Asher aabb2ecda7
Update node to 10.15.1 (#472)
* Update Node to 10.15.1

* Remove string replace that was used for oclif

* Update nbin

* Package node-pty and spdlog with nbin

* Label stderr/stdout from shared process

* Remove fork override

* Prevent "already disposed" errors when trying to kill disposed proxies

* Include spdlog dependencies

* Shim /node_modules

* Add node_modules to Docker ignore

It keeps using my already-built .node files which results in a
mismatching GLIBC version error.

* Update nbin
2019-04-15 19:48:12 -05:00

539 lines
17 KiB

import { PathLike } from "fs";
import { ExecException, ExecOptions } from "child_process";
import { promisify } from "util";
import { Emitter } from "@coder/events";
import { logger, field } from "@coder/logger";
import { ReadWriteConnection, InitData, SharedProcessData } from "../common/connection";
import { Module, ServerProxy } from "../common/proxy";
import { argumentToProto, protoToArgument, moduleToProto, protoToModule, protoToOperatingSystem } from "../common/util";
import { Argument, Ping, ServerMessage, ClientMessage, Method, Event, Callback } from "../proto";
import { FsModule, ChildProcessModule, NetModule, NodePtyModule, SpdlogModule, TrashModule } from "./modules";
// tslint:disable no-any
interface ProxyData {
promise: Promise<void>;
instance: any;
callbacks: Map<number, (...args: any[]) => void>;
* Client accepts a connection to communicate with the server.
export class Client {
private messageId = 0;
private callbackId = 0;
private readonly proxies = new Map<number | Module, ProxyData>();
private readonly successEmitter = new Emitter<Method.Success>();
private readonly failEmitter = new Emitter<Method.Fail>();
private readonly eventEmitter = new Emitter<{ event: string; args: any[]; }>();
private _initData: InitData | undefined;
private readonly initDataEmitter = new Emitter<InitData>();
private readonly initDataPromise: Promise<InitData>;
private readonly sharedProcessActiveEmitter = new Emitter<SharedProcessData>();
public readonly onSharedProcessActive = this.sharedProcessActiveEmitter.event;
private disconnected: boolean = false;
// The socket timeout is 60s, so we need to send a ping periodically to
// prevent it from closing.
private pingTimeout: NodeJS.Timer | number | undefined;
private readonly pingTimeoutDelay = 30000;
private readonly responseTimeout = 10000;
public readonly modules: {
[Module.ChildProcess]: ChildProcessModule,
[Module.Fs]: FsModule,
[Module.Net]: NetModule,
[Module.NodePty]: NodePtyModule,
[Module.Spdlog]: SpdlogModule,
[Module.Trash]: TrashModule,
* @param connection Established connection to the server
public constructor(private readonly connection: ReadWriteConnection) {
connection.onMessage(async (data) => {
let message: ServerMessage | undefined;
try {
message = ServerMessage.deserializeBinary(data);
await this.handleMessage(message);
} catch (error) {
"Failed to handle server message",
field("id", message && this.getMessageId(message)),
field("length", data.byteLength),
field("error", error.message),
this.modules = {
[Module.ChildProcess]: new ChildProcessModule(this.getProxy(Module.ChildProcess).instance),
[Module.Fs]: new FsModule(this.getProxy(Module.Fs).instance),
[Module.Net]: new NetModule(this.getProxy(Module.Net).instance),
[Module.NodePty]: new NodePtyModule(this.getProxy(Module.NodePty).instance),
[Module.Spdlog]: new SpdlogModule(this.getProxy(Module.Spdlog).instance),
[Module.Trash]: new TrashModule(this.getProxy(Module.Trash).instance),
// Methods that don't follow the standard callback pattern (an error
// followed by a single result) need to provide a custom promisify function.
Object.defineProperty(this.modules[Module.Fs].exists, promisify.custom, {
value: (path: PathLike): Promise<boolean> => {
return new Promise((resolve): void => this.modules[Module.Fs].exists(path, resolve));
Object.defineProperty(this.modules[Module.ChildProcess].exec, promisify.custom, {
value: (
command: string,
options?: { encoding?: string | null } & ExecOptions | null,
): Promise<{ stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer }> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject): void => {
this.modules[Module.ChildProcess].exec(command, options, (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => {
if (error) {
} else {
resolve({ stdout, stderr });
* If the connection is interrupted, the calls will neither succeed nor fail
* nor exit so we need to send a failure on all of them as well as trigger
* events so things like child processes can clean up and possibly restart.
const handleDisconnect = (): void => {
this.disconnected = true;
logger.trace(() => [
"disconnected from server",
field("proxies", this.proxies.size),
field("callbacks", Array.from(this.proxies.values()).reduce((count, p) => count + p.callbacks.size, 0)),
field("success listeners", this.successEmitter.counts),
field("fail listeners", this.failEmitter.counts),
