mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 18:38:46 +00:00
412 lines
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412 lines
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import * as fs from "fs";
import * as http from "http";
import * as net from "net";
import * as path from "path";
import * as util from "util";
import * as url from "url";
import { Emitter } from "vs/base/common/event";
import { sanitizeFilePath } from "vs/base/common/extpath";
import { getMediaMime } from "vs/base/common/mime";
import { extname } from "vs/base/common/path";
import { UriComponents, URI } from "vs/base/common/uri";
import { IPCServer, ClientConnectionEvent, StaticRouter } from "vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc";
import { LogsDataCleaner } from "vs/code/electron-browser/sharedProcess/contrib/logsDataCleaner";
import { IConfigurationService } from "vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration";
import { ConfigurationService } from "vs/platform/configuration/node/configurationService";
import { IDialogService } from "vs/platform/dialogs/common/dialogs";
import { DialogChannelClient } from "vs/platform/dialogs/node/dialogIpc";
import { IEnvironmentService, ParsedArgs } from "vs/platform/environment/common/environment";
import { EnvironmentService } from "vs/platform/environment/node/environmentService";
import { IExtensionManagementService, IExtensionGalleryService } from "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagement";
import { ExtensionGalleryChannel } from "vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionGalleryIpc";
import { ExtensionGalleryService } from "vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionGalleryService";
import { ExtensionManagementChannel } from "vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionManagementIpc";
import { ExtensionManagementService } from "vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionManagementService";
import { SyncDescriptor } from "vs/platform/instantiation/common/descriptors";
import { InstantiationService } from "vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiationService";
import { ServiceCollection } from "vs/platform/instantiation/common/serviceCollection";
import { ILocalizationsService } from "vs/platform/localizations/common/localizations";
import { LocalizationsService } from "vs/platform/localizations/node/localizations";
import { getLogLevel, ILogService } from "vs/platform/log/common/log";
import { LogLevelSetterChannel } from "vs/platform/log/common/logIpc";
import { SpdLogService } from "vs/platform/log/node/spdlogService";
import { IProductConfiguration } from "vs/platform/product/common/product";
import product from "vs/platform/product/node/product";
import { ConnectionType, ConnectionTypeRequest } from "vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAgentConnection";
import { REMOTE_FILE_SYSTEM_CHANNEL_NAME } from "vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAgentFileSystemChannel";
import { IRequestService } from "vs/platform/request/node/request";
import { RequestService } from "vs/platform/request/node/requestService";
import { ITelemetryService } from "vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry";
import { NullTelemetryService } from "vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetryUtils";
import { RemoteExtensionLogFileName } from "vs/workbench/services/remote/common/remoteAgentService";
// import { TelemetryService } from "vs/workbench/services/telemetry/electron-browser/telemetryService";
import { IWorkbenchConstructionOptions } from "vs/workbench/workbench.web.api";
import { Connection, ManagementConnection, ExtensionHostConnection } from "vs/server/connection";
import { ExtensionEnvironmentChannel, FileProviderChannel, getUriTransformer } from "vs/server/channel";
import { Protocol } from "vs/server/protocol";
export enum HttpCode {
Ok = 200,
NotFound = 404,
BadRequest = 400,
export interface Options {
WORKBENCH_WEB_CONGIGURATION: IWorkbenchConstructionOptions;
PRODUCT_CONFIGURATION: IProductConfiguration | null;
export interface Response {
content?: string | Buffer;
code?: number;
headers: http.OutgoingHttpHeaders;
export class HttpError extends Error {
public constructor(message: string, public readonly code: number) {
// @ts-ignore
this.name = this.constructor.name;
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
export abstract class Server {
// The underlying web server.
protected readonly server: http.Server;
protected rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../..");
private listenPromise: Promise<string> | undefined;
public constructor(private readonly port: number) {
this.server = http.createServer(async (request, response): Promise<void> => {
try {
if (request.method !== "GET") {
throw new HttpError(
`Unsupported method ${request.method}`,
const parsedUrl = url.parse(request.url || "", true);
const fullPath = decodeURIComponent(parsedUrl.pathname || "/");
const match = fullPath.match(/^(\/?[^/]*)(.*)$/);
const [, base, requestPath] = match
? match.map((p) => p !== "/" ? p.replace(/\/$/, "") : p)
: ["", "", ""];
const { content, headers, code } = await this.handleRequest(
base, requestPath, parsedUrl, request,
response.writeHead(code || HttpCode.Ok, {
"Cache-Control": "max-age=86400",
// TODO: ETag?
