# Set up instance ## EC2 on AWS - Click **Launch Instance** from your [EC2 dashboard](https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home). - Select the Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - Select an appropriate instance size (we recommend t2.medium/large, depending on team size and number of repositories/languages enabled), then **Next: Configure Instance Details**. - Select **Next: ...** until you get to the **Configure Security Group** page, then add a **Custom TCP Rule** rule with port range set to `8443` and source set to "Anywhere". > Rules with source of allow all IP addresses to access your > instance. We recommend setting [security group rules](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-network-security.html?icmpid=docs_ec2_console) > to allow access from known IP addresses only. - Click **Launch**. - You will be prompted to create a key pair. - From the dropdown choose "create a new pair", give the key pair a name. - Click **Download Key Pair** and store the file in a safe place. - Click **Launch Instances**. - Head to your [EC2 dashboard](https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home) and choose instances from the left panel. - In the description of your EC2 instance copy the public DNS (iPv4) address using the copy to clipboard button. - Open a terminal on your computer and SSH into your instance: ``` ssh -i ${path to key pair} ubuntu@${public address} ``` ## DigitalOcean [Open your DigitalOcean dashboard](https://cloud.digitalocean.com/droplets/new) to create a new droplet - **Choose an image -** Select the **Distributions** tab and then choose Ubuntu. - **Choose a size -** We recommend at least 4GB RAM and 2 CPU, more depending on team size and number of repositories/languages enabled. - Launch your instance. - Open a terminal on your computer and SSH into your instance: ``` ssh root@${instance ip} ``` ## Google Cloud > Pre-requisite: Set up the [Google Cloud SDK](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/) > on your local machine - [Open your Google Cloud console](https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/instances) to create a new VM instance and click **Create Instance**. - Choose an appropriate machine type (we recommend 2 vCPU and 7.5 GB RAM, more depending on team size and number of repositories/languages enabled). - Choose Ubuntu 16.04 LTS as your boot disk. - Expand the "Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy" section, go to the "Networking" tab, then under network tags add "code-server". - Create your VM, and **take note** of its public IP address. - Visit "VPC network" in the console and go to "Firewall rules". Create a new firewall rule called "http-8443". Under "Target tags" add "code-server", and under "Protocols and ports" tick "Specified protocols and ports" and "tcp". Beside "tcp", add "8443", then create the rule. - Open a terminal on your computer and SSH into your Google Cloud VM: ``` gcloud compute ssh --zone ${region} ${instance name} ``` # Run code-server - Download the latest code-server release from the [releases page](https://github.com/cdr/code-server/releases/latest) to the instance, extract the file, then run the code-server binary: ``` wget https://github.com/cdr/code-server/releases/download/{version}/code-server{version}-linux-x64.tar.gz tar -xvzf code-server{version}-linux-x64.tar.gz cd code-server{version}-linux-x64 ./code-server ``` - Open your browser and visit http://$public_ip:8443/ where `$public_ip` is your instance's public IP address. - For long-term use, set up a systemd service to run code-server.