mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 19:09:18 +00:00
These conflicts will be resolved in the following commits. We do it this way so that PR review is possible.
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import {
TextDocuments, InitializeParams, InitializeResult, NotificationType, RequestType,
DocumentRangeFormattingRequest, Disposable, ServerCapabilities, TextDocumentSyncKind, TextEdit
} from 'vscode-languageserver';
import { formatError, runSafe, runSafeAsync } from './utils/runner';
import { TextDocument, JSONDocument, JSONSchema, getLanguageService, DocumentLanguageSettings, SchemaConfiguration, ClientCapabilities, Diagnostic, Range, Position } from 'vscode-json-languageservice';
import { getLanguageModelCache } from './languageModelCache';
import { RequestService, basename, resolvePath } from './requests';
type ISchemaAssociations = Record<string, string[]>;
namespace SchemaAssociationNotification {
export const type: NotificationType<ISchemaAssociations | SchemaConfiguration[]> = new NotificationType('json/schemaAssociations');
namespace VSCodeContentRequest {
export const type: RequestType<string, string, any> = new RequestType('vscode/content');
namespace SchemaContentChangeNotification {
export const type: NotificationType<string> = new NotificationType('json/schemaContent');
namespace ResultLimitReachedNotification {
export const type: NotificationType<string> = new NotificationType('json/resultLimitReached');
namespace ForceValidateRequest {
export const type: RequestType<string, Diagnostic[], any> = new RequestType('json/validate');
const workspaceContext = {
resolveRelativePath: (relativePath: string, resource: string) => {
const base = resource.substr(0, resource.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
return resolvePath(base, relativePath);
export interface RuntimeEnvironment {
file?: RequestService;
http?: RequestService
configureHttpRequests?(proxy: string, strictSSL: boolean): void;
export function startServer(connection: Connection, runtime: RuntimeEnvironment) {
function getSchemaRequestService(handledSchemas: string[] = ['https', 'http', 'file']) {
const builtInHandlers: { [protocol: string]: RequestService | undefined } = {};
for (let protocol of handledSchemas) {
if (protocol === 'file') {
builtInHandlers[protocol] = runtime.file;
} else if (protocol === 'http' || protocol === 'https') {
builtInHandlers[protocol] = runtime.http;
return (uri: string): Thenable<string> => {
const protocol = uri.substr(0, uri.indexOf(':'));
const builtInHandler = builtInHandlers[protocol];
if (builtInHandler) {
return builtInHandler.getContent(uri);
return connection.sendRequest(VSCodeContentRequest.type, uri).then(responseText => {
return responseText;
}, error => {
return Promise.reject(error.message);
// create the JSON language service
let languageService = getLanguageService({
contributions: [],
clientCapabilities: ClientCapabilities.LATEST
// Create a text document manager.
const documents = new TextDocuments(TextDocument);
// Make the text document manager listen on the connection
// for open, change and close text document events
let clientSnippetSupport = false;
let dynamicFormatterRegistration = false;
let hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport = false;
let foldingRangeLimitDefault = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let foldingRangeLimit = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let resultLimit = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let formatterMaxNumberOfEdits = Number.MAX_VALUE;
// After the server has started the client sends an initialize request. The server receives
// in the passed params the rootPath of the workspace plus the client capabilities.
connection.onInitialize((params: InitializeParams): InitializeResult => {
const handledProtocols = params.initializationOptions?.handledSchemaProtocols;
languageService = getLanguageService({
schemaRequestService: getSchemaRequestService(handledProtocols),
contributions: [],
clientCapabilities: params.capabilities
function getClientCapability<T>(name: string, def: T) {
const keys = name.split('.');
let c: any = params.capabilities;
for (let i = 0; c && i < keys.length; i++) {
if (!c.hasOwnProperty(keys[i])) {
return def;
c = c[keys[i]];
return c;
clientSnippetSupport = getClientCapability('textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport', false);
dynamicFormatterRegistration = getClientCapability('textDocument.rangeFormatting.dynamicRegistration', false) && (typeof params.initializationOptions?.provideFormatter !== 'boolean');
foldingRangeLimitDefault = getClientCapability('textDocument.foldingRange.rangeLimit', Number.MAX_VALUE);
hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport = getClientCapability('textDocument.documentSymbol.hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport', false);
