2021-03-11 10:27:10 -07:00

440 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import * as os from 'os';
import product from 'vs/platform/product/common/product';
import { parseArgs, OPTIONS } from 'vs/platform/environment/node/argv';
import { ICommonIssueService, IssueReporterData, IssueReporterFeatures, ProcessExplorerData } from 'vs/platform/issue/common/issue';
import { BrowserWindow, ipcMain, screen, IpcMainEvent, Display } from 'electron';
import { ILaunchMainService } from 'vs/platform/launch/electron-main/launchMainService';
import { IDiagnosticsService, PerformanceInfo, isRemoteDiagnosticError } from 'vs/platform/diagnostics/common/diagnostics';
import { IEnvironmentMainService } from 'vs/platform/environment/electron-main/environmentMainService';
import { isMacintosh, IProcessEnvironment } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { IWindowState } from 'vs/platform/windows/electron-main/windows';
import { listProcesses } from 'vs/base/node/ps';
import { IDialogMainService } from 'vs/platform/dialogs/electron-main/dialogMainService';
import { createDecorator } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { zoomLevelToZoomFactor } from 'vs/platform/windows/common/windows';
import { FileAccess } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { INativeHostMainService } from 'vs/platform/native/electron-main/nativeHostMainService';
export const IIssueMainService = createDecorator<IIssueMainService>('issueMainService');
export interface IIssueMainService extends ICommonIssueService { }
export class IssueMainService implements ICommonIssueService {
declare readonly _serviceBrand: undefined;
_issueWindow: BrowserWindow | null = null;
_issueParentWindow: BrowserWindow | null = null;
_processExplorerWindow: BrowserWindow | null = null;
_processExplorerParentWindow: BrowserWindow | null = null;
private machineId: string,
private userEnv: IProcessEnvironment,
@IEnvironmentMainService private readonly environmentMainService: IEnvironmentMainService,
@ILaunchMainService private readonly launchMainService: ILaunchMainService,
@ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService,
@IDiagnosticsService private readonly diagnosticsService: IDiagnosticsService,
@IDialogMainService private readonly dialogMainService: IDialogMainService,
@INativeHostMainService private readonly nativeHostMainService: INativeHostMainService
) {
private registerListeners(): void {
ipcMain.on('vscode:issueSystemInfoRequest', async (event: IpcMainEvent) => {
Promise.all([this.launchMainService.getMainProcessInfo(), this.launchMainService.getRemoteDiagnostics({ includeProcesses: false, includeWorkspaceMetadata: false })])
.then(result => {
const [info, remoteData] = result;
this.diagnosticsService.getSystemInfo(info, remoteData).then(msg => {
this.safeSend(event, 'vscode:issueSystemInfoResponse', msg);
ipcMain.on('vscode:listProcesses', async (event: IpcMainEvent) => {
const processes = [];
try {
const mainPid = await this.launchMainService.getMainProcessId();
processes.push({ name: localize('local', "Local"), rootProcess: await listProcesses(mainPid) });
(await this.launchMainService.getRemoteDiagnostics({ includeProcesses: true }))
.forEach(data => {
if (isRemoteDiagnosticError(data)) {
name: data.hostName,
rootProcess: data
} else {
if (data.processes) {
name: data.hostName,
rootProcess: data.processes
} catch (e) {
this.logService.error(`Listing processes failed: ${e}`);
this.safeSend(event, 'vscode:listProcessesResponse', processes);
ipcMain.on('vscode:issueReporterClipboard', (event: IpcMainEvent) => {
const messageOptions = {
message: localize('issueReporterWriteToClipboard', "There is too much data to send to GitHub directly. The data will be copied to the clipboard, please paste it into the GitHub issue page that is opened."),
type: 'warning',
buttons: [
localize('ok', "OK"),
localize('cancel', "Cancel")
if (this._issueWindow) {
this.dialogMainService.showMessageBox(messageOptions, this._issueWindow)
.then(result => {
this.safeSend(event, 'vscode:issueReporterClipboardResponse', result.response === 0);
ipcMain.on('vscode:issuePerformanceInfoRequest', (event: IpcMainEvent) => {
this.getPerformanceInfo().then(msg => {
this.safeSend(event, 'vscode:issuePerformanceInfoResponse', msg);
ipcMain.on('vscode:issueReporterConfirmClose', () => {
const messageOptions = {
