import * as nativeFs from "fs"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import * as util from "util"; import * as rimraf from "rimraf"; import { createClient } from "@coder/protocol/test"; const client = createClient(); jest.mock("../src/fill/client", () => ({ client })); const fs = require("../src/fill/fs") as typeof import("fs"); describe("fs", () => { let i = 0; const coderDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), "coder", "fs"); const testFile = path.join(__dirname, "fs.test.ts"); const tmpFile = (): string => path.join(coderDir, `${i++}`); const createTmpFile = async (): Promise => { const tf = tmpFile(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.writeFile)(tf, ""); return tf; }; beforeAll(async () => { try { await util.promisify(nativeFs.mkdir)(path.dirname(coderDir)); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== "EEXIST") { throw error; } } await util.promisify(rimraf)(coderDir); await util.promisify(nativeFs.mkdir)(coderDir); }); describe("access", () => { it("should access existing file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.access)(testFile)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); it("should fail to access nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.access)(tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("append", () => { it("should append to existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.appendFile)(file, "howdy")) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); expect(await util.promisify(nativeFs.readFile)(file, "utf8")) .toEqual("howdy"); }); it("should create then append to nonexistent file", async () => { const file = tmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.appendFile)(file, "howdy")) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); expect(await util.promisify(nativeFs.readFile)(file, "utf8")) .toEqual("howdy"); }); it("should fail to append to file in nonexistent directory", async () => { const file = path.join(tmpFile(), "nope"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.appendFile)(file, "howdy")) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); expect(await util.promisify(nativeFs.exists)(file)) .toEqual(false); }); }); describe("chmod", () => { it("should chmod existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.chmod)(file, "755")) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); it("should fail to chmod nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.chmod)(tmpFile(), "755")) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("chown", () => { it("should chown existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.chown)(file, 1, 1)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); it("should fail to chown nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.chown)(tmpFile(), 1, 1)) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("close", () => { it("should close opened file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); const fd = await util.promisify(, "r"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.close)(fd)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); it("should fail to close non-opened file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.close)(99999999)) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("copyFile", () => { it("should copy existing file", async () => { const source = await createTmpFile(); const destination = tmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.copyFile)(source, destination)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.exists)(destination)) .resolves.toBe(true); }); it("should fail to copy nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.copyFile)(tmpFile(), tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("createWriteStream", () => { it("should write to file", async () => { const file = tmpFile(); const content = "howdy\nhow\nr\nu"; const stream = fs.createWriteStream(file); stream.on("open", (fd) => { expect(fd).toBeDefined(); stream.write(content); stream.close(); }); await expect(new Promise((resolve): void => { stream.on("close", async () => { resolve(await util.promisify(nativeFs.readFile)(file, "utf8")); }); })).resolves.toBe(content); }); }); describe("exists", () => { it("should output file exists", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.exists)(testFile)) .resolves.toBe(true); }); it("should output file does not exist", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.exists)(tmpFile())) .resolves.toBe(false); }); }); describe("fchmod", () => { it("should fchmod existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); const fd = await util.promisify(, "r"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.fchmod)(fd, "755")) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.close)(fd); }); it("should fail to fchmod nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.fchmod)(2242342, "755")) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("fchown", () => { it("should fchown existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); const fd = await util.promisify(, "r"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.fchown)(fd, 1, 1)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.close)(fd); }); it("should fail to fchown nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.fchown)(99999, 1, 1)) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("fdatasync", () => { it("should fdatasync existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); const fd = await util.promisify(, "r"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.fdatasync)(fd)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.close)(fd); }); it("should fail to fdatasync nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.fdatasync)(99999)) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("fstat", () => { it("should fstat existing file", async () => { const fd = await util.promisify(, "r"); const stat = await util.promisify(nativeFs.fstat)(fd); await expect(util.promisify(fs.fstat)(fd)) .resolves.toMatchObject({ size: stat.size, }); await util.promisify(nativeFs.close)(fd); }); it("should fail to fstat", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.fstat)(9999)) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("fsync", () => { it("should fsync existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); const fd = await util.promisify(, "r"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.fsync)(fd)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.close)(fd); }); it("should fail to fsync nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.fsync)(99999)) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("ftruncate", () => { it("should ftruncate existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); const fd = await util.promisify(, "w"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.ftruncate)(fd, 1)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.close)(fd); }); it("should fail to ftruncate nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.ftruncate)(99999, 9999)) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("futimes", () => { it("should futimes existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); const fd = await util.promisify(, "w"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.futimes)(fd, 1, 1)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.close)(fd); }); it("should fail to futimes nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.futimes)(99999, 9999, 9999)) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("lchmod", () => { it("should lchmod existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.lchmod)(file, "755")) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); // TODO: Doesn't fail on my system? it("should fail to lchmod nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.lchmod)(tmpFile(), "755")) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("lchown", () => { it("should lchown existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.lchown)(file, 1, 1)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); // TODO: Doesn't fail on my system? it("should fail to lchown nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.lchown)(tmpFile(), 1, 1)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("link", () => { it("should link existing file", async () => { const source = await createTmpFile(); const destination = tmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(, destination)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.exists)(destination)) .resolves.toBe(true); }); it("should