
115 lines
3.7 KiB

. build/azure-pipelines/win32/exec.ps1
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$ARTIFACT_PROCESSED_WILDCARD_PATH = "$env:PIPELINE_WORKSPACE/artifacts_processed_*/artifacts_processed_*"
function Get-PipelineArtifact {
param($Name = '*')
try {
$res = Invoke-RestMethod "$($env:BUILDS_API_URL)artifacts?api-version=6.0" -Headers @{
Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
} -MaximumRetryCount 5 -RetryIntervalSec 1
if (!$res) {
$res.value | Where-Object { $ -Like $Name }
} catch {
Write-Warning $_
# This set will keep track of which artifacts have already been processed
$set = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new()
# Grab the latest artifact_processed text file and load all assets already processed from that.
# This means that the latest artifact_processed_*.txt file has all of the contents of the previous ones.
# Note: The kusto-like syntax only works in PS7+ and only in scripts, not at the REPL.
| Sort-Object
| Select-Object -Last 1
| Get-Content
| ForEach-Object {
$set.Add($_) | Out-Null
Write-Host "Already processed artifact: $_"
# Create the artifact file that will be used for this run
New-Item -Path $ARTIFACT_PROCESSED_FILE_PATH -Force | Out-Null
# Determine which stages we need to watch
$stages = @(
if ($env:VSCODE_BUILD_STAGE_WINDOWS -eq 'True') { 'Windows' }
if ($env:VSCODE_BUILD_STAGE_LINUX -eq 'True') { 'Linux' }
if ($env:VSCODE_BUILD_STAGE_MACOS -eq 'True') { 'macOS' }
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
$artifacts = Get-PipelineArtifact -Name 'vscode_*'
if (!$artifacts) {
$artifacts | ForEach-Object {
$artifactName = $
if($set.Add($artifactName)) {
Write-Host "Processing artifact: '$artifactName. Downloading from: $($_.resource.downloadUrl)"
try {
Invoke-RestMethod $_.resource.downloadUrl -OutFile "$env:AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY/$" -Headers @{
Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
} -MaximumRetryCount 5 -RetryIntervalSec 1 | Out-Null
Expand-Archive -Path "$env:AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY/$" -DestinationPath $env:AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY | Out-Null
} catch {
Write-Warning $_
$set.Remove($artifactName) | Out-Null
$null,$product,$os,$arch,$type = $artifactName -split '_'
$asset = Get-ChildItem -rec "$env:AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY/$artifactName"
Write-Host "Processing artifact with the following values:"
# turning in into an object just to log nicely
product = $product
os = $os
arch = $arch
type = $type
asset = $asset.Name
} | Format-Table
exec { node build/azure-pipelines/common/createAsset.js $product $os $arch $type $asset.Name $asset.FullName }
# Get the timeline and see if it says the other stage completed
try {
$timeline = Invoke-RestMethod "$($env:BUILDS_API_URL)timeline?api-version=6.0" -Headers @{
Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"
} -MaximumRetryCount 5 -RetryIntervalSec 1
} catch {
Write-Warning $_
foreach ($stage in $stages) {
$otherStageFinished = $timeline.records | Where-Object { $ -eq $stage -and $_.type -eq 'stage' -and $_.state -eq 'completed' }
if (!$otherStageFinished) {
$artifacts = Get-PipelineArtifact -Name 'vscode_*'
$artifactsStillToProcess = $artifacts.Count -ne $set.Count
} while (!$otherStageFinished -or $artifactsStillToProcess)
Write-Host "Processed $($set.Count) artifacts."