message: localize('confirmCloseIssueReporter', "Your input will not be saved. Are you sure you want to close this window?"),
type: 'warning',
buttons: [
localize('yes', "Yes"),
localize('cancel', "Cancel")
if (this._issueWindow) {
this.dialogMainService.showMessageBox(messageOptions, this._issueWindow)
.then(result => {
if (result.response === 0) {
if (this._issueWindow) {
this._issueWindow = null;
ipcMain.on('vscode:workbenchCommand', (_: unknown, commandInfo: { id: any; from: any; args: any; }) => {
const { id, from, args } = commandInfo;
let parentWindow: BrowserWindow | null;
switch (from) {
case 'issueReporter':
parentWindow = this._issueParentWindow;
case 'processExplorer':
parentWindow = this._processExplorerParentWindow;
throw new Error(`Unexpected command source: ${from}`);
if (parentWindow) {
parentWindow.webContents.send('vscode:runAction', { id, from, args });
ipcMain.on('vscode:openExternal', (_: unknown, arg: string) => {
this.nativeHostMainService.openExternal(undefined, arg);
ipcMain.on('vscode:closeIssueReporter', (event: IpcMainEvent) => {
if (this._issueWindow) {
ipcMain.on('vscode:closeProcessExplorer', (event: IpcMainEvent) => {
if (this._processExplorerWindow) {
ipcMain.on('vscode:windowsInfoRequest', (event: IpcMainEvent) => {
this.launchMainService.getMainProcessInfo().then(info => {
this.safeSend(event, 'vscode:windowsInfoResponse',;
private safeSend(event: IpcMainEvent, channel: string, ...args: unknown[]): void {
if (!event.sender.isDestroyed()) {
event.sender.send(channel, ...args);
async openReporter(data: IssueReporterData): Promise<void> {
if (!this._issueWindow) {
this._issueParentWindow = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow();
if (this._issueParentWindow) {
const position = this.getWindowPosition(this._issueParentWindow, 700, 800);
this._issueWindow = new BrowserWindow({
fullscreen: false,
width: position.width,
height: position.height,
minWidth: 300,
minHeight: 200,
x: position.x,
y: position.y,
title: localize('issueReporter', "Issue Reporter"),
backgroundColor: data.styles.backgroundColor || DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR,
webPreferences: {
preload: FileAccess.asFileUri('vs/base/parts/sandbox/electron-browser/preload.js', require).fsPath,
v8CacheOptions: 'bypassHeatCheck',
enableWebSQL: false,
enableRemoteModule: false,
spellcheck: false,
nativeWindowOpen: true,
zoomFactor: zoomLevelToZoomFactor(data.zoomLevel),
sandbox: true,
contextIsolation: true
this._issueWindow.setMenuBarVisibility(false); // workaround for now, until a menu is implemented
// Modified when testing UI
const features: IssueReporterFeatures = {};
this.logService.trace('issueService#openReporter: opening issue reporter');
this._issueWindow.loadURL(this.getIssueReporterPath(data, features));
this._issueWindow.on('close', () => this._issueWindow = null);
this._issueParentWindow.on('closed', () => {
if (this._issueWindow) {
this._issueWindow = null;
if (this._issueWindow) {
async openProcessExplorer(data: ProcessExplorerData): Promise<void> {
// Create as singleton
if (!this._processExplorerWindow) {
this._processExplorerParentWindow = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow();
if (this._processExplorerParentWindow) {
const position = this.getWindowPosition(this._processExplorerParentWindow, 800, 500);
this._processExplorerWindow = new BrowserWindow({
skipTaskbar: true,
resizable: true,
fullscreen: false,
width: position.width,
height: position.height,
minWidth: 300,
minHeight: 200,
x: position.x,
y: position.y,
backgroundColor: data.styles.backgroundColor,
title: localize('processExplorer', "Process Explorer"),
webPreferences: {
preload: FileAccess.asFileUri('vs/base/parts/sandbox/electron-browser/preload.js', require).fsPath,
v8CacheOptions: 'bypassHeatCheck',
enableWebSQL: false,
enableRemoteModule: false,
spellcheck: false,
nativeWindowOpen: true,
zoomFactor: zoomLevelToZoomFactor(data.zoomLevel),
sandbox: true,
contextIsolation: true
const windowConfiguration = {
appRoot: this.environmentMainService.appRoot,
userEnv: this.userEnv,
machineId: this.machineId,
toWindowUrl('vs/code/electron-sandbox/processExplorer/processExplorer.html', windowConfiguration));
this._processExplorerWindow.on('close', () => this._processExplorerWindow = null);
this._processExplorerParentWindow.on('close', () => {
if (this._processExplorerWindow) {
