mirror of https://git.tuxpa.in/a/code-server.git synced 2025-03-01 21:43:34 +00:00
Kyle Carberry 4af84fcaf6 Add flags for customizing user data dir and extensions dir (#420)
* Add flags for customizing extensions directory

* Update @coder/nbin
2019-04-03 17:07:47 -05:00

289 lines
10 KiB

import { field, logger } from "@coder/logger";
import { ServerMessage, SharedProcessActive } from "@coder/protocol/src/proto";
import { ChildProcess, fork, ForkOptions, spawn } from "child_process";
import { randomFillSync } from "crypto";
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as fse from "fs-extra";
import * as os from "os";
import * as path from "path";
import * as WebSocket from "ws";
import { buildDir, cacheHome, dataHome, isCli, serveStatic } from "./constants";
import { setup as setupNativeModules } from "./modules";
import { createApp } from "./server";
import { forkModule, requireFork, requireModule } from "./vscode/bootstrapFork";
import { SharedProcess, SharedProcessState } from "./vscode/sharedProcess";
import opn = require("opn");
import * as commander from "commander";
commander.version(process.env.VERSION || "development")
.description("Run VS Code on a remote server.")
.option("--cert <value>")
.option("--cert-key <value>")
.option("-e, --extensions-dir <dir>", "Set the root path for extensions.")
.option("-d --user-data-dir <dir>", " Specifies the directory that user data is kept in, useful when running as root.")
.option("--data-dir <value>", "DEPRECATED: Use '--user-data-dir' instead. Customize where user-data is stored.")
.option("-h, --host <value>", "Customize the hostname.", "")
.option("-o, --open", "Open in the browser on startup.", false)
.option("-p, --port <number>", "Port to bind on.", 8443)
.option("-N, --no-auth", "Start without requiring authentication.", undefined)
.option("-H, --allow-http", "Allow http connections.", false)
.option("-P, --password <value>", "Specify a password for authentication.")
.option("--bootstrap-fork <name>", "Used for development. Never set.")
.option("--fork <name>", "Used for development. Never set.")
.option("--extra-args <args>", "Used for development. Never set.")
.arguments("Specify working directory.")
Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;
if (isCli) {
// Makes strings or numbers bold in stdout
const bold = (text: string | number): string | number => {
return `\u001B[1m${text}\u001B[0m`;
(async (): Promise<void> => {
const args = commander.args;
const options = commander.opts() as {
noAuth: boolean;
readonly allowHttp: boolean;
readonly host: string;
readonly port: number;
readonly userDataDir?: string;
readonly extensionsDir?: string;
readonly dataDir?: string;
readonly password?: string;
readonly open?: boolean;
readonly cert?: string;
readonly certKey?: string;
readonly bootstrapFork?: string;
readonly fork?: string;
readonly extraArgs?: string;
// Commander has an exception for `--no` prefixes. Here we'll adjust that.
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
const noAuthValue = (commander as any).auth;
options.noAuth = !noAuthValue;
const dataDir = path.resolve(options.userDataDir || options.dataDir || path.join(dataHome, "code-server"));
const extensionsDir = options.extensionsDir ? path.resolve(options.extensionsDir) : path.resolve(dataDir, "extensions");
const workingDir = path.resolve(args[0] || process.cwd());
if (!fs.existsSync(dataDir)) {
const oldDataDir = path.resolve(path.join(os.homedir(), ".code-server"));
if (fs.existsSync(oldDataDir)) {
await fse.move(oldDataDir, dataDir);
logger.info(`Moved data directory from ${oldDataDir} to ${dataDir}`);
await Promise.all([
const builtInExtensionsDir = path.resolve(buildDir || path.join(__dirname, ".."), "build/extensions");
if (options.bootstrapFork) {
const modulePath = options.bootstrapFork;
if (!modulePath) {
logger.error("No module path specified to fork!");
((options.extraArgs ? JSON.parse(options.extraArgs) : []) as string[]).forEach((arg, i) => {
// [0] contains the binary running the script (`node` for example) and
// [1] contains the script name, so the arguments come after that.
process.argv[i + 2] = arg;
return requireModule(modulePath, dataDir, builtInExtensionsDir);
if (options.fork) {
const modulePath = options.fork;
return requireFork(modulePath, JSON.parse(options.extraArgs!), builtInExtensionsDir);
const logDir = path.join(cacheHome, "code-server/logs", new Date().toISOString().replace(/[-:.TZ]/g, ""));
process.env.VSCODE_LOGS = logDir;
const certPath = options.cert ? path.resolve(options.cert) : undefined;
const certKeyPath = options.certKey ? path.resolve(options.certKey) : undefined;
if (certPath && !certKeyPath) {
