mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 15:58:45 +00:00
Also too the opportunity to rewrite the build script since there was a change in the build steps (mainly how the product JSON is inserted) and to get the build changes out of the patch. It also no longer relies on external caching (we'll want to do this within CI instead).
314 lines
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314 lines
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import * as path from "path";
import { VSBuffer } from "vs/base/common/buffer";
import { Emitter, Event } from "vs/base/common/event";
import { IDisposable } from "vs/base/common/lifecycle";
import { OS } from "vs/base/common/platform";
import { URI, UriComponents } from "vs/base/common/uri";
import { transformOutgoingURIs } from "vs/base/common/uriIpc";
import { IServerChannel } from "vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc";
import { IDiagnosticInfo } from "vs/platform/diagnostics/common/diagnostics";
import { IEnvironmentService } from "vs/platform/environment/common/environment";
import { ExtensionIdentifier, IExtensionDescription } from "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions";
import { FileDeleteOptions, FileOpenOptions, FileOverwriteOptions, FileType, IStat, IWatchOptions } from "vs/platform/files/common/files";
import { DiskFileSystemProvider } from "vs/platform/files/node/diskFileSystemProvider";
import { ILogService } from "vs/platform/log/common/log";
import product from "vs/platform/product/common/product";
import { IRemoteAgentEnvironment } from "vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAgentEnvironment";
import { ITelemetryService } from "vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry";
import { INodeProxyService } from "vs/server/src/common/nodeProxy";
import { getTranslations } from "vs/server/src/node/nls";
import { getUriTransformer, localRequire } from "vs/server/src/node/util";
import { ExtensionScanner, ExtensionScannerInput } from "vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionPoints";
* Extend the file provider to allow unwatching.
class Watcher extends DiskFileSystemProvider {
public readonly watches = new Map<number, IDisposable>();
public dispose(): void {
this.watches.forEach((w) => w.dispose());
public _watch(req: number, resource: URI, opts: IWatchOptions): void {
this.watches.set(req, this.watch(resource, opts));
public unwatch(req: number): void {
export class FileProviderChannel implements IServerChannel, IDisposable {
private readonly provider: DiskFileSystemProvider;
private readonly watchers = new Map<string, Watcher>();
public constructor(
private readonly environmentService: IEnvironmentService,
private readonly logService: ILogService,
) {
this.provider = new DiskFileSystemProvider(this.logService);
public listen(context: any, event: string, args?: any): Event<any> {
switch (event) {
// This is where the actual file changes are sent. The watch method just
// adds things that will fire here. That means we have to split up
// watchers based on the session otherwise sessions would get events for
// other sessions. There is also no point in having the watcher unless
// something is listening. I'm not sure there is a different way to
// dispose, anyway.
case "filechange":
const session = args[0];
const emitter = new Emitter({
onFirstListenerAdd: () => {
const provider = new Watcher(this.logService);
this.watchers.set(session, provider);
const transformer = getUriTransformer(context.remoteAuthority);
provider.onDidChangeFile((events) => {
emitter.fire(events.map((event) => ({
resource: transformer.transformOutgoing(event.resource),
provider.onDidErrorOccur((event) => emitter.fire(event));
onLastListenerRemove: () => {
return emitter.event;
throw new Error(`Invalid listen "${event}"`);
public call(_: unknown, command: string, args?: any): Promise<any> {
switch (command) {
case "stat": return this.stat(args[0]);
case "open": return this.open(args[0], args[1]);
case "close": return this.close(args[0]);
case "read": return this.read(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
case "write": return this.write(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
case "delete": return this.delete(args[0], args[1]);
case "mkdir": return this.mkdir(args[0]);
case "readdir": return this.readdir(args[0]);
case "rename": return this.rename(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
case "copy": return this.copy(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
case "watch": return this.watch(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
case "unwatch": return this.unwatch(args[0], args[1]);
throw new Error(`Invalid call "${command}"`);
public dispose(): void {
this.watchers.forEach((w) => w.dispose());
private async stat(resource: UriComponents): Promise<IStat> {
return this.provider.stat(this.transform(resource));
private async open(resource: UriComponents, opts: FileOpenOptions): Promise<number> {
return this.provider.open(this.transform(resource), opts);
private async close(fd: number): Promise<void> {
return this.provider.close(fd);
private async read(fd: number, pos: number, length: number): Promise<[VSBuffer, number]> {
const buffer = VSBuffer.alloc(length);
const bytesRead = await this.provider.read(fd, pos, buffer.buffer, 0, length);
return [buffer, bytesRead];
private write(fd: number, pos: number, buffer: VSBuffer, offset: number, length: number): Promise<number> {
return this.provider.write(fd, pos, buffer.buffer, offset, length);
private async delete(resource: UriComponents, opts: FileDeleteOptions): Promise<void> {
return this.provider.delete(this.transform(resource), opts);
private async mkdir(resource: UriComponents): Promise<void> {
return this.provider.mkdir(this.transform(resource));
private async readdir(resource: UriComponents): Promise<[string, FileType][]> {
return this.provider.readdir(this.transform(resource));
private async rename(resource: UriComponents, target: UriComponents, opts: FileOverwriteOptions): Promise<void> {
return this.provider.rename(this.transform(resource), URI.from(target), opts);
private copy(resource: UriComponents, target: UriComponents, opts: FileOverwriteOptions): Promise<void> {
return this.provider.copy(this.transform(resource), URI.from(target), opts);
private async watch(session: string, req: number, resource: UriComponents, opts: IWatchOptions): Promise<void> {
this.watchers.get(session)!._watch(req, this.transform(resource), opts);
private async unwatch(session: string, req: number): Promise<void> {
private transform(resource: UriComponents): URI {
// Used for walkthrough content.