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === "ENOENT" || error.code === "EISDIR") {
error = new HttpError("Not found", HttpCode.NotFound);
response.writeHead(typeof error.code === "number" ? error.code : 500);
public listen(): Promise<string> {
if (!this.listenPromise) {
this.listenPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.server.on("error", reject);
this.server.listen(this.port, () => {
return this.listenPromise;
public address(): string {
const address = this.server.address();
const endpoint = typeof address !== "string"
? ((address.address === "::" ? "localhost" : address.address) + ":" + address.port)
: address;
return `http://${endpoint}`;
protected abstract handleRequest(
base: string,
requestPath: string,
parsedUrl: url.UrlWithParsedQuery,
request: http.IncomingMessage,
): Promise<Response>;
protected async getResource(filePath: string): Promise<Response> {
const content = await util.promisify(fs.readFile)(filePath);
return {
headers: {
"Content-Type": getMediaMime(filePath) || {
".css": "text/css",
".html": "text/html",
".js": "text/javascript",
".json": "application/json",
}[extname(filePath)] || "text/plain",
export class MainServer extends Server {
// Used to notify the IPC server that there is a new client.
public readonly _onDidClientConnect = new Emitter<ClientConnectionEvent>();
public readonly onDidClientConnect = this._onDidClientConnect.event;
// This is separate instead of just extending this class since we can't
// use properties in the super call. This manages channels.
private readonly ipc = new IPCServer(this.onDidClientConnect);
// Persistent connections. These can reconnect within a timeout.
private readonly connections = new Map<ConnectionType, Map<string, Connection>>();
private readonly services = new ServiceCollection();
public constructor(
port: number,
private readonly webviewServer: WebviewServer,
args: ParsedArgs,
) {
this.server.on("upgrade", async (request, socket) => {
const protocol = this.createProtocol(request, socket);
try {
await this.connect(await protocol.handshake(), protocol);
} catch (error) {
const environmentService = new EnvironmentService(args, process.execPath);
const logService = new SpdLogService(RemoteExtensionLogFileName, environmentService.logsPath, getLogLevel(environmentService));
this.ipc.registerChannel("loglevel", new LogLevelSetterChannel(logService));
const router = new StaticRouter((context: any) => {
return context.clientId === "renderer";
this.services.set(ILogService, logService);
this.services.set(IEnvironmentService, environmentService);
this.services.set(IConfigurationService, new SyncDescriptor(ConfigurationService, [environmentService.machineSettingsResource]));
this.services.set(IRequestService, new SyncDescriptor(RequestService));
this.services.set(IExtensionGalleryService, new SyncDescriptor(ExtensionGalleryService));
this.services.set(ITelemetryService, NullTelemetryService); // TODO: telemetry
this.services.set(IDialogService, new DialogChannelClient(this.ipc.getChannel("dialog", router)));
this.services.set(IExtensionManagementService, new SyncDescriptor(ExtensionManagementService));
const instantiationService = new InstantiationService(this.services);
this.services.set(ILocalizationsService, instantiationService.createInstance(LocalizationsService));
instantiationService.invokeFunction(() => {
this.ipc.registerChannel(REMOTE_FILE_SYSTEM_CHANNEL_NAME, new FileProviderChannel(logService));
this.ipc.registerChannel("remoteextensionsenvironment", new ExtensionEnvironmentChannel(environmentService, logService));
const extensionsService = this.services.get(IExtensionManagementService) as IExtensionManagementService;
const extensionsChannel = new ExtensionManagementChannel(extensionsService, (context) => getUriTransformer(context.remoteAuthority));
this.ipc.registerChannel("extensions", extensionsChannel);
const galleryService = this.services.get(IExtensionGalleryService) as IExtensionGalleryService;
const galleryChannel = new ExtensionGalleryChannel(galleryService);
this.ipc.registerChannel("gallery", galleryChannel);
protected async handleRequest(
base: string,
requestPath: string,
parsedUrl: url.UrlWithParsedQuery,
request: http.IncomingMessage,
): Promise<Response> {
switch (base) {
case "/":
return this.getRoot(request, parsedUrl);
case "/node_modules":
case "/out":
return this.getResource(path.join(this.rootPath, base, requestPath));
// TODO: this setup means you can't request anything from the root if it
// starts with /node_modules or /out, although that's probably low risk.