logger.error("'--cert-key' flag is required when specifying a certificate!");
if (!certPath && certKeyPath) {
logger.error("'--cert' flag is required when specifying certificate key!");
let certData: Buffer | undefined;
let certKeyData: Buffer | undefined;
if (typeof certPath !== "undefined" && typeof certKeyPath !== "undefined") {
try {
certData = fs.readFileSync(certPath);
} catch (ex) {
logger.error(`Failed to read certificate: ${ex.message}`);
try {
certKeyData = fs.readFileSync(certKeyPath);
} catch (ex) {
logger.error(`Failed to read certificate key: ${ex.message}`);
logger.info(`\u001B[1mcode-server ${process.env.VERSION ? `v${process.env.VERSION}` : "development"}`);
if (options.dataDir) {
logger.warn('"--data-dir" is deprecated. Use "--user-data-dir" instead.');
// TODO: fill in appropriate doc url
logger.info("Additional documentation: http://github.com/codercom/code-server");
logger.info("Initializing", field("data-dir", dataDir), field("extensions-dir", extensionsDir), field("working-dir", workingDir), field("log-dir", logDir));
const sharedProcess = new SharedProcess(dataDir, extensionsDir, builtInExtensionsDir);
const sendSharedProcessReady = (socket: WebSocket): void => {
const active = new SharedProcessActive();
const serverMessage = new ServerMessage();
sharedProcess.onState((event) => {
if (event.state === SharedProcessState.Ready) {
app.wss.clients.forEach((c) => sendSharedProcessReady(c));
let password = options.password;
if (!password) {
// Generate a random password with a length of 24.
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(12);
password = buffer.toString("hex");
const hasCustomHttps = certData && certKeyData;
const app = await createApp({
allowHttp: options.allowHttp,
bypassAuth: options.noAuth,
registerMiddleware: (app): void => {
app.use((req, res, next) => {
res.on("finish", () => {
logger.trace(`\u001B[1m${req.method} ${res.statusCode} \u001B[0m${req.url}`, field("host", req.hostname), field("ip", req.ip));
// If we're not running from the binary and we aren't serving the static
// pre-built version, use webpack to serve the web files.
if (!isCli && !serveStatic) {
const webpackConfig = require(path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "..", "web", "webpack.config.js"));
const compiler = require("webpack")(webpackConfig);
app.use(require("webpack-dev-middleware")(compiler, {
publicPath: webpackConfig.output.publicPath,
stats: webpackConfig.stats,
serverOptions: {
extensionsDirectory: extensionsDir,
builtInExtensionsDirectory: builtInExtensionsDir,
dataDirectory: dataDir,
workingDirectory: workingDir,
cacheDirectory: cacheHome,
fork: (modulePath: string, args?: string[], options?: ForkOptions): ChildProcess => {
if (options && options.env && options.env.AMD_ENTRYPOINT) {
return forkModule(options.env.AMD_ENTRYPOINT, args, options, dataDir);
if (isCli) {
return spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(buildDir, "out", "cli.js"), "--fork", modulePath, "--extra-args", JSON.stringify(args), "--data-dir", dataDir], {
stdio: [null, null, null, "ipc"],
} else {
return fork(modulePath, args, options);
httpsOptions: hasCustomHttps ? {
key: certKeyData,
cert: certData,
} : undefined,
logger.info("Starting webserver...", field("host", options.host), field("port", options.port));
app.server.listen(options.port, options.host);
let clientId = 1;
app.wss.on("connection", (ws, req) => {
const id = clientId++;
if (sharedProcess.state === SharedProcessState.Ready) {
logger.info(`WebSocket opened \u001B[0m${req.url}`, field("client", id), field("ip", req.socket.remoteAddress));
ws.on("close", (code) => {
logger.info(`WebSocket closed \u001B[0m${req.url}`, field("client", id), field("code", code));
app.wss.on("error", (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => {
if (err.code === "EADDRINUSE") {
logger.error(`Port ${bold(options.port)} is in use. Please free up port ${options.port} or specify a different port with the -p flag`);
if (!options.certKey && !options.cert) {
logger.warn("No certificate specified. \u001B[1mThis could be insecure.");
// TODO: fill in appropriate doc url
logger.warn("Documentation on securing your setup: https://github.com/codercom/code-server/blob/master/doc/security/ssl.md");
if (!options.noAuth) {
logger.info(" ");
logger.info(`Password:\u001B[1m ${password}`);
} else {
logger.warn("Launched without authentication.");
const url = `http://localhost:${options.port}/`;
logger.info(" ");
logger.info("Started (click the link below to open):");
logger.info(" ");
if (options.open) {
try {
await opn(url);
} catch (e) {
logger.warn("Url couldn't be opened automatically.", field("url", url), field("exception", e));
})().catch((ex) => {