if (/^\/static[^/]*\//.test(resource.path)) {
return URI.file(this.environmentService.appRoot + resource.path.replace(/^\/static[^/]*\//, "/"));
// Used by the webview service worker to load resources.
} else if (resource.path === "/vscode-resource" && resource.query) {
try {
const query = JSON.parse(resource.query);
if (query.requestResourcePath) {
return URI.file(query.requestResourcePath);
} catch (error) { /* Carry on. */ }
return URI.from(resource);
export class ExtensionEnvironmentChannel implements IServerChannel {
public constructor(
private readonly environment: IEnvironmentService,
private readonly log: ILogService,
private readonly telemetry: ITelemetryService,
private readonly connectionToken: string,
) {}
public listen(_: unknown, event: string): Event<any> {
throw new Error(`Invalid listen "${event}"`);
public async call(context: any, command: string, args?: any): Promise<any> {
switch (command) {
case "getEnvironmentData":
return transformOutgoingURIs(
await this.getEnvironmentData(args.language),
case "getDiagnosticInfo": return this.getDiagnosticInfo();
case "disableTelemetry": return this.disableTelemetry();
throw new Error(`Invalid call "${command}"`);
private async getEnvironmentData(locale: string): Promise<IRemoteAgentEnvironment> {
return {
pid: process.pid,
connectionToken: this.connectionToken,
appRoot: URI.file(this.environment.appRoot),
appSettingsHome: this.environment.appSettingsHome,
settingsPath: this.environment.machineSettingsHome,
logsPath: URI.file(this.environment.logsPath),
extensionsPath: URI.file(this.environment.extensionsPath!),
extensionHostLogsPath: URI.file(path.join(this.environment.logsPath, "extension-host")),
globalStorageHome: URI.file(this.environment.globalStorageHome),
userHome: URI.file(this.environment.userHome),
extensions: await this.scanExtensions(locale),
os: OS,
private async scanExtensions(locale: string): Promise<IExtensionDescription[]> {
const translations = await getTranslations(locale, this.environment.userDataPath);
const scanMultiple = (isBuiltin: boolean, isUnderDevelopment: boolean, paths: string[]): Promise<IExtensionDescription[][]> => {
return Promise.all(paths.map((path) => {
return ExtensionScanner.scanExtensions(new ExtensionScannerInput(
), this.log);
const scanBuiltin = async (): Promise<IExtensionDescription[][]> => {
return scanMultiple(true, false, [this.environment.builtinExtensionsPath, ...this.environment.extraBuiltinExtensionPaths]);
const scanInstalled = async (): Promise<IExtensionDescription[][]> => {
return scanMultiple(false, true, [this.environment.extensionsPath!, ...this.environment.extraExtensionPaths]);
return Promise.all([scanBuiltin(), scanInstalled()]).then((allExtensions) => {
const uniqueExtensions = new Map<string, IExtensionDescription>();
allExtensions.forEach((multipleExtensions) => {
multipleExtensions.forEach((extensions) => {
extensions.forEach((extension) => {
const id = ExtensionIdentifier.toKey(extension.identifier);
if (uniqueExtensions.has(id)) {
const oldPath = uniqueExtensions.get(id)!.extensionLocation.fsPath;
const newPath = extension.extensionLocation.fsPath;
this.log.warn(`${oldPath} has been overridden ${newPath}`);
uniqueExtensions.set(id, extension);
return Array.from(uniqueExtensions.values());
private getDiagnosticInfo(): Promise<IDiagnosticInfo> {
throw new Error("not implemented");
private async disableTelemetry(): Promise<void> {
export class NodeProxyService implements INodeProxyService {
public _serviceBrand = undefined;
public readonly server: import("@coder/node-browser/out/server/server").Server;
private readonly _onMessage = new Emitter<string>();
public readonly onMessage = this._onMessage.event;
private readonly _$onMessage = new Emitter<string>();
public readonly $onMessage = this._$onMessage.event;
public readonly _onDown = new Emitter<void>();
public readonly onDown = this._onDown.event;
public readonly _onUp = new Emitter<void>();
public readonly onUp = this._onUp.event;
// Unused because the server connection will never permanently close.
private readonly _onClose = new Emitter<void>();
public readonly onClose = this._onClose.event;
public constructor() {
// TODO: down/up
const { Server } = localRequire<typeof import("@coder/node-browser/out/server/server")>("@coder/node-browser/out/server/server");
this.server = new Server({
onMessage: this.$onMessage,
onClose: this.onClose,
onDown: this.onDown,
onUp: this.onUp,
send: (message: string): void => {
public send(message: string): void {