// There doesn't seem to be a really good way to solve this since some
// resources are requested by the browser (like the extension icon) and
// some by the file provider (like the extension README). Maybe add a
// /resource prefix and a file provider that strips that prefix?
return this.getResource(path.join(base, requestPath));
private async getRoot(request: http.IncomingMessage, parsedUrl: url.UrlWithParsedQuery): Promise<Response> {
const htmlPath = path.join(
let content = await util.promisify(fs.readFile)(htmlPath, "utf8");
const remoteAuthority = request.headers.host as string;
const transformer = getUriTransformer(remoteAuthority);
const webviewEndpoint = await this.webviewServer.listen();
const cwd = process.env.VSCODE_CWD || process.cwd();
const workspacePath = parsedUrl.query.workspace as string | undefined;
const folderPath = !workspacePath ? parsedUrl.query.folder as string | undefined || cwd: undefined;
const options: Options = {
workspaceUri: workspacePath
? transformer.transformOutgoing(URI.file(sanitizeFilePath(workspacePath, cwd)))
: undefined,
folderUri: folderPath
? transformer.transformOutgoing(URI.file(sanitizeFilePath(folderPath, cwd)))
: undefined,
REMOTE_USER_DATA_URI: transformer.transformOutgoing(
(this.services.get(IEnvironmentService) as EnvironmentService).webUserDataHome,
Object.keys(options).forEach((key) => {
content = content.replace(`"{{${key}}}"`, `'${JSON.stringify(options[key])}'`);
content = content.replace('{{WEBVIEW_ENDPOINT}}', webviewEndpoint);
return {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/html",
private createProtocol(request: http.IncomingMessage, socket: net.Socket): Protocol {
if (request.headers.upgrade !== "websocket") {
throw new Error("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
const options = {
reconnectionToken: "",
reconnection: false,
skipWebSocketFrames: false,
if (request.url) {
const query = url.parse(request.url, true).query;
if (query.reconnectionToken) {
options.reconnectionToken = query.reconnectionToken as string;
if (query.reconnection === "true") {
options.reconnection = true;
if (query.skipWebSocketFrames === "true") {
options.skipWebSocketFrames = true;
return new Protocol(
request.headers["sec-websocket-key"] as string,
private async connect(message: ConnectionTypeRequest, protocol: Protocol): Promise<void> {
switch (message.desiredConnectionType) {
case ConnectionType.ExtensionHost:
case ConnectionType.Management:
const debugPort = await this.getDebugPort();
const ok = message.desiredConnectionType === ConnectionType.ExtensionHost
? (debugPort ? { debugPort } : {})
: { type: "ok" };
if (!this.connections.has(message.desiredConnectionType)) {
this.connections.set(message.desiredConnectionType, new Map());
const connections = this.connections.get(message.desiredConnectionType)!;
const token = protocol.options.reconnectionToken;
if (protocol.options.reconnection && connections.has(token)) {
const buffer = protocol.readEntireBuffer();
return connections.get(token)!.reconnect(protocol, buffer);
if (protocol.options.reconnection || connections.has(token)) {
throw new Error(protocol.options.reconnection
? "Unrecognized reconnection token"
: "Duplicate reconnection token"
let connection: Connection;
if (message.desiredConnectionType === ConnectionType.Management) {
connection = new ManagementConnection(protocol);
onDidClientDisconnect: connection.onClose,
} else {
connection = new ExtensionHostConnection(
protocol, this.services.get(ILogService) as ILogService,
connections.set(protocol.options.reconnectionToken, connection);
connection.onClose(() => {
case ConnectionType.Tunnel: return protocol.tunnel();
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized connection type");
* TODO: implement.
private async getDebugPort(): Promise<number | undefined> {
return undefined;
export class WebviewServer extends Server {
protected async handleRequest(
base: string,
requestPath: string,
): Promise<Response> {
const webviewPath = path.join(
if (base === "/") {
base = "/index.html";
return this.getResource(path.join(webviewPath, base, requestPath));