fail to link nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(, tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("lstat", () => { it("should lstat existing file", async () => { const stat = await util.promisify(nativeFs.lstat)(testFile); await expect(util.promisify(fs.lstat)(testFile)) .resolves.toMatchObject({ size: stat.size, }); }); it("should fail to lstat non-existent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.lstat)(tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("mkdir", () => { const target = tmpFile(); it("should create nonexistent directory", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.mkdir)(target)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); it("should fail to create existing directory", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.mkdir)(target)) .rejects.toThrow("EEXIST"); }); }); describe("mkdtemp", () => { it("should create temp dir", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.mkdtemp)(coderDir + "/")) .resolves.toMatch(/^\/tmp\/coder\/fs\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}/); }); }); describe("open", () => { it("should open existing file", async () => { const fd = await util.promisify(, "r"); expect(fd).not.toBeNaN(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.close)(fd)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); it("should fail to open nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(, "r")) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("read", () => { it("should read existing file", async () => { const fd = await util.promisify(, "r"); const stat = await util.promisify(nativeFs.fstat)(fd); const buffer = new Buffer(stat.size); let bytesRead = 0; let chunkSize = 2048; while (bytesRead < stat.size) { if ((bytesRead + chunkSize) > stat.size) { chunkSize = stat.size - bytesRead; } await util.promisify(, buffer, bytesRead, chunkSize, bytesRead); bytesRead += chunkSize; } const content = await util.promisify(nativeFs.readFile)(testFile, "utf8"); expect(buffer.toString()).toEqual(content); await util.promisify(nativeFs.close)(fd); }); it("should fail to read nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(, new Buffer(10), 9999, 999, 999)) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("readFile", () => { it("should read existing file", async () => { const content = await util.promisify(nativeFs.readFile)(testFile, "utf8"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.readFile)(testFile, "utf8")) .resolves.toEqual(content); }); it("should fail to read nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.readFile)(tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("readdir", () => { it("should read existing directory", async () => { const paths = await util.promisify(nativeFs.readdir)(coderDir); await expect(util.promisify(fs.readdir)(coderDir)) .resolves.toEqual(paths); }); it("should fail to read nonexistent directory", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.readdir)(tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("readlink", () => { it("should read existing link", async () => { const source = await createTmpFile(); const destination = tmpFile(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.symlink)(source, destination); await expect(util.promisify(fs.readlink)(destination)) .resolves.toBe(source); }); it("should fail to read nonexistent link", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.readlink)(tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("realpath", () => { it("should read real path of existing file", async () => { const source = await createTmpFile(); const destination = tmpFile(); nativeFs.symlinkSync(source, destination); await expect(util.promisify(fs.realpath)(destination)) .resolves.toBe(source); }); it("should fail to read real path of nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.realpath)(tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("rename", () => { it("should rename existing file", async () => { const source = await createTmpFile(); const destination = tmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.rename)(source, destination)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await expect(util.promisify(nativeFs.exists)(source)) .resolves.toBe(false); await expect(util.promisify(nativeFs.exists)(destination)) .resolves.toBe(true); }); it("should fail to rename nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.rename)(tmpFile(), tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("rmdir", () => { it("should rmdir existing directory", async () => { const dir = tmpFile(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.mkdir)(dir); await expect(util.promisify(fs.rmdir)(dir)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await expect(util.promisify(nativeFs.exists)(dir)) .resolves.toBe(false); }); it("should fail to rmdir nonexistent directory", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.rmdir)(tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("stat", () => { it("should stat existing file", async () => { const nativeStat = await util.promisify(nativeFs.stat)(testFile); const stat = await util.promisify(fs.stat)(testFile); expect(stat).toMatchObject({ size: nativeStat.size, }); expect(stat.isFile()).toBe(true); }); it("should stat existing folder", async () => { const dir = tmpFile(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.mkdir)(dir); const nativeStat = await util.promisify(nativeFs.stat)(dir); const stat = await util.promisify(fs.stat)(dir); expect(stat).toMatchObject({ size: nativeStat.size, }); expect(stat.isDirectory()).toBe(true); }); it("should fail to stat nonexistent file", async () => { const error = await util.promisify(fs.stat)(tmpFile()).catch((e) => e); expect(error.message).toContain("ENOENT"); expect(error.code).toBe("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("symlink", () => { it("should symlink existing file", async () => { const source = await createTmpFile(); const destination = tmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.symlink)(source, destination)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); expect(util.promisify(nativeFs.exists)(source)) .resolves.toBe(true); }); // TODO: Seems to be happy to do this on my system? it("should fail to symlink nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.symlink)(tmpFile(), tmpFile())) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("truncate", () => { it("should truncate existing file", async () => { const file = tmpFile(); await util.promisify(nativeFs.writeFile)(file, "hiiiiii"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.truncate)(file, 2)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await expect(util.promisify(nativeFs.readFile)(file, "utf8")) .resolves.toBe("hi"); }); it("should fail to truncate nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.truncate)(tmpFile(), 0)) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("unlink", () => { it("should unlink existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.unlink)(file)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); expect(util.promisify(nativeFs.exists)(file)) .resolves.toBe(false); }); it("should fail to unlink nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.unlink)(tmpFile())) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("utimes", () => { it("should update times on existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.utimes)(file, 100, 100)) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); }); it("should fail to update times on nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.utimes)(tmpFile(), 100, 100)) .rejects.toThrow("ENOENT"); }); }); describe("write", () => { it("should write to existing file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); const fd = await util.promisify(, "w"); await expect(util.promisify(fs.write)(fd, Buffer.from("hi"))) .resolves.toBe(2); await expect(util.promisify(nativeFs.readFile)(file, "utf8")) .resolves.toBe("hi"); await util.promisify(nativeFs.close)(fd); }); it("should fail to write to nonexistent file", async () => { await expect(util.promisify(fs.write)(100000, Buffer.from("wowow"))) .rejects.toThrow("EBADF"); }); }); describe("writeFile", () => { it("should write file", async () => { const file = await createTmpFile(); await expect(util.promisify(fs.writeFile)(file, "howdy")) .resolves.toBeUndefined(); await expect(util.promisify(nativeFs.readFile)(file, "utf8")) .resolves.toBe("howdy"); }); }); });