import * as cp from "child_process"; import * as path from "path"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as os from "os"; import { fromTar, RequireFS, fromZip } from "../src/requirefs"; export const isMac = os.platform() === "darwin"; /** * Encapsulates a RequireFS Promise and the * name of the test case it will be used in. */ interface TestCase { rfs: Promise<RequireFS>; name: string; } /** * TestCaseArray allows tests and benchmarks to share * test cases while limiting redundancy. */ export class TestCaseArray { private cases: Array<TestCase> = []; constructor(cases?: Array<TestCase>) { if (!cases) { this.cases = TestCaseArray.defaults(); return } this.cases = cases; } /** * Returns default test cases. MacOS users need to have `gtar` binary * in order to run GNU-tar tests and benchmarks. */ public static defaults(): Array<TestCase> { let cases: Array<TestCase> = [ TestCaseArray.newCase("cd lib && zip -r ../ ./*", "", async (c) => fromZip(c), "zip"), TestCaseArray.newCase("cd lib && bsdtar cvf ../lib.tar ./*", "lib.tar", async (c) => fromTar(c), "bsdtar"), ]; if (isMac) { const gtarInstalled: boolean = cp.execSync("which tar").length > 0; if (gtarInstalled) { cases.push(TestCaseArray.newCase("cd lib && gtar cvf ../lib.tar ./*", "lib.tar", async (c) => fromTar(c), "gtar")); } else { throw new Error("failed to setup gtar test case, gtar binary is necessary to test GNU-tar on MacOS"); } } else { cases.push(TestCaseArray.newCase("cd lib && tar cvf ../lib.tar ./*", "lib.tar", async (c) => fromTar(c), "tar")); } return cases; }; /** * Returns a test case prepared with the provided RequireFS Promise. * @param command Command to run immediately. For setup. * @param targetFile File to be read and handled by prepare function. * @param prepare Run on target file contents before test. * @param name Test case name. */ public static newCase(command: string, targetFile: string, prepare: (content: Uint8Array) => Promise<RequireFS>, name: string): TestCase { cp.execSync(command, { cwd: __dirname }); const content = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, targetFile)); return { name, rfs: prepare(content), }; } /** * Returns updated TestCaseArray instance, with a new test case. * @see TestCaseArray.newCase */ public add(command: string, targetFile: string, prepare: (content: Uint8Array) => Promise<RequireFS>, name: string): TestCaseArray { this.cases.push(TestCaseArray.newCase(command, targetFile, prepare, name)); return this; }; /** * Gets a test case by index. * @param id Test case index. */ public byID(id: number): TestCase { if (!this.cases[id]) { if (id < 0 || id >= this.cases.length) { throw new Error(`test case index "${id}" out of bounds`); } throw new Error(`test case at index "${id}" not found`); } return this.cases[id]; } /** * Gets a test case by name. * @param name Test case name. */ public byName(name: string): TestCase { let c = this.cases.find((c) => === name); if (!c) { throw new Error(`test case "${name}" not found`); } return c; } /** * Gets the number of test cases. */ public length(): number { return this.cases.length; } }