Protocol) => void; export const protocolPromise = new Promise((res) => { protoResolve = res; }); let storageResolve: (storageService: StorageService) => void; export const getStorageService = new Promise((res) => { storageResolve = res; }); export let systemExtensionsLocation: string; export let forkedBinLocation: string; const hasNativeClipboard = typeof navigator !== "undefined" && typeof (navigator as any).clipboard !== "undefined" && typeof (navigator as any).clipboard.readText !== "undefined"; let isEnabled: boolean = false; const clipboardEnabledEmitter = new Emitter(); export const nativeClipboard: { readonly contextKey: RawContextKey; readonly instance: { readText(): Promise; writeText(value: string): Promise; }; readonly onChange: Event; readonly isEnabled: boolean; } = { contextKey: new RawContextKey('nativeClipboard', hasNativeClipboard), instance: hasNativeClipboard ? (navigator as any).clipboard : undefined, get onChange(): Event { return clipboardEnabledEmitter.event; }, get isEnabled(): boolean { return isEnabled; } }; let workbench: Workbench; function getModelService(): IModelService { return workbench.workbenchParams.serviceCollection.get(IModelService) as IModelService; } function getCodeEditorService(): ICodeEditorService { return workbench.workbenchParams.serviceCollection.get(ICodeEditorService) as ICodeEditorService; } function getFileService(): IFileService { return workbench.workbenchParams.serviceCollection.get(IFileService) as IFileService; } function getTextFileService(): ITextFileService { return workbench.workbenchParams.serviceCollection.get(ITextFileService) as ITextFileService; } function getNotificationService(): INotificationService { return workbench.workbenchParams.serviceCollection.get(INotificationService) as INotificationService; } export const initialize = async (client: Client): Promise { window.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); }); const storageServicePromise = client.wrapTask("Set configurations", 5, async (state) => { const storageService = new StorageService(, state.workspace); storageResolve(storageService); return storageService; }, client.state); // Set up window ID for logging. We'll also use a static logging directory // otherwise we'd have to get the log directory back from the currently // running shared process. This allows us to not wait for that. Each window // will still have its own logging within that directory. const windowId = parseInt(toLocalISOString(new Date()).replace(/[-:.TZ]/g, ""), 10); process.env.VSCODE_LOGS = "/tmp/vscode-logs"; client.wrapTask("Start shared process", 5, async (api, wush, mountPath) => { const session = wush.execute({ command: "bash -c 'VSCODE_ALLOW_IO=true" + " AMD_ENTRYPOINT=vs/code/electron-browser/sharedProcess/sharedProcessClient" + ` nice -n -17 ${nodePath} ${bootstrapForkLocation} --client'`, }); const sharedProcessLogger = logger.named("shr proc"); session.onStderr((data) => { sharedProcessLogger.error("stderr: " + data); }); session.onDone(() => { workbenchPromise.then(() => { getNotificationService().prompt( Severity.Error, "Shared process terminated unexpectedly.", [{ label: "Reload IDE", run: (): void => { window.location.reload(); }, }], ); }); }); const protocol = Protocol.fromStdio({ onMessage: (cb) => { session.onStdout((data) => { cb(Buffer.from(data as any)); }, true); }, sendMessage: (data) => { session.sendStdin(data); }, }); await new Promise((resolve) => { const listener = protocol.onMessage((message) => { const messageStr = message.toString(); sharedProcessLogger.debug(messageStr); switch (messageStr) { case "handshake:hello": protocol.send(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ // Using the mount path so if we get a new mount, it spins up a new shared // process since it or the builtin extensions could contain changes. sharedIPCHandle: `/tmp/vscode-shared${mountPath.replace(/\//g, "-")}.sock`, serviceUrl: api.environment.appURL("extensions-api"), logsDir: process.env.VSCODE_LOGS, nodePath, bootstrapForkLocation, args: {}, windowId, logLevel: LogLevel.Info, } as ISharedProcessInitData))); break; case "handshake:ready": listener.dispose(); resolve(); break; } }); }); protoResolve(protocol); }, client.api, client.wush, mountPromise); const { startup, URI } = require('vs/workbench/workbench.main'); require("os").homedir = () => { // TODO: update this as well as folderURL return "/root"; }; require("path").posix = require("path"); registerContextMenuListener(); const workbenchPromise = client.wrapTask("Start workbench", 1000, async (workspace, mountPath) => { const workbenchShellPromise = startup({ machineId: "1", windowId, logLevel: LogLevel.Info, mainPid: 1, appRoot: mountPath, execPath: "/tmp", userEnv: {}, nodeCachedDataDir: "/tmp", perfEntries: [], _: undefined, folderUri: URI.file(workspace.mountUri.path), }); const workbenchShell = await workbenchShellPromise; workbench = workbenchShell.workbench; const contextKeys = workbench.workbenchParams.serviceCollection.get(IContextKeyService) as IContextKeyService; const bounded = nativeClipboard.contextKey.bindTo(contextKeys); const navigatorClip = (navigator as any).clipboard; const navigatorPerms = (navigator as any).permissions; if (navigatorClip && navigatorPerms) { navigatorPerms.query({ name: "clipboard-read", }).then((permissionStatus) => { const updateStatus = () => { if (permissionStatus.state === "denied") { isEnabled = false; clipboardEnabledEmitter.emit(false); bounded.set(false); } else { isEnabled = true; clipboardEnabledEmitter.emit(true); bounded.set(true); } }; updateStatus(); permissionStatus.onchange = () => { updateStatus(); }; }); } const decorations = workbench.workbenchParams.serviceCollection.get(IDecorationsService) as IDecorationsService; await registerCollaboratorDecorations(client, decorations); return workbenchShell; }, client.workspace.then((w) => w.connect()), mountPromise, client.mkDirs); await workbenchPromise; };