field("event listeners", this.eventEmitter.counts),
const message = new Method.Fail();
const error = new Error("disconnected");
this.eventEmitter.emit({ event: "disconnected", args: [error] });
this.eventEmitter.emit({ event: "done", args: [] });
connection.onDown(() => handleDisconnect());
connection.onClose(() => {
clearTimeout(this.pingTimeout as any);
this.pingTimeout = undefined;
connection.onUp(() => this.disconnected = false);
this.initDataPromise = new Promise((resolve): void => {
* Close the connection.
public dispose(): void {
public get initData(): Promise<InitData> {
return this.initDataPromise;
* Make a remote call for a proxy's method using proto.
private remoteCall(proxyId: number | Module, method: string, args: any[]): Promise<any> {
if (typeof proxyId === "number" && (this.disconnected || !this.proxies.has(proxyId))) {
// Can assume killing or closing works because a disconnected proxy is
// disposed on the server's side, and a non-existent proxy has already
// been disposed.
switch (method) {
case "close":
case "kill":
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject(
new Error(`Unable to call "${method}" on proxy ${proxyId}: disconnected`),
const message = new Method();
const id = this.messageId++;
let proxyMessage: Method.Named | Method.Numbered;
if (typeof proxyId === "string") {
proxyMessage = new Method.Named();
} else {
proxyMessage = new Method.Numbered();
const storeCallback = (cb: (...args: any[]) => void): number => {
const callbackId = this.callbackId++;
logger.trace(() => [
"storing callback",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("callbackId", callbackId),
this.getProxy(proxyId).callbacks.set(callbackId, cb);
return callbackId;
logger.trace(() => [
field("id", id),
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("method", method),
proxyMessage.setArgsList( => argumentToProto(a, storeCallback)));
const clientMessage = new ClientMessage();
// The server will send back a fail or success message when the method
// has completed, so we listen for that based on the message's unique ID.
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject): void => {
const dispose = (): void => {
clearTimeout(timeout as any);
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error("timed out"));
}, this.responseTimeout);
const d1 = this.successEmitter.event(id, (message) => {
resolve(this.protoToArgument(message.getResponse(), promise));
const d2 = this.failEmitter.event(id, (message) => {
return promise;
* Handle all messages from the server.
private async handleMessage(message: ServerMessage): Promise<void> {
switch (message.getMsgCase()) {
case ServerMessage.MsgCase.INIT:
const init = message.getInit()!;
this._initData = {
dataDirectory: init.getDataDirectory(),
homeDirectory: init.getHomeDirectory(),
tmpDirectory: init.getTmpDirectory(),
workingDirectory: init.getWorkingDirectory(),
os: protoToOperatingSystem(init.getOperatingSystem()),
shell: init.getShell(),
extensionsDirectory: init.getExtensionsDirectory(),
builtInExtensionsDirectory: init.getBuiltinExtensionsDir(),
case ServerMessage.MsgCase.SUCCESS:
case ServerMessage.MsgCase.FAIL:
case ServerMessage.MsgCase.EVENT:
await this.emitEvent(message.getEvent()!);
case ServerMessage.MsgCase.CALLBACK:
await this.runCallback(message.getCallback()!);
case ServerMessage.MsgCase.SHARED_PROCESS_ACTIVE:
const sharedProcessActiveMessage = message.getSharedProcessActive()!;
socketPath: sharedProcessActiveMessage.getSocketPath(),
logPath: sharedProcessActiveMessage.getLogPath(),
case ServerMessage.MsgCase.PONG:
// Nothing to do since pings are on a timer rather than waiting for the
// next pong in case a message from either the client or server is dropped
// which would break the ping cycle.
throw new Error("unknown message type");
* Convert message to a success event.
private emitSuccess(message: Method.Success): void {
logger.trace(() => [
"received resolve",
field("id", message.getId()),
this.successEmitter.emit(message.getId(), message);
* Convert message to a fail event.
private emitFail(message: Method.Fail): void {
logger.trace(() => [
"received reject",
field("id", message.getId()),
this.failEmitter.emit(message.getId(), message);
* Emit an event received from the server. We could send requests for "on" to
* the server and serialize functions using IDs, but doing it that way makes
* it possible to miss events depending on whether the server receives the
* request before it emits. Instead, emit all events from the server so all
* events are always caught on the client.
private async emitEvent(message: Event): Promise<void> {
const eventMessage = message.getNamedEvent()! || message.getNumberedEvent()!;
const proxyId = message.getNamedEvent()
? protoToModule(message.getNamedEvent()!.getModule())
: message.getNumberedEvent()!.getProxyId();
const event = eventMessage.getEvent();
await this.ensureResolved(proxyId);
logger.trace(() => [
