name: CI on: push: branches: - main - release/* pull_request: branches: - main - release/* jobs: windows: name: Windows runs-on: windows-latest timeout-minutes: 30 env: CHILD_CONCURRENCY: "1" GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: 12 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: "2.x" - name: Compute node modules cache key id: nodeModulesCacheKey run: echo "::set-output name=value::$(node build/azure-pipelines/common/computeNodeModulesCacheKey.js)" - name: Cache node_modules archive id: cacheNodeModules uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ".build/node_modules_cache" key: "${{ runner.os }}-cacheNodeModulesArchive-${{ steps.nodeModulesCacheKey.outputs.value }}" - name: Extract node_modules archive if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit == 'true' }} run: 7z.exe x .build/node_modules_cache/cache.7z -aos - name: Get yarn cache directory path id: yarnCacheDirPath if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)" - name: Cache yarn directory if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.yarnCacheDirPath.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarnCacheDir-${{ steps.nodeModulesCacheKey.outputs.value }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-yarnCacheDir- - name: Execute yarn if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} env: PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD: 1 ELECTRON_SKIP_BINARY_DOWNLOAD: 1 run: yarn --frozen-lockfile --network-timeout 180000 - name: Create node_modules archive if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} run: | mkdir -Force .build node build/azure-pipelines/common/listNodeModules.js .build/node_modules_list.txt mkdir -Force .build/node_modules_cache 7z.exe a .build/node_modules_cache/cache.7z -mx3 ` - name: Compile and Download run: yarn npm-run-all --max_old_space_size=4095 -lp compile "electron x64" playwright-install download-builtin-extensions - name: Run Unit Tests (Electron) run: .\scripts\test.bat - name: Run Unit Tests (Browser) run: yarn test-browser --browser chromium - name: Run Integration Tests (Electron) run: .\scripts\test-integration.bat linux: name: Linux runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 30 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # TODO: rename azure-pipelines/linux/xvfb.init to github-actions - name: Setup Build Environment run: | sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y libxkbfile-dev pkg-config libsecret-1-dev libxss1 dbus xvfb libgtk-3-0 libgbm1 sudo cp build/azure-pipelines/linux/xvfb.init /etc/init.d/xvfb sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/xvfb sudo update-rc.d xvfb defaults sudo service xvfb start - uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: 12 - name: Compute node modules cache key id: nodeModulesCacheKey run: echo "::set-output name=value::$(node build/azure-pipelines/common/computeNodeModulesCacheKey.js)" - name: Cache node modules id: cacheNodeModules uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: "**/node_modules" key: ${{ runner.os }}-cacheNodeModules13-${{ steps.nodeModulesCacheKey.outputs.value }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-cacheNodeModules13- - name: Get yarn cache directory path id: yarnCacheDirPath if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)" - name: Cache yarn directory if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.yarnCacheDirPath.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarnCacheDir-${{ steps.nodeModulesCacheKey.outputs.value }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-yarnCacheDir- - name: Execute yarn if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} env: PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD: 1 ELECTRON_SKIP_BINARY_DOWNLOAD: 1 run: yarn --frozen-lockfile --network-timeout 180000 - name: Compile and Download run: yarn npm-run-all --max_old_space_size=4095 -lp compile "electron x64" playwright-install download-builtin-extensions - name: Run Unit Tests (Electron) id: electron-unit-tests run: DISPLAY=:10 ./scripts/ - name: Run Unit Tests (Browser) id: browser-unit-tests run: DISPLAY=:10 yarn test-browser --browser chromium - name: Run Integration Tests (Electron) id: electron-integration-tests run: DISPLAY=:10 ./scripts/ darwin: name: macOS runs-on: macos-latest timeout-minutes: 30 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: 12 - name: Compute node modules cache key id: nodeModulesCacheKey run: echo "::set-output name=value::$(node build/azure-pipelines/common/computeNodeModulesCacheKey.js)" - name: Cache node modules id: cacheNodeModules uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: "**/node_modules" key: ${{ runner.os }}-cacheNodeModules13-${{ steps.nodeModulesCacheKey.outputs.value }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-cacheNodeModules13- - name: Get yarn cache directory path id: yarnCacheDirPath if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)" - name: Cache yarn directory if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.yarnCacheDirPath.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarnCacheDir-${{ steps.nodeModulesCacheKey.outputs.value }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-yarnCacheDir- - name: Execute yarn if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} env: PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD: 1 ELECTRON_SKIP_BINARY_DOWNLOAD: 1 run: yarn --frozen-lockfile --network-timeout 180000 - name: Compile and Download run: yarn npm-run-all --max_old_space_size=4095 -lp compile "electron x64" playwright-install download-builtin-extensions - name: Run Unit Tests (Electron) run: DISPLAY=:10 ./scripts/ - name: Run Unit Tests (Browser) run: DISPLAY=:10 yarn test-browser --browser chromium - name: Run Integration Tests (Electron) run: DISPLAY=:10 ./scripts/ hygiene: name: Hygiene, Layering and Monaco Editor runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 30 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: 12 - name: Compute node modules cache key id: nodeModulesCacheKey run: echo "::set-output name=value::$(node build/azure-pipelines/common/computeNodeModulesCacheKey.js)" - name: Cache node modules id: cacheNodeModules uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: "**/node_modules" key: ${{ runner.os }}-cacheNodeModules13-${{ steps.nodeModulesCacheKey.outputs.value }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-cacheNodeModules13- - name: Get yarn cache directory path id: yarnCacheDirPath if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)" - name: Cache yarn directory if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.yarnCacheDirPath.outputs.dir }} key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarnCacheDir-${{ steps.nodeModulesCacheKey.outputs.value }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-yarnCacheDir- - name: Execute yarn if: ${{ steps.cacheNodeModules.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} env: PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD: 1 ELECTRON_SKIP_BINARY_DOWNLOAD: 1 run: yarn --frozen-lockfile --network-timeout 180000 - name: Run Hygiene Checks run: yarn gulp hygiene - name: Run Valid Layers Checks run: yarn valid-layers-check - name: Compile /build/ run: yarn --cwd build compile - name: Run Monaco Editor Checks run: yarn monaco-compile-check - name: Run Trusted Types Checks run: yarn tsec-compile-check - name: Editor Distro & ESM Bundle run: yarn gulp editor-esm-bundle - name: Typings validation prep run: | mkdir typings-test - name: Typings validation working-directory: ./typings-test run: | yarn init -yp ../node_modules/.bin/tsc --init echo "import '../out-monaco-editor-core';" > a.ts ../node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit - name: Webpack Editor working-directory: ./test/monaco run: yarn run bundle - name: Compile Editor Tests working-directory: ./test/monaco run: yarn run compile - name: Download Playwright run: yarn playwright-install - name: Run Editor Tests timeout-minutes: 5 working-directory: ./test/monaco run: yarn test