 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

/** @typedef {import('webpack').Configuration} WebpackConfig **/

'use strict';

const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const merge = require('merge-options');
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const { NLSBundlePlugin } = require('vscode-nls-dev/lib/webpack-bundler');
const { DefinePlugin } = require('webpack');

function withNodeDefaults(/**@type WebpackConfig*/extConfig) {
	// Need to find the top-most `package.json` file
	const folderName = path.relative(__dirname, extConfig.context).split(/[\\\/]/)[0];
	const pkgPath = path.join(__dirname, folderName, 'package.json');
	const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8'));
	const id = `${pkg.publisher}.${pkg.name}`;

	/** @type WebpackConfig */
	let defaultConfig = {
		mode: 'none', // this leaves the source code as close as possible to the original (when packaging we set this to 'production')
		target: 'node', // extensions run in a node context
		node: {
			__dirname: false // leave the __dirname-behaviour intact
		resolve: {
			mainFields: ['module', 'main'],
			extensions: ['.ts', '.js'] // support ts-files and js-files
		module: {
			rules: [{
				test: /\.ts$/,
				exclude: /node_modules/,
				use: [{
					// vscode-nls-dev loader:
					// * rewrite nls-calls
					loader: 'vscode-nls-dev/lib/webpack-loader',
					options: {
						base: path.join(extConfig.context, 'src')
				}, {
					// configure TypeScript loader:
					// * enable sources maps for end-to-end source maps
					loader: 'ts-loader',
					options: {
						compilerOptions: {
							'sourceMap': true,
		externals: {
			'vscode': 'commonjs vscode', // ignored because it doesn't exist
		output: {
			// all output goes into `dist`.
			// packaging depends on that and this must always be like it
			filename: '[name].js',
			path: path.join(extConfig.context, 'dist'),
			libraryTarget: 'commonjs',
		// yes, really source maps
		devtool: 'source-map',
		plugins: [
			new CopyWebpackPlugin({
				patterns: [
					{ from: 'src', to: '.', globOptions: { ignore: ['**/test/**', '**/*.ts'] }, noErrorOnMissing: true }
			new NLSBundlePlugin(id)

	return merge(defaultConfig, extConfig);

function withBrowserDefaults(/**@type WebpackConfig*/extConfig) {
	/** @type WebpackConfig */
	let defaultConfig = {
		mode: 'none', // this leaves the source code as close as possible to the original (when packaging we set this to 'production')
		target: 'webworker', // extensions run in a webworker context
		resolve: {
			mainFields: ['module', 'main'],
			extensions: ['.ts', '.js'], // support ts-files and js-files
			alias: {
				'vscode-nls': path.resolve(__dirname, '../build/polyfills/vscode-nls.js'),
				'vscode-extension-telemetry': path.resolve(__dirname, '../build/polyfills/vscode-extension-telemetry.js')
		module: {
			rules: [{
				test: /\.ts$/,
				exclude: /node_modules/,
				use: [{
					// configure TypeScript loader:
					// * enable sources maps for end-to-end source maps
					loader: 'ts-loader',
					options: {
						compilerOptions: {
							'sourceMap': true,
		externals: {
			'vscode': 'commonjs vscode', // ignored because it doesn't exist
		performance: {
			hints: false
		output: {
			// all output goes into `dist`.
			// packaging depends on that and this must always be like it
			filename: '[name].js',
			path: path.join(extConfig.context, 'dist', 'browser'),
			libraryTarget: 'commonjs',
		// yes, really source maps
		devtool: 'source-map',
		plugins: [
			new CopyWebpackPlugin({
				patterns: [
					{ from: 'src', to: '.', globOptions: { ignore: ['**/test/**', '**/*.ts'] }, noErrorOnMissing: true }
			new DefinePlugin({ WEBWORKER: JSON.stringify(true) })

	return merge(defaultConfig, extConfig);

module.exports = withNodeDefaults;
module.exports.node = withNodeDefaults;
module.exports.browser = withBrowserDefaults;