"received event",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("event", event),
const args = eventMessage.getArgsList().map((a) => this.protoToArgument(a));
this.eventEmitter.emit(proxyId, { event, args });
* Run a callback as requested by the server. Since we don't know when
* callbacks get garbage collected we dispose them only when the proxy
* disposes. That means they should only be used if they run for the lifetime
* of the proxy (like child_process.exec), otherwise we'll leak. They should
* also only be used when passed together with the method. If they are sent
* afterward, they may never be called due to timing issues.
private async runCallback(message: Callback): Promise<void> {
const callbackMessage = message.getNamedCallback()! || message.getNumberedCallback()!;
const proxyId = message.getNamedCallback()
? protoToModule(message.getNamedCallback()!.getModule())
: message.getNumberedCallback()!.getProxyId();
const callbackId = callbackMessage.getCallbackId();
await this.ensureResolved(proxyId);
logger.trace(() => [
"running callback",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("callbackId", callbackId),
const args = callbackMessage.getArgsList().map((a) => this.protoToArgument(a));
* Start the ping loop. Does nothing if already pinging.
private readonly startPinging = (): void => {
if (typeof this.pingTimeout !== "undefined") {
const schedulePing = (): void => {
this.pingTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
const clientMsg = new ClientMessage();
clientMsg.setPing(new Ping());
}, this.pingTimeoutDelay);
* Return the message's ID if it has one or a string identifier. For logging
* errors with an ID to make the error more useful.
private getMessageId(message: ServerMessage): number | string | undefined {
if (message.hasInit()) {
return "init";
} else if (message.hasSuccess()) {
return message.getSuccess()!.getId();
} else if (message.hasFail()) {
return message.getFail()!.getId();
} else if (message.hasEvent()) {
const eventMessage = message.getEvent()!.getNamedEvent()!
|| message.getEvent()!.getNumberedEvent()!;
return `event: ${eventMessage.getEvent()}`;
} else if (message.hasCallback()) {
const callbackMessage = message.getCallback()!.getNamedCallback()!
|| message.getCallback()!.getNumberedCallback()!;
return `callback: ${callbackMessage.getCallbackId()}`;
} else if (message.hasSharedProcessActive()) {
return "shared";
} else if (message.hasPong()) {
return "pong";
* Return a proxy that makes remote calls.
private createProxy<T>(proxyId: number | Module, promise: Promise<any> = Promise.resolve()): T {
logger.trace(() => [
"creating proxy",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
const instance = new Proxy({
onDone: (cb: (...args: any[]) => void): void => {
this.eventEmitter.event(proxyId, (event) => {
if (event.event === "done") {
onEvent: (cb: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void): void => {
this.eventEmitter.event(proxyId, (event) => {
cb(event.event, ...event.args);
}, {
get: (target: any, name: string): any => {
// When resolving a promise with a proxy, it will check for "then".
if (name === "then") {
if (typeof target[name] === "undefined") {
target[name] = (...args: any[]): Promise<any> | ServerProxy => {
return this.remoteCall(proxyId, name, args);
return target[name];
this.proxies.set(proxyId, {
callbacks: new Map(),
instance.onDone(() => {
const log = (): void => {
logger.trace(() => [
typeof proxyId === "number" ? "disposed proxy" : "disposed proxy callbacks",
field("proxyId", proxyId),
field("disconnected", this.disconnected),
field("callbacks", Array.from(this.proxies.values()).reduce((count, proxy) => count + proxy.callbacks.size, 0)),
field("success listeners", this.successEmitter.counts),
field("fail listeners", this.failEmitter.counts),
field("event listeners", this.eventEmitter.counts),
// Uniquely identified items (top-level module proxies) can continue to
// be used so we don't need to delete them.
if (typeof proxyId === "number") {
const dispose = (): void => {
if (!this.disconnected) {
} else {
} else {
// The callbacks will still be unusable though.
return instance;
* We aren't guaranteed the promise will call all the `then` callbacks
* synchronously once it resolves, so the event message can come in and fire
* before a caller has been able to attach an event. Waiting for the promise
* ensures it runs after everything else.
private async ensureResolved(proxyId: number | Module): Promise<void> {
await this.getProxy(proxyId).promise;
* Same as protoToArgument except provides createProxy.
private protoToArgument(value?: Argument, promise?: Promise<any>): any {
return protoToArgument(value, undefined, (id) => this.createProxy(id, promise));
* Get a proxy. Error if it doesn't exist.
private getProxy(proxyId: number | Module): ProxyData {
if (!this.proxies.has(proxyId)) {
throw new Error(`proxy ${proxyId} disposed too early`);
return this.proxies.get(proxyId)!;