/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import 'mocha'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { Selection, workspace, ConfigurationTarget } from 'vscode'; import { withRandomFileEditor, closeAllEditors } from './testUtils'; import { wrapWithAbbreviation, wrapIndividualLinesWithAbbreviation } from '../abbreviationActions'; const htmlContentsForWrapTests = ` `; const wrapBlockElementExpected = ` `; const wrapInlineElementExpected = ` `; const wrapSnippetExpected = ` `; const wrapMultiLineAbbrExpected = ` `; const wrapInlineElementExpectedFormatFalse = ` `; suite('Tests for Wrap with Abbreviations', () => { teardown(closeAllEditors); const multiCursors = [new Selection(2, 6, 2, 6), new Selection(3, 6, 3, 6)]; const multiCursorsWithSelection = [new Selection(2, 2, 2, 28), new Selection(3, 2, 3, 33)]; const multiCursorsWithFullLineSelection = [new Selection(2, 0, 2, 28), new Selection(3, 0, 4, 0)]; const oldValueForSyntaxProfiles = workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').inspect('syntaxProfile'); test('Wrap with block element using multi cursor', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursors, 'div', wrapBlockElementExpected); }); test('Wrap with inline element using multi cursor', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursors, 'span', wrapInlineElementExpected); }); test('Wrap with snippet using multi cursor', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursors, 'a', wrapSnippetExpected); }); test('Wrap with multi line abbreviation using multi cursor', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursors, 'ul>li', wrapMultiLineAbbrExpected); }); test('Wrap with block element using multi cursor selection', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursorsWithSelection, 'div', wrapBlockElementExpected); }); test('Wrap with inline element using multi cursor selection', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursorsWithSelection, 'span', wrapInlineElementExpected); }); test('Wrap with snippet using multi cursor selection', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursorsWithSelection, 'a', wrapSnippetExpected); }); test('Wrap with multi line abbreviation using multi cursor selection', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursorsWithSelection, 'ul>li', wrapMultiLineAbbrExpected); }); test('Wrap with block element using multi cursor full line selection', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursorsWithFullLineSelection, 'div', wrapBlockElementExpected); }); test('Wrap with inline element using multi cursor full line selection', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursorsWithFullLineSelection, 'span', wrapInlineElementExpected); }); test('Wrap with snippet using multi cursor full line selection', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursorsWithFullLineSelection, 'a', wrapSnippetExpected); }); test('Wrap with multi line abbreviation using multi cursor full line selection', () => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursorsWithFullLineSelection, 'ul>li', wrapMultiLineAbbrExpected); }); test('Wrap with abbreviation and comment filter', () => { const contents = ` `; const expectedContents = ` `; return testWrapWithAbbreviation([new Selection(2, 0, 2, 0)], 'li.hello|c', expectedContents, contents); }); test('Wrap with abbreviation entire node when cursor is on opening tag', () => { const contents = ` `; const expectedContents = `
`; return testWrapWithAbbreviation([new Selection(1, 1, 1, 1)], 'div', expectedContents, contents); }); test('Wrap with abbreviation entire node when cursor is on closing tag', () => { const contents = ` `; const expectedContents = `
`; return testWrapWithAbbreviation([new Selection(3, 1, 3, 1)], 'div', expectedContents, contents); }); test('Wrap with multiline abbreviation doesnt add extra spaces', () => { // Issue #29898 const contents = ` hello `; const expectedContents = ` `; return testWrapWithAbbreviation([new Selection(1, 2, 1, 2)], 'ul>li>a', expectedContents, contents); }); test('Wrap individual lines with abbreviation', () => { const contents = ` `; const wrapIndividualLinesExpected = ` `; return testWrapIndividualLinesWithAbbreviation([new Selection(2, 2, 3, 33)], 'ul>li.hello$*', wrapIndividualLinesExpected, contents); }); test('Wrap individual lines with abbreviation with extra space selected', () => { const contents = ` `; const wrapIndividualLinesExpected = ` `; return testWrapIndividualLinesWithAbbreviation([new Selection(2, 1, 4, 0)], 'ul>li.hello$*', wrapIndividualLinesExpected, contents); }); test('Wrap individual lines with abbreviation with comment filter', () => { const contents = ` `; const wrapIndividualLinesExpected = ` `; return testWrapIndividualLinesWithAbbreviation([new Selection(2, 2, 3, 33)], 'ul>li.hello*|c', wrapIndividualLinesExpected, contents); }); test('Wrap individual lines with abbreviation and trim', () => { const contents = ` `; const wrapIndividualLinesExpected = ` `; return testWrapIndividualLinesWithAbbreviation([new Selection(2, 3, 3, 16)], 'ul>li.hello$*|t', wrapIndividualLinesExpected, contents); }); test('Wrap with abbreviation and format set to false', () => { return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('syntaxProfiles',{ 'html' : { 'format': false } } , ConfigurationTarget.Global).then(() => { return testWrapWithAbbreviation(multiCursors,'h1',wrapInlineElementExpectedFormatFalse).then(() => { return workspace.getConfiguration('emmet').update('syntaxProfiles',oldValueForSyntaxProfiles ? oldValueForSyntaxProfiles.globalValue : undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Global); }); }); }); test('Wrap multi line selections with abbreviation', () => { const htmlContentsForWrapMultiLineTests = ` `; const wrapMultiLineExpected = ` `; return testWrapWithAbbreviation([new Selection(2, 4, 3, 9), new Selection(5, 4, 6, 9)], 'div', wrapMultiLineExpected, htmlContentsForWrapMultiLineTests); }); test('Wrap multiline with abbreviation uses className for jsx files', () => { const wrapMultiLineJsxExpected = ` `; return testWrapWithAbbreviation([new Selection(2,2,3,33)], '.hello', wrapMultiLineJsxExpected, htmlContentsForWrapTests, 'jsx'); }); test('Wrap individual line with abbreviation uses className for jsx files', () => { const wrapIndividualLinesJsxExpected = ` `; return testWrapIndividualLinesWithAbbreviation([new Selection(2,2,3,33)], '.hello$*', wrapIndividualLinesJsxExpected, htmlContentsForWrapTests, 'jsx'); }); }); function testWrapWithAbbreviation(selections: Selection[], abbreviation: string, expectedContents: string, input: string = htmlContentsForWrapTests, fileExtension: string = 'html'): Thenable { return withRandomFileEditor(input, fileExtension, (editor, _) => { editor.selections = selections; const promise = wrapWithAbbreviation({ abbreviation }); if (!promise) { assert.equal(1, 2, 'Wrap with Abbreviation returned undefined.'); return Promise.resolve(); } return promise.then(() => { assert.equal(editor.document.getText(), expectedContents); return Promise.resolve(); }); }); } function testWrapIndividualLinesWithAbbreviation(selections: Selection[], abbreviation: string, expectedContents: string, input: string = htmlContentsForWrapTests, fileExtension: string = 'html'): Thenable { return withRandomFileEditor(input, fileExtension, (editor, _) => { editor.selections = selections; const promise = wrapIndividualLinesWithAbbreviation({ abbreviation }); if (!promise) { assert.equal(1, 2, 'Wrap individual lines with Abbreviation returned undefined.'); return Promise.resolve(); } return promise.then(() => { assert.equal(editor.document.getText(), expectedContents); return Promise.resolve(); }); }); }