/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as assert from 'assert'; import 'mocha'; import { CancellationTokenSource, CompletionTriggerKind, Selection } from 'vscode'; import { DefaultCompletionItemProvider } from '../defaultCompletionProvider'; import { closeAllEditors, withRandomFileEditor } from './testUtils'; const completionProvider = new DefaultCompletionItemProvider(); suite('Tests for completion in CSS embedded in HTML', () => { teardown(closeAllEditors); test('style attribute & attribute value in html', async () => { await testHtmlCompletionProvider('
{ await testHtmlCompletionProvider(`
`, [ { label: 'div', documentation: `
` } ]); }); // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/86941 test('#86941, widows should not be completed', async () => { await testCssCompletionProvider(`.foo { wi| }`, [ { label: 'widows: ;', documentation: `widows: ;` } ]); }); // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/117020 test('#117020, ! at end of abbreviation should have completion', async () => { await testCssCompletionProvider(`.foo { bdbn!| }`, [ { label: 'border-bottom: none !important;', documentation: `border-bottom: none !important;` } ]); }); }); interface TestCompletionItem { label: string; documentation?: string; } function testHtmlCompletionProvider(contents: string, expectedItems: TestCompletionItem[]): Thenable { const cursorPos = contents.indexOf('|'); const htmlContents = contents.slice(0, cursorPos) + contents.slice(cursorPos + 1); return withRandomFileEditor(htmlContents, 'html', async (editor, _doc) => { const selection = new Selection(editor.document.positionAt(cursorPos), editor.document.positionAt(cursorPos)); editor.selection = selection; const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource(); const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems( editor.document, editor.selection.active, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke } ); if (!completionPromise) { return Promise.resolve(); } const completionList = await completionPromise; if (!completionList || !completionList.items || !completionList.items.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } expectedItems.forEach(eItem => { const matches = completionList.items.filter(i => i.label === eItem.label); const match = matches && matches.length > 0 ? matches[0] : undefined; assert.ok(match, `Didn't find completion item with label ${eItem.label}`); if (match) { assert.strictEqual(match.detail, 'Emmet Abbreviation', `Match needs to come from Emmet`); if (eItem.documentation) { assert.strictEqual(match.documentation, eItem.documentation, `Emmet completion Documentation doesn't match`); } } }); return Promise.resolve(); }); } function testCssCompletionProvider(contents: string, expectedItems: TestCompletionItem[]): Thenable { const cursorPos = contents.indexOf('|'); const cssContents = contents.slice(0, cursorPos) + contents.slice(cursorPos + 1); return withRandomFileEditor(cssContents, 'css', async (editor, _doc) => { const selection = new Selection(editor.document.positionAt(cursorPos), editor.document.positionAt(cursorPos)); editor.selection = selection; const cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource(); const completionPromise = completionProvider.provideCompletionItems( editor.document, editor.selection.active, cancelSrc.token, { triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke } ); if (!completionPromise) { return Promise.resolve(); } const completionList = await completionPromise; if (!completionList || !completionList.items || !completionList.items.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } expectedItems.forEach(eItem => { const matches = completionList.items.filter(i => i.label === eItem.label); const match = matches && matches.length > 0 ? matches[0] : undefined; assert.ok(match, `Didn't find completion item with label ${eItem.label}`); if (match) { assert.strictEqual(match.detail, 'Emmet Abbreviation', `Match needs to come from Emmet`); if (eItem.documentation) { assert.strictEqual(match.documentation, eItem.documentation, `Emmet completion Documentation doesn't match`); } } }); return Promise.resolve(); }); }