
236 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as util from 'util';
import * as nls from 'vscode-nls';
const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle();
const PATTERN = 'listening on.* (https?://\\S+|[0-9]+)'; // matches "listening on port 3000" or "Now listening on: https://localhost:5001"
const URI_PORT_FORMAT = 'http://localhost:%s';
const URI_FORMAT = '%s';
const WEB_ROOT = '${workspaceFolder}';
interface ServerReadyAction {
pattern: string;
action?: 'openExternally' | 'debugWithChrome';
uriFormat?: string;
webRoot?: string;
class ServerReadyDetector extends vscode.Disposable {
private static detectors = new Map<vscode.DebugSession, ServerReadyDetector>();
private static terminalDataListener: vscode.Disposable | undefined;
private hasFired = false;
private shellPid?: number;
private regexp: RegExp;
private disposables: vscode.Disposable[] = [];
static start(session: vscode.DebugSession): ServerReadyDetector | undefined {
if (session.configuration.serverReadyAction) {
let detector = ServerReadyDetector.detectors.get(session);
if (!detector) {
detector = new ServerReadyDetector(session);
ServerReadyDetector.detectors.set(session, detector);
return detector;
return undefined;
static stop(session: vscode.DebugSession): void {
let detector = ServerReadyDetector.detectors.get(session);
if (detector) {
static rememberShellPid(session: vscode.DebugSession, pid: number) {
let detector = ServerReadyDetector.detectors.get(session);
if (detector) {
detector.shellPid = pid;
static async startListeningTerminalData() {
if (!this.terminalDataListener) {
this.terminalDataListener = vscode.window.onDidWriteTerminalData(async e => {
// first find the detector with a matching pid
const pid = await e.terminal.processId;
for (let [, detector] of this.detectors) {
if (detector.shellPid === pid) {
// if none found, try all detectors until one matches
for (let [, detector] of this.detectors) {
if (detector.detectPattern( {
private constructor(private session: vscode.DebugSession) {
super(() => this.internalDispose());
this.regexp = new RegExp(session.configuration.serverReadyAction.pattern || PATTERN, 'i');
private internalDispose() {
this.disposables.forEach(d => d.dispose());
this.disposables = [];
detectPattern(s: string): boolean {
if (!this.hasFired) {
const matches = this.regexp.exec(s);
if (matches && matches.length >= 1) {
this.openExternalWithString(this.session, matches.length > 1 ? matches[1] : '');
this.hasFired = true;
return true;
return false;
private openExternalWithString(session: vscode.DebugSession, captureString: string) {
const args: ServerReadyAction = session.configuration.serverReadyAction;
let uri;
if (captureString === '') {
// nothing captured by reg exp -> use the uriFormat as the target uri without substitution
// verify that format does not contain '%s'
const format = args.uriFormat || '';
if (format.indexOf('%s') >= 0) {
const errMsg = localize('server.ready.nocapture.error', "Format uri ('{0}') uses a substitution placeholder but pattern did not capture anything.", format);
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(errMsg, { modal: true }).then(_ => undefined);
uri = format;
} else {
// if no uriFormat is specified guess the appropriate format based on the captureString
const format = args.uriFormat || (/^[0-9]+$/.test(captureString) ? URI_PORT_FORMAT : URI_FORMAT);
// verify that format only contains a single '%s'
const s = format.split('%s');
if (s.length !== 2) {
const errMsg = localize('server.ready.placeholder.error', "Format uri ('{0}') must contain exactly one substitution placeholder.", format);
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(errMsg, { modal: true }).then(_ => undefined);
uri = util.format(format, captureString);
this.openExternalWithUri(session, uri);
private openExternalWithUri(session: vscode.DebugSession, uri: string) {
const args: ServerReadyAction = session.configuration.serverReadyAction;
switch (args.action || 'openExternally') {
case 'openExternally':
case 'debugWithChrome':
vscode.debug.startDebugging(session.workspaceFolder, {
type: 'pwa-chrome',
name: 'Chrome Debug',
request: 'launch',
url: uri,
webRoot: args.webRoot || WEB_ROOT
// not supported
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.debug.onDidChangeActiveDebugSession(session => {
if (session && session.configuration.serverReadyAction) {
const detector = ServerReadyDetector.start(session);
if (detector) {
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.debug.onDidTerminateDebugSession(session => {
const trackers = new Set<string>();
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.debug.registerDebugConfigurationProvider('*', {
resolveDebugConfigurationWithSubstitutedVariables(_folder: vscode.WorkspaceFolder | undefined, debugConfiguration: vscode.DebugConfiguration) {
if (debugConfiguration.type && debugConfiguration.serverReadyAction) {
if (!trackers.has(debugConfiguration.type)) {
startTrackerForType(context, debugConfiguration.type);
return debugConfiguration;
function startTrackerForType(context: vscode.ExtensionContext, type: string) {
// scan debug console output for a PORT message
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.debug.registerDebugAdapterTrackerFactory(type, {
createDebugAdapterTracker(session: vscode.DebugSession) {
const detector = ServerReadyDetector.start(session);
if (detector) {
let runInTerminalRequestSeq: number | undefined;
return {
onDidSendMessage: m => {
if (m.type === 'event' && m.event === 'output' && m.body) {
switch (m.body.category) {
case 'console':
case 'stderr':
case 'stdout':
if (m.body.output) {
if (m.type === 'request' && m.command === 'runInTerminal' && m.arguments) {
if (m.arguments.kind === 'integrated') {
runInTerminalRequestSeq = m.seq; // remember this to find matching response
onWillReceiveMessage: m => {
if (runInTerminalRequestSeq && m.type === 'response' && m.command === 'runInTerminal' && m.body && runInTerminalRequestSeq === m.request_seq) {
runInTerminalRequestSeq = undefined;
ServerReadyDetector.rememberShellPid(session, m.body.shellProcessId);
return undefined;