/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // @ts-check 'use strict'; var updateGrammar = require('../../../build/npm/update-grammar'); function patchGrammar(grammar) { let patchCount = 0; let visit = function (rule, parent) { if (rule.name === 'source.js' || rule.name === 'source.css') { if (parent.parent && parent.parent.property === 'endCaptures') { rule.name = rule.name + '-ignored-vscode'; patchCount++; } } for (let property in rule) { let value = rule[property]; if (typeof value === 'object') { visit(value, { node: rule, property: property, parent: parent }); } } }; let repository = grammar.repository; for (let key in repository) { visit(repository[key], { node: repository, property: key, parent: undefined }); } if (patchCount !== 6) { console.warn(`Expected to patch 6 occurrences of source.js & source.css: Was ${patchCount}`); } return grammar; } const tsGrammarRepo = 'textmate/html.tmbundle'; const grammarPath = 'Syntaxes/HTML.plist'; updateGrammar.update(tsGrammarRepo, grammarPath, './syntaxes/html.tmLanguage.json', grammar => patchGrammar(grammar));