formatterMaxNumberOfEdits = params.initializationOptions?.customCapabilities?.rangeFormatting?.editLimit || Number.MAX_VALUE;
const capabilities: ServerCapabilities = {
textDocumentSync: TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental,
completionProvider: clientSnippetSupport ? {
resolveProvider: false, // turn off resolving as the current language service doesn't do anything on resolve. Also fixes #91747
triggerCharacters: ['"', ':']
} : undefined,
hoverProvider: true,
documentSymbolProvider: true,
documentRangeFormattingProvider: params.initializationOptions?.provideFormatter === true,
colorProvider: {},
foldingRangeProvider: true,
selectionRangeProvider: true,
documentLinkProvider: {}
return { capabilities };
// The settings interface describes the server relevant settings part
interface Settings {
json: {
schemas: JSONSchemaSettings[];
format: { enable: boolean; };
resultLimit?: number;
http: {
proxy: string;
proxyStrictSSL: boolean;
interface JSONSchemaSettings {
fileMatch?: string[];
url?: string;
schema?: JSONSchema;
const limitExceededWarnings = function () {
const pendingWarnings: { [uri: string]: { features: { [name: string]: string }; timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; } } = {};
return {
cancel(uri: string) {
const warning = pendingWarnings[uri];
if (warning && warning.timeout) {
delete pendingWarnings[uri];
onResultLimitExceeded(uri: string, resultLimit: number, name: string) {
return () => {
let warning = pendingWarnings[uri];
if (warning) {
if (!warning.timeout) {
// already shown
warning.features[name] = name;
} else {
warning = { features: { [name]: name } };
warning.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
connection.sendNotification(ResultLimitReachedNotification.type, `${basename(uri)}: For performance reasons, ${Object.keys(warning.features).join(' and ')} have been limited to ${resultLimit} items.`);
warning.timeout = undefined;
}, 2000);
pendingWarnings[uri] = warning;
let jsonConfigurationSettings: JSONSchemaSettings[] | undefined = undefined;
let schemaAssociations: ISchemaAssociations | SchemaConfiguration[] | undefined = undefined;
let formatterRegistration: Thenable<Disposable> | null = null;
// The settings have changed. Is send on server activation as well.
connection.onDidChangeConfiguration((change) => {
let settings = <Settings>change.settings;
if (runtime.configureHttpRequests) {
runtime.configureHttpRequests(settings.http && settings.http.proxy, settings.http && settings.http.proxyStrictSSL);
jsonConfigurationSettings = settings.json && settings.json.schemas;
foldingRangeLimit = Math.trunc(Math.max(settings.json && settings.json.resultLimit || foldingRangeLimitDefault, 0));
resultLimit = Math.trunc(Math.max(settings.json && settings.json.resultLimit || Number.MAX_VALUE, 0));
// dynamically enable & disable the formatter
if (dynamicFormatterRegistration) {
const enableFormatter = settings && settings.json && settings.json.format && settings.json.format.enable;
if (enableFormatter) {
if (!formatterRegistration) {
formatterRegistration = connection.client.register(DocumentRangeFormattingRequest.type, { documentSelector: [{ language: 'json' }, { language: 'jsonc' }] });
} else if (formatterRegistration) {
formatterRegistration.then(r => r.dispose());
formatterRegistration = null;
// The jsonValidation extension configuration has changed
connection.onNotification(SchemaAssociationNotification.type, associations => {
schemaAssociations = associations;
// A schema has changed
connection.onNotification(SchemaContentChangeNotification.type, uri => {
// Retry schema validation on all open documents
connection.onRequest(ForceValidateRequest.type, uri => {
return new Promise<Diagnostic[]>(resolve => {
const document = documents.get(uri);
if (document) {
validateTextDocument(document, diagnostics => {
} else {
function updateConfiguration() {
const languageSettings = {
validate: true,
allowComments: true,
schemas: new Array<SchemaConfiguration>()
if (schemaAssociations) {
if (Array.isArray(schemaAssociations)) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(languageSettings.schemas, schemaAssociations);
} else {
for (const pattern in schemaAssociations) {
const association = schemaAssociations[pattern];
if (Array.isArray(association)) {
association.forEach(uri => {
languageSettings.schemas.push({ uri, fileMatch: [pattern] });
if (jsonConfigurationSettings) {
jsonConfigurationSettings.forEach((schema, index) => {
let uri = schema.url;
if (!uri && schema.schema) {
uri = schema.schema.id || `vscode://schemas/custom/${index}`;
if (uri) {
languageSettings.schemas.push({ uri, fileMatch: schema.fileMatch, schema: schema.schema });
// Revalidate any open text documents
// The content of a text document has changed. This event is emitted
// when the text document first opened or when its content has changed.
