name: Needs More Info Closer on: schedule: - cron: 20 11 * * * # 4:20am Redmond repository_dispatch: types: [trigger-needs-more-info] jobs: main: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout Actions uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: repository: "microsoft/vscode-github-triage-actions" path: ./actions ref: stable - name: Install Actions run: npm install --production --prefix ./actions - name: Run Needs More Info Closer uses: ./actions/needs-more-info-closer with: appInsightsKey: ${{secrets.TRIAGE_ACTIONS_APP_INSIGHTS}} token: ${{secrets.VSCODE_ISSUE_TRIAGE_BOT_PAT}} label: needs more info closeDays: 7 additionalTeam: "cleidigh|usernamehw|gjsjohnmurray|IllusionMH" closeComment: "This issue has been closed automatically because it needs more information and has not had recent activity. See also our [issue reporting]( guidelines.\n\nHappy Coding!" pingDays: 80 pingComment: "Hey @${assignee}, this issue might need further attention.\n\n@${author}, you can help us out by closing this issue if the problem no longer exists, or adding more information."