
89 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { workspace, extensions, Uri, EventEmitter, Disposable } from 'vscode';
import { Utils } from 'vscode-uri';
export function getCustomDataSource(toDispose: Disposable[]) {
let pathsInWorkspace = getCustomDataPathsInAllWorkspaces();
let pathsInExtensions = getCustomDataPathsFromAllExtensions();
const onChange = new EventEmitter<void>();
toDispose.push(extensions.onDidChange(_ => {
const newPathsInExtensions = getCustomDataPathsFromAllExtensions();
if (newPathsInExtensions.length !== pathsInExtensions.length || !newPathsInExtensions.every((val, idx) => val === pathsInExtensions[idx])) {
pathsInExtensions = newPathsInExtensions;;
toDispose.push(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(e => {
if (e.affectsConfiguration('css.customData')) {
pathsInWorkspace = getCustomDataPathsInAllWorkspaces();;
return {
get uris() {
return pathsInWorkspace.concat(pathsInExtensions);
get onDidChange() {
return onChange.event;
function getCustomDataPathsInAllWorkspaces(): string[] {
const workspaceFolders = workspace.workspaceFolders;
const dataPaths: string[] = [];
if (!workspaceFolders) {
return dataPaths;
const collect = (paths: string[] | undefined, rootFolder: Uri) => {
if (Array.isArray(paths)) {
for (const path of paths) {
if (typeof path === 'string') {
dataPaths.push(Utils.resolvePath(rootFolder, path).toString());
for (let i = 0; i < workspaceFolders.length; i++) {
const folderUri = workspaceFolders[i].uri;
const allCssConfig = workspace.getConfiguration('css', folderUri);
const customDataInspect = allCssConfig.inspect<string[]>('customData');
if (customDataInspect) {
collect(customDataInspect.workspaceFolderValue, folderUri);
if (i === 0) {
if (workspace.workspaceFile) {
collect(customDataInspect.workspaceValue, workspace.workspaceFile);
collect(customDataInspect.globalValue, folderUri);
return dataPaths;
function getCustomDataPathsFromAllExtensions(): string[] {
const dataPaths: string[] = [];
for (const extension of extensions.all) {
const customData = extension.packageJSON?.contributes?.css?.customData;
if (Array.isArray(customData)) {
for (const rp of customData) {
dataPaths.push(Utils.joinPath(extension.extensionUri, rp).toString());
return dataPaths;