this._processExplorerWindow = null;
// Focus
if (this._processExplorerWindow) {
public async getSystemStatus(): Promise<string> {
return Promise.all([this.launchMainService.getMainProcessInfo(), this.launchMainService.getRemoteDiagnostics({ includeProcesses: false, includeWorkspaceMetadata: false })])
.then(result => {
const [info, remoteData] = result;
return this.diagnosticsService.getDiagnostics(info, remoteData);
private getWindowPosition(parentWindow: BrowserWindow, defaultWidth: number, defaultHeight: number): IWindowState {
// We want the new window to open on the same display that the parent is in
let displayToUse: Display | undefined;
const displays = screen.getAllDisplays();
// Single Display
if (displays.length === 1) {
displayToUse = displays[0];
// Multi Display
else {
// on mac there is 1 menu per window so we need to use the monitor where the cursor currently is
if (isMacintosh) {
const cursorPoint = screen.getCursorScreenPoint();
displayToUse = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint(cursorPoint);
// if we have a last active window, use that display for the new window
if (!displayToUse && parentWindow) {
displayToUse = screen.getDisplayMatching(parentWindow.getBounds());
// fallback to primary display or first display
if (!displayToUse) {
displayToUse = screen.getPrimaryDisplay() || displays[0];
const state: IWindowState = {
width: defaultWidth,
height: defaultHeight
const displayBounds = displayToUse.bounds;
state.x = displayBounds.x + (displayBounds.width / 2) - (state.width! / 2);
state.y = displayBounds.y + (displayBounds.height / 2) - (state.height! / 2);
if (displayBounds.width > 0 && displayBounds.height > 0 /* Linux X11 sessions sometimes report wrong display bounds */) {
if (state.x < displayBounds.x) {
state.x = displayBounds.x; // prevent window from falling out of the screen to the left
if (state.y < displayBounds.y) {
state.y = displayBounds.y; // prevent window from falling out of the screen to the top
if (state.x > (displayBounds.x + displayBounds.width)) {
state.x = displayBounds.x; // prevent window from falling out of the screen to the right
if (state.y > (displayBounds.y + displayBounds.height)) {
state.y = displayBounds.y; // prevent window from falling out of the screen to the bottom
if (state.width! > displayBounds.width) {
state.width = displayBounds.width; // prevent window from exceeding display bounds width
if (state.height! > displayBounds.height) {
state.height = displayBounds.height; // prevent window from exceeding display bounds height
return state;
private getPerformanceInfo(): Promise<PerformanceInfo> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
Promise.all([this.launchMainService.getMainProcessInfo(), this.launchMainService.getRemoteDiagnostics({ includeProcesses: true, includeWorkspaceMetadata: true })])
.then(result => {
const [info, remoteData] = result;
this.diagnosticsService.getPerformanceInfo(info, remoteData)
.then(diagnosticInfo => {
.catch(err => {
this.logService.warn('issueService#getPerformanceInfo ', err.message);
private getIssueReporterPath(data: IssueReporterData, features: IssueReporterFeatures): string {
if (!this._issueWindow) {
throw new Error('Issue window has been disposed');
const windowConfiguration = {
appRoot: this.environmentMainService.appRoot,
machineId: this.machineId,
userEnv: this.userEnv,
disableExtensions: this.environmentMainService.disableExtensions,
os: {
type: os.type(),
arch: os.arch(),
release: os.release(),
product: {
nameShort: product.nameShort,
version: !!product.darwinUniversalAssetId ? `${product.version} (Universal)` : product.version,
commit: product.commit,
reportIssueUrl: product.reportIssueUrl
return toWindowUrl('vs/code/electron-sandbox/issue/issueReporter.html', windowConfiguration);
function toWindowUrl<T>(modulePathToHtml: string, windowConfiguration: T): string {
const environment = parseArgs(process.argv, OPTIONS);
const config = Object.assign(environment, windowConfiguration);
for (const keyValue of Object.keys(config)) {
const key = keyValue as keyof typeof config;
if (config[key] === undefined || config[key] === null || config[key] === '') {
delete config[key]; // only send over properties that have a true value
return FileAccess
.asBrowserUri(modulePathToHtml, require, true)
.with({ query: `config=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(config))}` })