import * as cp from "child_process" import * as crypto from "crypto" import * as fs from "fs-extra" import * as os from "os" import * as path from "path" import * as util from "util" export const tmpdir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), "code-server") const getXdgDataDir = (): string => { switch (process.platform) { case "win32": return path.join(process.env.XDG_DATA_HOME || path.join(os.homedir(), "AppData/Local"), "code-server/Data") case "darwin": return path.join( process.env.XDG_DATA_HOME || path.join(os.homedir(), "Library/Application Support"), "code-server", ) default: return path.join(process.env.XDG_DATA_HOME || path.join(os.homedir(), ".local/share"), "code-server") } } export const xdgLocalDir = getXdgDataDir() export const generateCertificate = async (): Promise<{ cert: string; certKey: string }> => { const paths = { cert: path.join(tmpdir, "self-signed.cert"), certKey: path.join(tmpdir, "self-signed.key"), } const checks = await Promise.all([fs.pathExists(paths.cert), fs.pathExists(paths.certKey)]) if (!checks[0] || !checks[1]) { // Require on demand so openssl isn't required if you aren't going to // generate certificates. const pem = require("pem") as typeof import("pem") const certs = await new Promise((resolve, reject): void => { pem.createCertificate({ selfSigned: true }, (error, result) => { return error ? reject(error) : resolve(result) }) }) await fs.mkdirp(tmpdir) await Promise.all([fs.writeFile(paths.cert, certs.certificate), fs.writeFile(paths.certKey, certs.serviceKey)]) } return paths } export const generatePassword = async (length = 24): Promise => { const buffer = Buffer.alloc(Math.ceil(length / 2)) await util.promisify(crypto.randomFill)(buffer) return buffer.toString("hex").substring(0, length) } export const hash = (str: string): string => { return crypto .createHash("sha256") .update(str) .digest("hex") } const mimeTypes: { [key: string]: string } = { ".aac": "audio/x-aac", ".avi": "video/x-msvideo", ".bmp": "image/bmp", ".css": "text/css", ".flv": "video/x-flv", ".gif": "image/gif", ".html": "text/html", ".ico": "image/x-icon", ".jpe": "image/jpg", ".jpeg": "image/jpg", ".jpg": "image/jpg", ".js": "application/javascript", ".json": "application/json", ".m1v": "video/mpeg", ".m2a": "audio/mpeg", ".m2v": "video/mpeg", ".m3a": "audio/mpeg", ".mid": "audio/midi", ".midi": "audio/midi", ".mk3d": "video/x-matroska", ".mks": "video/x-matroska", ".mkv": "video/x-matroska", ".mov": "video/quicktime", ".movie": "video/x-sgi-movie", ".mp2": "audio/mpeg", ".mp2a": "audio/mpeg", ".mp3": "audio/mpeg", ".mp4": "video/mp4", ".mp4a": "audio/mp4", ".mp4v": "video/mp4", ".mpe": "video/mpeg", ".mpeg": "video/mpeg", ".mpg": "video/mpeg", ".mpg4": "video/mp4", ".mpga": "audio/mpeg", ".oga": "audio/ogg", ".ogg": "audio/ogg", ".ogv": "video/ogg", ".png": "image/png", ".psd": "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop", ".qt": "video/quicktime", ".spx": "audio/ogg", ".svg": "image/svg+xml", ".tga": "image/x-tga", ".tif": "image/tiff", ".tiff": "image/tiff", ".txt": "text/plain", ".wav": "audio/x-wav", ".wasm": "application/wasm", ".webm": "video/webm", ".webp": "image/webp", ".wma": "audio/x-ms-wma", ".wmv": "video/x-ms-wmv", ".woff": "application/font-woff", } export const getMediaMime = (filePath?: string): string => { return (filePath && mimeTypes[path.extname(filePath)]) || "text/plain" } export const isWsl = async (): Promise => { return ( (process.platform === "linux" && os .release() .toLowerCase() .indexOf("microsoft") !== -1) || (await fs.readFile("/proc/version", "utf8")).toLowerCase().indexOf("microsoft") !== -1 ) } /** * Try opening a URL using whatever the system has set for opening URLs. */ export const open = async (url: string): Promise => { const args = [] as string[] const options = {} as cp.SpawnOptions const platform = (await isWsl()) ? "wsl" : process.platform let command = platform === "darwin" ? "open" : "xdg-open" if (platform === "win32" || platform === "wsl") { command = platform === "wsl" ? "cmd.exe" : "cmd" args.push("/c", "start", '""', "/b") url = url.replace(/&/g, "^&") } const proc = cp.spawn(command, [...args, url], options) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { proc.on("error", reject) proc.on("close", (code) => { return code !== 0 ? reject(new Error(`Failed to open with code ${code}`)) : resolve() }) }) } /** * Extract a file to the temporary directory and make it executable. This is * required since we can't execute binaries stored within our binary. */ export const unpackExecutables = async (filePath: string): Promise => { const destination = path.join(tmpdir, "binaries", path.basename(filePath)) if (filePath && !(await util.promisify(fs.exists)(destination))) { await fs.mkdirp(tmpdir) await fs.writeFile(destination, await fs.readFile(filePath)) await util.promisify(fs.chmod)(destination, "755") } } /** * For iterating over an enum's values. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any export const enumToArray = (t: any): string[] => { const values = [] as string[] for (const k in t) { values.push(t[k]) } return values } /** * For displaying all allowed options in an enum. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any export const buildAllowedMessage = (t: any): string => { const values = enumToArray(t) return `Allowed value${values.length === 1 ? " is" : "s are"} ${ => `'${t}'`).join(", ")}` } export const isObject = (obj: T): obj is T => { return !Array.isArray(obj) && typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null } /** * Extend a with b and return a new object. Properties with objects will be * recursively merged while all other properties are just overwritten. */ export function extend(a: A, b: B): A & B // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any export function extend(...args: any[]): any { const c = {} as any // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any for (const obj of args) { if (!isObject(obj)) { continue } for (const key in obj) { c[key] = isObject(obj[key]) ? extend(c[key], obj[key]) : obj[key] } } return c }