#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # Symlink bin command to /usr/bin rm -f /usr/bin/@@NAME@@ ln -s /usr/share/@@NAME@@/bin/@@NAME@@ /usr/bin/@@NAME@@ # Register code in the alternatives system # Priority of 0 should never make code the default editor in auto mode as most # developers would prefer a terminal editor as the default. update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/@@NAME@@ 0 # Install the desktop entry if hash desktop-file-install 2>/dev/null; then desktop-file-install /usr/share/applications/@@NAME@@.desktop desktop-file-install /usr/share/applications/@@NAME@@-url-handler.desktop fi # Update mimetype database to pickup workspace mimetype if hash update-mime-database 2>/dev/null; then update-mime-database /usr/share/mime fi if [ "@@NAME@@" != "code-oss" ]; then # Remove the legacy bin command if this is the stable build if [ "@@NAME@@" = "code" ]; then rm -f /usr/local/bin/code fi # Register apt repository eval $(apt-config shell APT_SOURCE_PARTS Dir::Etc::sourceparts/d) CODE_SOURCE_PART=${APT_SOURCE_PARTS}vscode.list eval $(apt-config shell APT_TRUSTED_PARTS Dir::Etc::trustedparts/d) CODE_TRUSTED_PART=${APT_TRUSTED_PARTS}microsoft.gpg # Install repository source list WRITE_SOURCE=0 if [ ! -f $CODE_SOURCE_PART ] && [ ! -f /etc/rpi-issue ]; then # Write source list if it does not exist and we're not running on Raspberry Pi OS WRITE_SOURCE=1 elif grep -Eq "http:\/\/packages\.microsoft\.com\/repos\/vscode" $CODE_SOURCE_PART; then # Migrate from old repository WRITE_SOURCE=1 elif grep -q "# disabled on upgrade to" $CODE_SOURCE_PART; then # Write source list if it was disabled by OS upgrade WRITE_SOURCE=1 fi if [ "$WRITE_SOURCE" -eq "1" ]; then echo "### THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY CONFIGURED ### # You may comment out this entry, but any other modifications may be lost. deb [arch=amd64,arm64,armhf] http://packages.microsoft.com/repos/code stable main" > $CODE_SOURCE_PART # Sourced from https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc if [ ! -f $CODE_TRUSTED_PART ]; then echo "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux) mQENBFYxWIwBCADAKoZhZlJxGNGWzqV+1OG1xiQeoowKhssGAKvd+buXCGISZJwT LXZqIcIiLP7pqdcZWtE9bSc7yBY2MalDp9Liu0KekywQ6VVX1T72NPf5Ev6x6DLV 7aVWsCzUAF+eb7DC9fPuFLEdxmOEYoPjzrQ7cCnSV4JQxAqhU4T6OjbvRazGl3ag OeizPXmRljMtUUttHQZnRhtlzkmwIrUivbfFPD+fEoHJ1+uIdfOzZX8/oKHKLe2j H632kvsNzJFlROVvGLYAk2WRcLu+RjjggixhwiB+Mu/A8Tf4V6b+YppS44q8EvVr M+QvY7LNSOffSO6Slsy9oisGTdfE39nC7pVRABEBAAG0N01pY3Jvc29mdCAoUmVs ZWFzZSBzaWduaW5nKSA8Z3Bnc2VjdXJpdHlAbWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbT6JATUEEwEC AB8FAlYxWIwCGwMGCwkIBwMCBBUCCAMDFgIBAh4BAheAAAoJEOs+lK2+EinPGpsH /32vKy29Hg51H9dfFJMx0/a/F+5vKeCeVqimvyTM04C+XENNuSbYZ3eRPHGHFLqe MNGxsfb7C7ZxEeW7J/vSzRgHxm7ZvESisUYRFq2sgkJ+HFERNrqfci45bdhmrUsy 7SWw9ybxdFOkuQoyKD3tBmiGfONQMlBaOMWdAsic965rvJsd5zYaZZFI1UwTkFXV KJt3bp3Ngn1vEYXwijGTa+FXz6GLHueJwF0I7ug34DgUkAFvAs8Hacr2DRYxL5RJ XdNgj4Jd2/g6T9InmWT0hASljur+dJnzNiNCkbn9KbX7J/qK1IbR8y560yRmFsU+ NdCFTW7wY0Fb1fWJ+/KTsC4= =J6gs -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- " | gpg --dearmor > $CODE_TRUSTED_PART fi fi fi