// Note: we need to import logger from the root // because this is the logger used in logError in ../src/common/util import { logger } from "../node_modules/@coder/logger" import { arrayify, getFirstString, logError, normalize, plural, resolveBase, split, trimSlashes, } from "../src/common/util" type LocationLike = Pick describe("util", () => { describe("normalize", () => { it("should remove multiple slashes", () => { expect(normalize("//foo//bar//baz///mumble")).toBe("/foo/bar/baz/mumble") }) it("should remove trailing slashes", () => { expect(normalize("qux///")).toBe("qux") }) it("should preserve trailing slash if it exists", () => { expect(normalize("qux///", true)).toBe("qux/") expect(normalize("qux", true)).toBe("qux") }) }) describe("split", () => { it("should split at a comma", () => { expect(split("Hello,world", ",")).toStrictEqual(["Hello", "world"]) }) it("shouldn't split if the delimiter doesn't exist", () => { expect(split("Hello world", ",")).toStrictEqual(["Hello world", ""]) }) }) describe("plural", () => { it("should add an s if count is greater than 1", () => { expect(plural(2, "dog")).toBe("dogs") }) it("should NOT add an s if the count is 1", () => { expect(plural(1, "dog")).toBe("dog") }) }) describe("trimSlashes", () => { it("should remove leading slashes", () => { expect(trimSlashes("/hello-world")).toBe("hello-world") }) it("should remove trailing slashes", () => { expect(trimSlashes("hello-world/")).toBe("hello-world") }) it("should remove both leading and trailing slashes", () => { expect(trimSlashes("/hello-world/")).toBe("hello-world") }) it("should remove multiple leading and trailing slashes", () => { expect(trimSlashes("///hello-world////")).toBe("hello-world") }) }) describe("resolveBase", () => { beforeEach(() => { const location: LocationLike = { pathname: "/healthz", origin: "http://localhost:8080", } // Because resolveBase is not a pure function // and relies on the global location to be set // we set it before all the tests // and tell TS that our location should be looked at // as Location (even though it's missing some properties) global.location = location as Location }) it("should resolve a base", () => { expect(resolveBase("localhost:8080")).toBe("/localhost:8080") }) it("should resolve a base with a forward slash at the beginning", () => { expect(resolveBase("/localhost:8080")).toBe("/localhost:8080") }) it("should resolve a base with query params", () => { expect(resolveBase("localhost:8080?folder=hello-world")).toBe("/localhost:8080") }) it("should resolve a base with a path", () => { expect(resolveBase("localhost:8080/hello/world")).toBe("/localhost:8080/hello/world") }) it("should resolve a base to an empty string when not provided", () => { expect(resolveBase()).toBe("") }) }) describe("arrayify", () => { it("should return value it's already an array", () => { expect(arrayify(["hello", "world"])).toStrictEqual(["hello", "world"]) }) it("should wrap the value in an array if not an array", () => { expect( arrayify({ name: "Coder", version: "3.8", }), ).toStrictEqual([{ name: "Coder", version: "3.8" }]) }) it("should return an empty array if the value is undefined", () => { expect(arrayify(undefined)).toStrictEqual([]) }) }) describe("getFirstString", () => { it("should return the string if passed a string", () => { expect(getFirstString("Hello world!")).toBe("Hello world!") }) it("should get the first string from an array", () => { expect(getFirstString(["Hello", "World"])).toBe("Hello") }) it("should return undefined if the value isn't an array or a string", () => { expect(getFirstString({ name: "Coder" })).toBe(undefined) }) }) describe("logError", () => { let spy: jest.SpyInstance beforeEach(() => { spy = jest.spyOn(logger, "error") }) afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() }) afterAll(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks() }) it("should log an error with the message and stack trace", () => { const message = "You don't have access to that folder." const error = new Error(message) logError("ui", error) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`ui: ${error.message} ${error.stack}`) }) it("should log an error, even if not an instance of error", () => { logError("api", "oh no") expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("api: oh no") }) }) })