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# Default values for code-server.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
replicaCount: 1
repository: codercom/code-server
tag: '3.11.0'
pullPolicy: Always
imagePullSecrets: []
nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: ""
hostnameOverride: ""
# Specifies whether a service account should be created
create: true
# Annotations to add to the service account
annotations: {}
# The name of the service account to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
name: ""
podAnnotations: {}
podSecurityContext: {}
# fsGroup: 2000
securityContext: {}
# capabilities:
# drop:
# - ALL
# readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 1000
type: ClusterIP
port: 8080
enabled: false
# kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
# kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
# - host: code-server.example.loc
# paths:
# - /
# - secretName: code-server
# hosts:
# - code-server.example.loc
# Optional additional arguments
extraArgs: []
# - --allow-http
# - --no-auth
# Optional additional environment variables
extraVars: []
# value: true
## Init containers parameters:
## volumePermissions: Change the owner of the persist volume mountpoint to RunAsUser:fsGroup
enabled: true
runAsUser: 0
## Pod Security Context
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/
enabled: true
fsGroup: 1000
runAsUser: 1000
resources: {}
# We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
# choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
# resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
# lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 1000Mi
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
## Persist data to a persistent volume
enabled: true
## code-server data Persistent Volume Storage Class
## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>
## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is
## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on
## GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
# storageClass: "-"
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
size: 10Gi
annotations: {}
# existingClaim: ""
# hostPath: /data
create: true
## Enable an Specify container in extraContainers.
## This is meant to allow adding code-server dependencies, like docker-dind.
extraContainers: |
#- name: docker-dind
# image: docker:19.03-dind
# imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# resources:
# requests:
# cpu: 250m
# memory: 256M
# securityContext:
# privileged: true
# procMount: Default
# env:
# value: ""
# value: "overlay2"
## Additional code-server secret mounts
extraSecretMounts: []
# - name: secret-files
# mountPath: /etc/secrets
# secretName: code-server-secret-files
# readOnly: true
## Additional code-server volume mounts
extraVolumeMounts: []
# - name: extra-volume
# mountPath: /mnt/volume
# readOnly: true
# existingClaim: volume-claim
# hostPath: ""
extraConfigmapMounts: []
# - name: certs-configmap
# mountPath: /etc/code-server/ssl/
# subPath: certificates.crt # (optional)
# configMap: certs-configmap
# readOnly: true