{ "For Next Loop": { "prefix": "for", "body": [ "For ${1:index} As ${2:ObjectType} = ${3:lower} To ${4:Upper}", "\t$0", "Next ${1:index}" ], "description": "For Next Loop" }, "For Each...Next": { "prefix": "fore", "body": [ "For Each ${1:Variable} As ${2:ObjectType} In ${3:Collection}", "\t$0", "Next" ], "description": "For Each...Next" }, "For i...Next i": { "prefix": "fori", "body": [ "For i As ${1:Integer} = ${2:Lower} To ${3:Upper}", "\t$0", "Next i" ], "description": "For i...Next i" }, "For j...Next j": { "prefix": "forj", "body": [ "For j As ${1:Integer} = ${2:Lower} To ${3:Upper}", "\t$0", "Next j" ], "description": "For j...Next j" }, "Public Function...": { "prefix": "pf", "body": [ "Public Function ${1:FunctionName}(${2:ParameterList}) As ${3:ReturnType}", "\tTry", "\t\t$0", "\tCatch ex As Exception", "\tEnd Try", "\tReturn ${3:ReturnValue}", "End Function" ], "description": "Public Function..." }, "Public Sub ...": { "prefix": "ps", "body": [ "Public Sub ${1:ProcedureName}(${2:ParameterList})", "\tTry", "\t\t$0", "\tCatch ex As Exception", "\tEnd Try", "End Sub" ], "description": "Public Sub ..." }, "While ... End While": { "prefix": "while", "body": [ "While ${1:Boolean}", "\t$0", "End While" ], "description": "While ... End While" }, "Region Start": { "prefix": "#Region", "body": [ "#Region $0" ], "description": "Folding Region Start" }, "Region End": { "prefix": "#End Region", "body": [ "#End Region" ], "description": "Folding Region End" } }