import { hash, isHashMatch, hashLegacy, isHashLegacyMatch } from "../../../src/node/util" describe("getEnvPaths", () => { describe("on darwin", () => { let ORIGINAL_PLATFORM = "" beforeAll(() => { ORIGINAL_PLATFORM = process.platform Object.defineProperty(process, "platform", { value: "darwin", }) }) beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules() jest.mock("env-paths", () => { return () => ({ data: "/home/envPath/.local/share", config: "/home/envPath/.config", temp: "/tmp/envPath/runtime", }) }) }) afterAll(() => { // Restore old platform Object.defineProperty(process, "platform", { value: ORIGINAL_PLATFORM, }) }) it("should return the env paths using xdgBasedir", () => { jest.mock("xdg-basedir", () => ({ data: "/home/usr/.local/share", config: "/home/usr/.config", runtime: "/tmp/runtime", })) const getEnvPaths = require("../../../src/node/util").getEnvPaths const envPaths = getEnvPaths() expect("/home/usr/.local/share/code-server") expect(envPaths.config).toEqual("/home/usr/.config/code-server") expect(envPaths.runtime).toEqual("/tmp/runtime/code-server") }) it("should return the env paths using envPaths when xdgBasedir is undefined", () => { jest.mock("xdg-basedir", () => ({})) const getEnvPaths = require("../../../src/node/util").getEnvPaths const envPaths = getEnvPaths() expect("/home/envPath/.local/share") expect(envPaths.config).toEqual("/home/envPath/.config") expect(envPaths.runtime).toEqual("/tmp/envPath/runtime") }) }) describe("on win32", () => { let ORIGINAL_PLATFORM = "" beforeAll(() => { ORIGINAL_PLATFORM = process.platform Object.defineProperty(process, "platform", { value: "win32", }) }) beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules() jest.mock("env-paths", () => { return () => ({ data: "/windows/envPath/.local/share", config: "/windows/envPath/.config", temp: "/tmp/envPath/runtime", }) }) }) afterAll(() => { // Restore old platform Object.defineProperty(process, "platform", { value: ORIGINAL_PLATFORM, }) }) it("should return the env paths using envPaths", () => { const getEnvPaths = require("../../../src/node/util").getEnvPaths const envPaths = getEnvPaths() expect("/windows/envPath/.local/share") expect(envPaths.config).toEqual("/windows/envPath/.config") expect(envPaths.runtime).toEqual("/tmp/envPath/runtime") }) }) describe("on other platforms", () => { let ORIGINAL_PLATFORM = "" beforeAll(() => { ORIGINAL_PLATFORM = process.platform Object.defineProperty(process, "platform", { value: "linux", }) }) beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules() jest.mock("env-paths", () => { return () => ({ data: "/linux/envPath/.local/share", config: "/linux/envPath/.config", temp: "/tmp/envPath/runtime", }) }) }) afterAll(() => { // Restore old platform Object.defineProperty(process, "platform", { value: ORIGINAL_PLATFORM, }) }) it("should return the runtime using xdgBasedir if it exists", () => { jest.mock("xdg-basedir", () => ({ runtime: "/tmp/runtime", })) const getEnvPaths = require("../../../src/node/util").getEnvPaths const envPaths = getEnvPaths() expect("/linux/envPath/.local/share") expect(envPaths.config).toEqual("/linux/envPath/.config") expect(envPaths.runtime).toEqual("/tmp/runtime/code-server") }) it("should return the env paths using envPaths when xdgBasedir is undefined", () => { jest.mock("xdg-basedir", () => ({})) const getEnvPaths = require("../../../src/node/util").getEnvPaths const envPaths = getEnvPaths() expect("/linux/envPath/.local/share") expect(envPaths.config).toEqual("/linux/envPath/.config") expect(envPaths.runtime).toEqual("/tmp/envPath/runtime") }) }) }) describe("hash", () => { it("should return a hash of the string passed in", async () => { const plainTextPassword = "mySecretPassword123" const hashed = await hash(plainTextPassword) expect(hashed).not.toBe(plainTextPassword) }) }) describe("isHashMatch", () => { it("should return true if the password matches the hash", async () => { const password = "codeserver1234" const _hash = await hash(password) const actual = await isHashMatch(password, _hash) expect(actual).toBe(true) }) it("should return false if the password does not match the hash", async () => { const password = "password123" const _hash = await hash(password) const actual = await isHashMatch("otherPassword123", _hash) expect(actual).toBe(false) }) it("should return true with actual hash", async () => { const password = "password123" const _hash = "$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$EAoczTxVki21JDfIZpTUxg$rkXgyrW4RDGoDYrxBFD4H2DlSMEhP4h+Api1hXnGnFY" const actual = await isHashMatch(password, _hash) expect(actual).toBe(true) }) }) describe("hashLegacy", () => { it("should return a hash of the string passed in", () => { const plainTextPassword = "mySecretPassword123" const hashed = hashLegacy(plainTextPassword) expect(hashed).not.toBe(plainTextPassword) }) }) describe("isHashLegacyMatch", () => { it("should return true if is match", () => { const password = "password123" const _hash = hashLegacy(password) expect(isHashLegacyMatch(password, _hash)).toBe(true) }) it("should return false if is match", () => { const password = "password123" const _hash = hashLegacy(password) expect(isHashLegacyMatch("otherPassword123", _hash)).toBe(false) }) it("should return true if hashed from command line", () => { const password = "password123" // Hashed using printf "password123" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1 const _hash = "ef92b778bafe771e89245b89ecbc08a44a4e166c06659911881f383d4473e94f" expect(isHashLegacyMatch(password, _hash)).toBe(true) }) })