documents.onDidChangeContent((change) => {
// a document has closed: clear all diagnostics
documents.onDidClose(event => {
connection.sendDiagnostics({ uri: event.document.uri, diagnostics: [] });
const pendingValidationRequests: { [uri: string]: NodeJS.Timer; } = {};
const validationDelayMs = 300;
function cleanPendingValidation(textDocument: TextDocument): void {
const request = pendingValidationRequests[textDocument.uri];
if (request) {
delete pendingValidationRequests[textDocument.uri];
function triggerValidation(textDocument: TextDocument): void {
pendingValidationRequests[textDocument.uri] = setTimeout(() => {
delete pendingValidationRequests[textDocument.uri];
}, validationDelayMs);
function validateTextDocument(textDocument: TextDocument, callback?: (diagnostics: Diagnostic[]) => void): void {
const respond = (diagnostics: Diagnostic[]) => {
connection.sendDiagnostics({ uri: textDocument.uri, diagnostics });
if (callback) {
if (textDocument.getText().length === 0) {
respond([]); // ignore empty documents
const jsonDocument = getJSONDocument(textDocument);
const version = textDocument.version;
const documentSettings: DocumentLanguageSettings = textDocument.languageId === 'jsonc' ? { comments: 'ignore', trailingCommas: 'warning' } : { comments: 'error', trailingCommas: 'error' };
languageService.doValidation(textDocument, jsonDocument, documentSettings).then(diagnostics => {
setImmediate(() => {
const currDocument = documents.get(textDocument.uri);
if (currDocument && currDocument.version === version) {
respond(diagnostics); // Send the computed diagnostics to VSCode.
}, error => {
connection.console.error(formatError(`Error while validating ${textDocument.uri}`, error));
connection.onDidChangeWatchedFiles((change) => {
// Monitored files have changed in VSCode
let hasChanges = false;
change.changes.forEach(c => {
if (languageService.resetSchema(c.uri)) {
hasChanges = true;
if (hasChanges) {
const jsonDocuments = getLanguageModelCache<JSONDocument>(10, 60, document => languageService.parseJSONDocument(document));
documents.onDidClose(e => {
connection.onShutdown(() => {
function getJSONDocument(document: TextDocument): JSONDocument {
return jsonDocuments.get(document);
connection.onCompletion((textDocumentPosition, token) => {
return runSafeAsync(async () => {
const document = documents.get(textDocumentPosition.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const jsonDocument = getJSONDocument(document);
return languageService.doComplete(document, textDocumentPosition.position, jsonDocument);
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing completions for ${textDocumentPosition.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onHover((textDocumentPositionParams, token) => {
return runSafeAsync(async () => {
const document = documents.get(textDocumentPositionParams.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const jsonDocument = getJSONDocument(document);
return languageService.doHover(document, textDocumentPositionParams.position, jsonDocument);
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing hover for ${textDocumentPositionParams.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onDocumentSymbol((documentSymbolParams, token) => {
return runSafe(() => {
const document = documents.get(documentSymbolParams.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const jsonDocument = getJSONDocument(document);
const onResultLimitExceeded = limitExceededWarnings.onResultLimitExceeded(document.uri, resultLimit, 'document symbols');
if (hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport) {
return languageService.findDocumentSymbols2(document, jsonDocument, { resultLimit, onResultLimitExceeded });
} else {
return languageService.findDocumentSymbols(document, jsonDocument, { resultLimit, onResultLimitExceeded });
return [];
}, [], `Error while computing document symbols for ${documentSymbolParams.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onDocumentRangeFormatting((formatParams, token) => {
return runSafe(() => {
const document = documents.get(formatParams.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const edits = languageService.format(document, formatParams.range, formatParams.options);
if (edits.length > formatterMaxNumberOfEdits) {
const newText = TextDocument.applyEdits(document, edits);
return [TextEdit.replace(Range.create(Position.create(0, 0), document.positionAt(document.getText().length)), newText)];
return edits;
return [];
}, [], `Error while formatting range for ${formatParams.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onDocumentColor((params, token) => {
return runSafeAsync(async () => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const onResultLimitExceeded = limitExceededWarnings.onResultLimitExceeded(document.uri, resultLimit, 'document colors');
const jsonDocument = getJSONDocument(document);
return languageService.findDocumentColors(document, jsonDocument, { resultLimit, onResultLimitExceeded });
return [];
}, [], `Error while computing document colors for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onColorPresentation((params, token) => {
return runSafe(() => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const jsonDocument = getJSONDocument(document);
return languageService.getColorPresentations(document, jsonDocument, params.color, params.range);
return [];
}, [], `Error while computing color presentations for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onFoldingRanges((params, token) => {
return runSafe(() => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const onRangeLimitExceeded = limitExceededWarnings.onResultLimitExceeded(document.uri, foldingRangeLimit, 'folding ranges');
return languageService.getFoldingRanges(document, { rangeLimit: foldingRangeLimit, onRangeLimitExceeded });
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing folding ranges for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onSelectionRanges((params, token) => {
return runSafe(() => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const jsonDocument = getJSONDocument(document);
return languageService.getSelectionRanges(document, params.positions, jsonDocument);
return [];
}, [], `Error while computing selection ranges for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onDocumentLinks((params, token) => {
return runSafeAsync(async () => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const jsonDocument = getJSONDocument(document);
return languageService.findLinks(document, jsonDocument);
return [];
}, [], `Error while computing links for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
// Listen on the connection