name: "Deep Classifier: Runner" on: schedule: - cron: 0 * * * * repository_dispatch: types: [trigger-deep-classifier-runner] jobs: main: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout Actions uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: repository: "microsoft/vscode-github-triage-actions" ref: v42 path: ./actions - name: Install Actions run: npm install --production --prefix ./actions - name: Install Additional Dependencies # Pulls in a bunch of other packages that arent needed for the rest of the actions run: npm install @azure/storage-blob@12.1.1 - name: "Run Classifier: Scraper" uses: ./actions/classifier-deep/apply/fetch-sources with: # slightly overlapping to protect against issues slipping through the cracks if a run is delayed from: 80 until: 5 configPath: classifier blobContainerName: vscode-issue-classifier blobStorageKey: ${{secrets.AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING}} token: ${{secrets.VSCODE_ISSUE_TRIAGE_BOT_PAT}} appInsightsKey: ${{secrets.TRIAGE_ACTIONS_APP_INSIGHTS}} - name: Set up Python 3.7 uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: 3.7 - name: Install dependencies run: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade numpy scipy scikit-learn joblib nltk simpletransformers torch torchvision - name: "Run Classifier: Generator" run: python ./actions/classifier-deep/apply/generate-labels/ - name: "Run Classifier: Labeler" uses: ./actions/classifier-deep/apply/apply-labels with: configPath: classifier allowLabels: "needs more info|new release" appInsightsKey: ${{secrets.TRIAGE_ACTIONS_APP_INSIGHTS}} token: ${{secrets.VSCODE_ISSUE_TRIAGE_BOT_PAT}}