import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test" import { STORAGE } from "../utils/constants" import { CodeServer } from "./models/CodeServer" test.describe("CodeServer", () => { // Create a new context with the saved storage state // so we don't have to logged in const options: any = {} let codeServer: CodeServer // TODO@jsjoeio // Fix this once // is fixed if (STORAGE) { const storageState = JSON.parse(STORAGE) || {} options.contextOptions = { storageState, } } test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { codeServer = new CodeServer(page) await codeServer.navigate() }) test("should open the default folder if not open", options, async ({ page }) => { await codeServer.openFolder() // find workspaceStorage in the Explorer menu, which would be open in the User folder // which is the default folder that opens expect(await page.isVisible("text=workspaceStorage")).toBe(true) }) test("should show the Integrated Terminal", options, async ({ page }) => { await codeServer.viewTerminal() expect(await page.isVisible("#terminal")).toBe(true) }) test("should open a file with quickOpen", options, async ({ page }) => { await codeServer.openFolder() await codeServer.quickOpen("extensions.json") // If the file is open, we will see an empty array // assuming no extensions are installed expect(await page.isVisible("text=[]")) }) })